Beginning with Appian 25.4, all new versions of Appian will require containers managed by Kubernetes to run in a self-managed environment. Review the 24.4 release notes and frequently asked questions to learn more. |
OverviewCopy link to clipboard
Appian Process Engine Server configuration settings can be customized by listing the property in the <APPIAN_HOME>/conf/
file. When changed, these settings are detected and loaded by the application server without a restart.
See also: Configuring Custom Properties
We recommend working with Appian Technical Support to ensure that any of the following settings are implemented safely. Incorrect settings can lead to application instability and failure.
Process execution propertiesCopy link to clipboard
AUTOARCHIVE_DELAYCopy link to clipboard Setting | Description |
server.conf.exec.AUTOARCHIVE_DELAY | By default, completed and canceled processes are archived every 7 days after they have completed or been canceled (when AUTOARCHIVE is set to 1). The archive interval value can be changed by setting AUTOARCHIVE_DELAY to the desired number of days. Each completed or canceled process is automatically archived after the time set for this parameter has elapsed. It is set to 7 by default. See also: Archiving and Unarchiving Processes. |
CHAINED_EXECUTION_NODE_LIMITCopy link to clipboard Setting | Description |
server.conf.exec.CHAINED_EXECUTION_NODE_LIMIT | This parameter lists the maximum number of unattended nodes that can be executed while searching for the next attended node during activity-chaining. By default, this is set to 50 nodes. |
Common Process settingsCopy link to clipboard
Common Process settings can be modified by setting the values of the following parameters in the
NOTES_SRC_DIRCopy link to clipboard Setting | Description |
server.conf.processcommon.NOTES_SRC_DIR | This property lists the directory where process notes are stored. The default directory is <APPIAN_HOME>/_admin/process_notes/ . |
MAX_EXEC_ENGINE_LOAD_METRICCopy link to clipboard Setting | Description |
server.conf.processcommon.MAX_EXEC_ENGINE_LOAD_METRIC | This metric limits the amount of memory that a single execution engine will use. On production systems, raise this setting to a value of 120 or higher. |
Through a sampling technique, an approximation of the RAM utilized by a single execution engine is calculated as the Execution Engine Load Metric. The MAX_EXEC_ENGINE_LOAD_METRIC setting is intended to cap the RAM usage of the Execution Engine according to the calculated Load Metric. When the calculated metric value reaches 100% of the specified maximum, no new process can be started (on the affected execution engine) without raising the cap. It is also highly recommended that you archive your completed process instances.
Warn Nearing Load Metric Limit
Warnings are generated when the calculated value for engine load reaches 75%
of the MAX_EXEC_ENGINE_LOAD_METRIC setting. If you receive a warning, you should contact Appian Technical support for assistance. This warning might indicate that you need to increase the amount of available RAM on the server or reevaluate your process design.
The status script lists a warning when the calculated value for engine load reaches
If the MAX_EXEC_ENGINE_LOAD_METRIC limit is reached, the status script states
Engine [engine name] on [host] has a load metric of [load metric] and the configured limit is [MAX_EXEC_ENGINE_LOAD_METRIC]
. New processes cannot be started on an execution engine where the calculated load metric limit reaches or exceeds the MAX_EXEC_ENGINE_LOAD_METRIC
Note: If an Execution Engine refuses to start new processes because it has crossed the MAX_EXEC_ENGINE_LOAD_METRIC threshold, it is still possible for processes that run on a different execution engine to continue starting as long as there is available RAM, according to the system architecture.
On production systems, the maximum metric value should be raised from its default value of 40 to a value of 120
or higher. It can be further raised (above 120) according to the amount of RAM available to the execution engines. As a general rule of thumb, if you have installed more RAM than the minimum system requirement of 4GB you can raise the value for this metric by a number that equals the GB of additional RAM on your system multiplied by the number 60. The maximum setting for this metric on a 64 bit machine is 2145
MAXIMUM_REPORT_MSCopy link to clipboard Setting | Description |
server.conf.processcommon.MAXIMUM_REPORT_MS | This property sets the maximum amount of time that can be taken by the server to process and return report data, in milliseconds. The most complex reports should only take 2000 milliseconds to generate. If you must raise this setting for a report, never set this parameter above 15000 milliseconds. This property can also be lowered to reduce the load on the Analytics engine. In all cases, reports that take longer than the defined number of milliseconds will not complete. |
All custom replacement values (except for the MAXIMUM_REPORT_MS
property) must be higher than the default value. Otherwise, application errors may occur.