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Set Up Public Self-Registration


After installing the Public Self-Registration module, you need to set it up before using it with the Case Management Studio Base application. This guide walks you through the setup steps, including:

Step 1: Set up the connected system

The first step in setting up the Public Self-Registration module with your Case Management Studio Base application involves setting up the connected system that backs claiming a case.

  1. Log in to the target environment.
  2. Navigate to the Admin Console and select Web API Authentication.
  3. From the API Key tab, click CREATE.
  4. In the Description field, add a unique description for the API key.
  5. Click the icon next to the Service Account field to create a new service account.
    1. In the Username field, enter claimCase.
    2. In the Groups field, enter CMGT Service Accounts to add it to the appropriate group.
    3. Click CREATE to apply the new service account to the API key.
  6. Click CREATE to create the new API key, copy it, and save it to use in step 11.
  7. Go to Appian Designer > Applications and select the CMGT Add-On - Self Registration application.
  8. Under Object Type, select Connected System.
  9. Search for and open CMGT SELF Connected System.
  10. Find the Value field and click the Clear link next to it.
  11. Paste the API key you saved in step 6 in the cleared Value field.
  12. In the Base URL field, update the URL to match the URL of the target environment you are in. Be sure to use the following URL format:
  13. Click SAVE.

Step 2: Add the My Account page

Next, you must add the My Account page to the portal.

To update the portal:

  1. From Appian Designer > Applications, select the CMGT Portal Module application.
  2. Search for and open the CMGT_Portal portal object.
  3. Click Add Page and enter the following details:
    • Title: My Account
    • Web Address Identifier: my-account
    • Icon: file-o
    • Content: CMGT_SELF_PortalPage_MyAccount

This section provides instructions for linking the portal home page to the My Account page.

To add a link from the portal home page to the My Account page:

  1. From Appian Designer > Applications, select the CMGT Portal Module application.
  2. Search for and open the CMGT_PortalPage_Home interface and click the Expression Editor view.
  3. Copy the following code block and paste it as the last item in the local!portalPages array as shown.

    pageType: "MyAccount",
    label: 'translation!{2ed0b429-53f7-4b8b-923d-ec5b1ef98825}CMGT_SELF Translations.{0a0e3219-d2fd-4010-8b5b-a20eced229a6}',
    link: local!portalUrl & "/page/" & cons!CMGT_SELF_TXT_MY_ACCOUNT_PORTAL_URL_STUB,
    description: 'translation!{2ed0b429-53f7-4b8b-923d-ec5b1ef98825}CMGT_SELF Translations.{0c575c22-89c1-4d0a-8c5d-0b86886a9663}'


  4. Click SAVE CHANGES and close the interface.

Step 4: Add the Claim Case page to the My Cases site

Next, you must add the Claim Case site page the the My Cases site, so users can find their cases once logged in.

To add the Claim Case site page to the My Cases site:

  1. From Appian Designer > Applications, open the CMGT Add On: My Cases Module application.
  2. Search for and open the CMGT_LA_CaseManagementSite site object and click Add Page.
  3. Enter the following details:
    • Title: Claim Case
      • Note: Use the translation string from CMGT_SELF Translations translation set.
    • Web Address Identifier: claim-case
    • Icon: file-o
    • Type: Interface
    • Content: CMGT_SELF_LA_SitePage_ClaimCase
    • Width: Wide
    • Visibility: Always show
  4. Click DONE.
  5. Use the up arrow to move the new Claim Case page up so it is positioned after the Cases site page and before the Contact Us site page.
  6. Click SAVE CHANGES and close.

Follow the steps in this section to add a link from the My Cases home page to the Claim Case page, which provides another way for users to navigate from the My Cases home page to the Claim Case site page.

To add a link from the My Cases home page to the Claim Case page:

  1. From Appian Designer > Applications, open the CMGT Add On: My Cases Module application.
  2. Search for and open the CMGT_LA_SitePages_HeaderLayout interface and click the Expression Editor view.
  3. Locate the a!columnsLayout that contains the Create Case button, copy the following code block, and paste it as the second column as shown.

    showActions: ri!showActions


  4. Click SAVE CHANGES and close the interface.

Step 6: Add the Claimed By details in the case summary

Follow the steps in this section to add the Claimed By details to the Case Summary view.

To add the Claimed By details:

  1. From Appian Designer > Applications, open the CMGT Case Management Studio Base application.
  2. Search for and open the CMGT_Case_CaseSummary interface and click the Expression Editor view.
  3. Locate the a!cardLayout, then copy and paste the following code block after the portal fields logic as shown.

    brandingMap: ri!brandingMap,
    case: ri!case


  4. Click SAVE CHANGES and close the interface.

Step 7: Capture the audit for claiming a case

Finally, you need to incorporate the logic that tracks an audit event when a case is claimed.

To add that logic:

  1. From Appian Designer > Applications, select the CMGT Case Management Studio Base application.
  2. Search for and open the CMGT_Role_SetEvents expression rule.
  3. Add another condition to the match() statement that returns a value based on the roleTypeId. See the image for where and how to add the condition.
    • Note: If the role being added is the claimant, this new logic returns the reference ID for the Add Claimant event type.


  4. Click SAVE CHANGES.
