Take the Appian Developer Sentiment Survey View this page in the latest version of Appian. Parsing Batch Test Results for Expression Rules Share Share via LinkedIn Reddit Email Copy Link Print On This Page Overview This page explains how to read the results of test runs returned by Automated Testing for Expression Rules. Test run results structure The results of a test run will be returned in a TestRunResult data type, which organizes the results by application, followed by rules and finally by test cases. The following diagram displays the different data types containing test result information: TestRunResult |_ ApplicationTestResult |_ ObjectTestResult |_ TestCaseResult Each of these data types captures different metrics for a test run, along with additional metadata for test cases, expression rules, and applications. Each data type can be saved as a variable of the corresponding type when used in an expression rule, interface, or process model. Starting from the innermost data type: Data Type Description TestCaseResult Contains test statistics for each test case. Test cases are grouped by expression rule. ObjectTestResult Contains test statistics for each expression rule. Expression rules are grouped by application. Because expression rules can be moved after a test run starts, expresion rules will be part of the application they belong to when all test cases have been completed. Although it is possible to have expression rules that belong to multiple applications; each test case is executed only once. The rule will show up under each application that they are part of. ApplicationTestResult Contains test statistics for each application. TestRunResult Contains test statistics for the test run. A test run can contain zero or more application. The following table contains a list of the different fields on each of the data types in this hierarchy. For additional details, see Data Type Definition section. TestRunResult ApplicationTestResult ObjectTestResult TestCaseResult id id id id type uuid uuid name status name name status totalExecutionTime status version errorMessage totalElapsedTime totalExecutionTime url failureMessage queueTime testCount totalExecutionTime executionTime startTime errorCount totalElapsedTime elapsedTime endTime failureCount queueTime queueTime testCount passCount startTime startTime errorCount problemObjectsTestResult endTime endTime failureCount passObjectsTestResult lastModifiedBy passCount lastModifiedOn executedBy testCasesResult applicationTestResults Data Type Definition The following sections describes the TestRunResult data type and its children. Note: ApplicationTestResult and ObjectTestResult will be sorted by name. TestCaseResult, will have the same order in which the test cases appear in the expression rule object. TestRunResult TestRunResult contains test statistics for the test run across all applications being tested. A test run can contain zero or more applications. Field - Type Type Description id Number(Integer) Unique ID for each test run in the system. This id is passed to the a!testRunResultForId function to retrieve results for the test run. type Text System Test Application Test status Text Specifies the status of the test: PASS - All test cases executed passed ERROR - There is at least one error in a test case definition FAIL - There is at least one error in an assertion but no errors in the test case definition IN PROGRESS - Not all test cases have been executed yet Note: Status values are not internationalized. totalExecutionTime Number(Decimal) Sum of executionTime for the individual test cases that are part of the test run in seconds. Difference between endTime and startTime fields in seconds. Note: Rounded to three decimals as they represent milliseconds. totalElapsedTime Number(Decimal) Time it took to execute all test cases in the test run, from the moment the test was queued to the time the last test case finished. Difference between endTime and queueTime fields in seconds. Note: Rounded to three decimals as they represent milliseconds. queueTime Data and Time Time and date when the first test case in the system or application(s) was added to the execution queue. Note: Rounded to three decimals as they represent milliseconds. startTime Date and Time Time and date when the first test case in the test run started executing. Note: The timezone matches that of the user account calling this function. endTime Date and Time Time and date when the last test case in the test run finished executing. If test cases, are still executing, this will be the end time for the last finished test case. If no test cases have been completed, this field will be empty. Note: The timezone matches that of the user account calling this function. testCount Number(Integer) Total number of test cases across all expression rules in the system, or selected application(s) being tested. Note: If partial results are retrieved, this matches test cases executed thus far. errorCount Number(Integer) Total number of errors in the system or selected applications. Either