This content applies solely to Connected Underwriting, which must be purchased separately from the Appian base platform. |
IntroductionCopy link to clipboard
This page outlines and explains the patterns developed by the Appian Solutions developers to make it easy to navigate and understand the application when making changes. You can find additional examples that show how to customize and modify your solution in the Modifying Connected Underwriting P&C guides.
Note: For the purpose of this document, the terms Priority Scoring and Submission Scoring are used interchangeably and refer to the Submission Scoring rules and associated objects.
Connected Underwriting P&C sitesCopy link to clipboard
Connected Underwriting P&C has two key sites:
- Connected Underwriting: This is the primary site for all users of the solution. This is where users can view key records and take relevant actions to advance business workflows.
- Connected Underwriting Settings: This site is for business power users of the solution. The groups using this site can set key settings about how larger functionality is set within the solution.
Primary records and relationshipsCopy link to clipboard
Connected Underwriting P&C uses Appian records and record relationships to power the Underwriting processes.
Transactional record overviewCopy link to clipboard
The primary transactional record used throughout the solution is the Submission record.
The Submission record has relationships with multiple other, more minor transactional records, including one-to-one relationships with the following records:
- Submission Decision: This record represents the single decision an Underwriter may ultimately make for a Submission.
- Threadset: This record represents the link between Submissions and Messaging-related records.
The Submission record has one-to-many relationships with the following records:
- Submission LOB: This record represents the Lines of Business (LOB) a Submission is related to. This record has additional one-to-many relationships with other transactional records, depending on the LOB type the Submission is listed under. This record also has a relationship with the transactional Priority Score Outcome record, which is used to calculate priority for a particular Submission.
- Submission Document: This record represents various Documents that may be attached to a Submission.
- Task: This record represents Tasks that can be created and completed for a Submission.
- Alert: This record represents Alerts that may be automatically generated through user action with a Submission.
- Submission Note: This record represents Notes created by a user on a Submission.
- Submission Watcher: This record represents users who are watchers on a Submission.
- Submission Event Audit: This record represents distinct historical events/actions which have taken place on a Submission.
Sitting levels above the Submission record are the Customer, Broker, and Broker Office records. The Submission record has a many-to-one relationship with both the Customer and Broker records, and the Broker record has a many-to-one relationship with the Broker Office records:
- Customer: This record represents the actual Customer which a Submission is for.
- Broker: This record represents the Broker who submitted the Submission on behalf of the Customer.
- Broker Office: This record represents the Broker Office for a specific Broker.
In addition to these, there exists a variety of transactional records relating to the Messaging module. The key transactional records involved with Messaging functionality are the following:
- Thread: This record represents the sole thread relating to the corresponding Threadset for a Submission.
- Message: This record represents a single message in any thread for a Submission.
- Thread Recipient: This record represents all current recipients for a specific messaging thread for a Submission.
- Message Recipient: This record represents the specific recipients for a Message at the time a message was sent.
- Message Attachment: This record represents attachments for a Message.
Lastly, there exists transactional records relating to the email and IDP workflow for this application. These records host attempted IDP extractions and exception flows for emails and documents that come into the application which could not be processed automatically. These include:
- Message Exception: This record holds exceptions relating to incoming emails which could not be attached to a particular Submission.
- Extraction Reconciliation Exception: This record holds reconciliation exceptions for documents that need to be manually reconciled by a user before final information is extracted and saved from a document that underwent IDP extraction.
- Classification Exception: This record holds exceptions for documents that need to be classified correctly after uncertain or failed IDP classification of documents.
- Submission Document Extraction: This record holds the extracted, reconciled values from a document extraction attempt.
Reference record overviewCopy link to clipboard
In addition to the transactional records described above, Connected Underwriting P&C leverages the use of Reference records to hold data to be displayed and stored for transactional purposes.
The primary record is the Reference Data record, which holds unique codes and corresponding front-end display labels for such data. This record should strictly be inserted into and updated by developers, and front-end control of this record should be limited only to data reads.
Individual records also exist for more complicated pieces of reference data, which capture additional pieces of metadata that the Reference Data record cannot capture on its own. These types of reference tables include:
- Reference Document Type: This record contains reference data for Submission Document types and information about the extractability of such documents.
- Reference Status: This record contains reference data for different statuses of a Submission and whether certain types of Submission edits are allowed.
There also exist reference records which may be interacted with and controlled by business administrators through the Connected Underwriting P&C Settings page. These reference records provide a means for controlling larger business logic in processes, and though they are transactional in the sense that front-end users have control over at least some of the data in them, they are named and treated as reference records considering their larger business implications. More specifically, these records are used in the configuration of Alerts and Priority Score and Scoring Sets:
- Reference Alert Configuration, Alert Set, and Alert Condition: The set of records used for controlling how Alerts are generated for a Submission.
- Reference Scoring Set, Scoring Condition, and Scoring Set LOB: The set of records used for holding information relating to Scoring Tables.
- Reference Priority Set and Priority-Scoring Map: The set of records used for holding Submission Scoring Rules and mapping individual Scoring Sets to a Priority Scoring rule.
Usage of Records and LimitationsCopy link to clipboard
Much of Connected Underwriting P&C’s technical design and functionality is driven by the core records described above. Records, and specifically, synced records, are used consistently in expressions, interfaces, and process models, instead of CDTs; both data writes and data reads leverage record data types.
As of Appian 22.3, there exists a 2,000,000 row limit that can be synced on a synced record. Connected Underwriting P&C currently assumes that volumes should be low enough so that no more than this number of rows will exist for any particular table.
In addition to this, records often use a source filter to prevent soft-deleted data from the database from syncing in an additional attempt to keep data volumes under this maximum. There are also limitations on the size of fields which can be synced through records. Because this application contains a few long text fields on particular tables which exceed this size, these fields are read and written using CDTs.
Naming conventionsCopy link to clipboard
The following items demonstrate Connected Underwriting P&C’s standard naming conventions for objects and tables related to the solution:
CDTCopy link to clipboard
Pascal casing with appropriate prefixes.
RecordCopy link to clipboard
- Snake case with proper naming.
- “Record” prefix always used.
“R” prefix used for reference records.
ExpressionCopy link to clipboard
Camel casing.
InterfaceCopy link to clipboard
Camel casing.
QueryingCopy link to clipboard
Camel casing with appropriate “QR” or “QE” prefix, depending on entity or record being queried.
ISU_(QR or QE)_get(Entities)
Process ModelCopy link to clipboard
Proper naming.
ISU (Process Model Name)
ISU Extract Document
ISU Edit Auto Risk Info
SiteCopy link to clipboard
Snake case with proper naming.
ConstantCopy link to clipboard
Screaming snake case with appropriate type of constant as prefix.
FolderCopy link to clipboard
Proper naming.
ISU (Folder Name)
ISU Branding Files
ISU Process Reports
GroupCopy link to clipboard
Proper naming
ISU (Group Name)
ISU Administrators
ISU Managers
Data StoreCopy link to clipboard
Proper naming.
ISU (Data Store Name)
ISU Transactional Data
ISU Reference Data
Database Tables and ColumnsCopy link to clipboard
Screaming snake case with “T” or “R” prefix for tables.
Variables and Rule InputsCopy link to clipboard
- Camel casing.
Use plural name to indicate an array.
(variableName) or (variableNames>)
- submissionLob
- submissionDocuments
Field NamesCopy link to clipboard
Camel casing.
PrefixesCopy link to clipboard
Specific prefixes are used for consistency and give a high level understanding of the object or database table. Prefixes are used to indicate where the object is used and what the object is used for.
is the prefix for all objects and database tables created and included in Connected Underwriting P&C. This will help differentiate objects that were shipped as part of the solution.
Note: It is recommended that implementation teams use a distinct prefix for custom objects.
Database table names follow the pattern: ISU_[Table Type][Module][Table Name].
The Appian objects in the application follow the pattern: ISU_[Module][ObjectType][ObjectDescription].
Module PrefixesCopy link to clipboard
Module prefixes indicate that certain tables or objects all relate to the same functionality.
The Messaging module provides the functionality for creating and attaching user-generated messages to a particular Submission. Objects and tables related to this module use the prefix MSG
Table Type PrefixesCopy link to clipboard
Table type prefixes are specific to the database tables and indicate what the table is used for.
- Reference (R): Tables holding data that is relatively static and generally used for populating other fields or tables.
- Transactional (T): Tables holding data that is often modified and created by front-end users.
The “R” prefix is used additionally in the naming convention for defining corresponding record types, but transactional records drop the “T” prefix that should be contained in their corresponding database table.
Object Type Additional PrefixesCopy link to clipboard
Additional prefixes may be appended to objects and constants to help better indicate what type of object is being used and to aid the user in understanding what an object is before opening it.
Examples of additional prefixes and their object types are:
AGG | Aggregation |
CP | Component |
CONF | Configuration |
DOC | Document |
DSE | Data Store Entity |
ENUM | Designer defined enumeration |
EXTRACTION | Indicates a CDT that is used for document extraction via IDP |
GRP | Group |
INT | Integer |
PM | Process Model |
REF_CODE | Reference code from a referential database table |
REF_TYPE | Reference type from the main Reference Data database table |
TXT | Text |
UNMAPPED | Used to indicate a CDT is not mapped to any database table |
USER_ACTION | A type of user action; often used for button labels |
UT | Utility function |
Common ObjectsCopy link to clipboard
Common Objects are used consistently across the application to help with logic or formatting. These objects are prefixed with CO
Caution: Don't change CO objects, as they are used multiple places and can cause issues.
Deprecated ObjectsCopy link to clipboard
Deprecated Objects may no longer be used within the application, but are included due to potential application upgrade conflicts. These objects will all be prefixed with ISU_DEPRECATED
InternationalizationCopy link to clipboard
Connected Underwriting P&C can be translated into multiple languages. Note that certain UI text for Connected Underwriting P&C interfaces are contained in translation set string files. For example, labels, validation messages, tooltips, and instructional text all exist in translation set string files. To update this UI text, you update the associated translation set string file.
However, some dropdown list values are stored reference data tables that are limited to a single language. If you want to change the dropdown values, you need to first update the corresponding values in the underlying database table. It's important to note that user-entered text will always appear in the language that the user entered.
Using Translation Set String filesCopy link to clipboard
In order to display UI text, Connected Underwriting P&C loads the correct language translation set string (or document file) based on the default language the user has selected. It is important that each default language available for users has a corresponding set of translation set string files. For example, if users can select English (United States) or Español from settings, there must be corresponding translation set string files for each of these languages.
To use translation set strings in interfaces and expression rules, simply reference the correct translation set string from the corresponding translation set by using the prefix translation!
and searching for the desired string. On the front-end, the string will be loaded in the language corresponding to the logged in user’s locale settings.
Updating Translation Set String file textCopy link to clipboard
To update the text or languages in the translation set string files, change the text of the corresponding translation set string in Appian Designer.
It is also possible to download the translation set string file documents directly and update them manually. Be sure to update the value of a translation set string for each language.
Default Translation Set String filesCopy link to clipboard
The sole translation set string file shipped with Connected Underwriting P&C is named ISU_Translations
. This file contains all strings that are referenced in the application.
It is important to note that any add-on modules that you integrate with your Connected Underwriting P&C ship with their own translation sets.