in the definition of expression rules, or in the definition of the test cases. Note: If partial results are retrieved, this matches the number of errors in test cases executed thus far. failureCount Number(Integer) Total number of assertions failed in the system or selected application(s). Note: If partial results are retrieved, this matches the number of assertions failed in test cases executed thus far. passCount Number(Integer) Total number of test cases passed in the system or selected application(s). Note: If partial results are retrieved, this matches the number of errors in test cases executed thus far. executedBy Text The username of the person initiating the test. applicationTestResults Array of ApplicationTestResult Test result for the system or selected application(s). Note: Objects that are not part of any application, will be grouped in an ApplicationTestResult structure with the application name: Other Objects; in this case, uuid will be set to an empty string. Sample TestRunResult The following table shows a sample test run for an application test, which contains a total of 10 test cases, out of which there is 1 failure and 9 successfully executed test cases. TestRunResult id: 2 type: Application Test status: FAIL totalExecutionTime: 0.023 totalElapsedTime: 0.816 queueTime: 2016-04-19T21:15:30.430 startTime: 2016-04-19T21:15:30.890 endTime: 2016-04-19T21:15:31.240 testCount: 10 errorCount: 0 failureCount: 1 passCount: 9 executedBy: michael.smith applicationTestResults: … ApplicationTestResult ApplicationTestResult contains test result for all expression rules in an application, and provides statistics for an individual application. Field Type Description id Number(Integer) Unique ID for the application test result. uuid Text Uuid of the application being tested. name Text Name of the application. Or, Other Objects for objects that don’t belong to any application. url Text URL of the application. Or, empty for objects that don't belong to any application. status Text Specifies the status of the application being tested: PASS - All test cases executed passed. ERROR - There is at least one error in a test case definition. FAIL - There is at least one error in an assertion but no errors in the test case definition. IN PROGRESS - Not all test cases have been executed yet. Note: Status values are not internationalized. totalExecutionTime Number(Decimal) Sum of executionTime for the individual test cases that are part of the application in seconds. Note: Rounded to three decimals as they represent milliseconds. testCount Number(Integer) Total number of test cases across all expression rules in the application being tested. errorCount Number(Integer) Total number of errors in the application. Either in the definition of expression rules, or in the definition of the test cases Note: If partial results are retrieved, this matches the number of errors in test cases executed thus far. failureCount Number(Integer) Total number of assertions failed in the application. Note: If partial results are retrieved, this matches the number of errors in test cases executed thus far. passCount Number(Integer) Total number of passed test cases in the application. Note: If partial results are retrieved, this matches the number of errors in test cases executed thus far. problemObjectsTestResult Array of ObjectTestResult Contains object information and a reference to each of the object’s test cases with failed assertions or errors in the definition of the expression rule or in the test case definition. passObjectsTestResult Array of ObjectTestResult Contains object information and a reference to each of the object’s test cases with passed test cases. Sample ApplicationTestResult The following table shows the details on the application that was tested in the previous section. Although this example is for one application test, a system test can include as many ApplicationTestResult data types as applications are in the system. applicationTestResults id: 5379 uuid: _a-0000dbf6-6dd4-8000-643f-01ef9001ef90_4076 name: Common Objects url: https://myapp.appian.com/suite/design/1EkOlUEUY4g_iybY1hw3HrlEJ0gPV_iNyOG7M2JYrQ status: FAIL totalExecutionTime: 0.023 testCount: 10 errorCount: 0 failureCount: 1 passCount: 9 problemObjectsTestResult: ... passObjectsTestResult: ... ObjectTestResult This section provides details for the problemObjectsTestResult and passObjectsTestResult elements, which are arrays of type ObjectTestResult. The ObjectTestResult contains data for each of the expression rules with test cases. Field Type Description id Number(Integer) Unique ID for the object test result. uuid Text Object uuid. name Text Name of the object. version Number(Integer) Object version. url Text URL to view the rule in expression rule designer. totalExecutionTime Number(Decimal) Sum of executionTime for the individual test cases that are part of the expression rule. Difference between endTime and startTime fields in seconds. Note: Rounded to three decimals as they represent milliseconds. totalElapsedTime Number(Decimal) Time it took to execute all test cases in the object, from the moment the first test case was added to the queue to the time the last test case finished. Difference between endTime and queueTime fields in seconds. Note: Rounded to three decimals as they represent milliseconds. queueTime Date and Time Time and date when the first test case in the object was added to the execution queue. Note: The timezone matches that of the user account calling this function. startTime Date and Time Time and date when the first test case in the object began executing. Note: The timezone matches that of the user account calling this function. endTime Date and Time Time and date when the last test case in the object finished executing. Note: The timezone matches that of the user account calling this function. lastModifiedBy Text Username who last modified the object. This can be used to create a task to inform that user when a test fails. lastModifiedOn Date and Time Date and time when the object was last modified. testCasesResult Array of TestCaseResult Test results for each of the test cases setup for an object (for example, a rule). Note: Test cases are filtered (that is, pass, failure) on the ApplicationTestResult data type. Sample ObjectTestResult Both, the problemObjectsTestResult and passObjectsTestResult elements, are arrays of type: ObjectTestResult. The Common Objects application contains 4 expression rules, one of which has a failing expresion rule. The example below reflects this by showing 1 problemObjectsTestResult and 3 passObjectsTestResult elements. For simplicity, the sample snippet only shows values for two expression rules, the details for the remaining expression rules are represented with "…" problemObjectsTestResult: id: 5387 uuid: _a-0000dbf6-6dd4-8000-643f-01ef9001ef90_4135 name: EPC_getShipmentDate version: 2 url: https://mytestsite.com/suite/design/lIBwMofBiV totalExecutionTime: 0.004 totalElapsedTime: 0.816 queueTime: 2016-04-19T21:15:30.430 startTime: 2016-04-19T21:15:31.060 endTime: 2016-04-19T21:15:31.240 lastModifiedBy: michael.smith lastModifiedOn: 2016-04-19T21:15:27.050 testCasesResult: ... testCasesResult: ... testCasesResult: ... passObjectsTestResult: id: 5375 uuid: _a-0000dbf6-6dd4-8000-643f-01ef9001ef90_4112 name: EPC_isUserTypeExternal version: 1 url: https://mytestsite.com/suite/design/lIBwMofBiV totalExecutionTime: 0.004 totalElapsedTime: 0.784 queueTime: 2016-04-19T21:15:30.430Z startTime: 2016-04-19T21:15:30.990Z endTime: 2016-04-19T21:15:31.210Z lastModifiedBy: michael.smith lastModifiedOn: 2016-04-19T21:12:49.420Z testCasesResult: ... testCasesResult: ... testCasesResult: ... passObjectsTestResult: ... passObjectsTestResult: ... TestCaseResult The TestCaseResult stores data relevant to each of the test cases in an object. Field Type Description id Number(Integer) Unique ID for the test case result. name Text Name of the test case. status Text PASS - Test case passed. ERROR - There is an error in the test case definition. FAIL - An assertion failed. TIMEOUT - The execution of the test case timed out. Note: A timeout status in test cases, will manifest itself as an error at the ObjectTestResult level. errorMessage Text Error message due to configuration error or timeout. failureMessage Text Assertion error message. executionTime Number(Decimal) Time it took to execute the individual test case in seconds. Note: Rounded to three decimals as they represent milliseconds. elapsedTime Number (Decimal) Time it took for the test case to finish executing, including time in the queue. Difference between queueTime and endTime fields in seconds. queueTime Data and Time Time and date when the test case was added to the execution queue. startTime Date and Time Time and date when the test case started executing. endTime Date and Time Time and date when the test case finished executing. Sample TestCaseResult The following table shows the details on the 3 test cases that were created for the PO_getShipmentDate expression rule. Notice that these test cases are grouped under a problemObjectsTestResult data type, as the overall test on this expression rule is considered a failure because one of the three test cases in it failed. problemObjectsTestResult: id: 5387 uuid: _a-0000dbf6-6dd4-8000-643f-01ef9001ef90_4135 name: PO_getShipmentDate ... testCasesResult: id: 1255 name: December status: FAIL failureMessage: Assertion expression returned false executionTime: 0.002 elapsedTime: 0.635 queueTime: 2016-04-19T21:15:30.430 startTime: 2016-04-19T21:15:31.060 endTime: 2016-04-19T21:15:31.060 testCasesResult: id: 1253 name: October status: PASS executionTime: 0.001 elapsedTime: 0.705 queueTime: 2016-04-19T21:15:30.430 startTime: 2016-04-19T21:15:31.130 endTime: 2016-04-19T21:15:31.130 testCasesResult: id: 1254 name: November status: PASS executionTime: 0.001 elapsedTime: 0.816 queueTime: 2016-04-19T21:15:30.430 startTime: 2016-04-19T21:15:31.240 endTime: 2016-04-19T21:15:31.240 Feedback Was this page helpful? 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