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Event Data Component
SAIL Design System guidance available for Event History List

The event history list component should allow users to see all relevant event data at a glance. Check out the design guidance page to learn how to display your data in a structured, easy-to-scan layout to help your users find what they need.


a!eventData( recordType, filters, timestamp, user, eventTypeName, details, recordTypeForTag, recordIdentifier, comment, allowUsersToComment, baseRecordIdForComment )

This function determines the event data to display for a single record type in the Event History List component.

See also: Configure Record Events


Name Keyword Types Description

Record Type


Record Type

A reference to a record type, configured using the recordType! domain. For example, recordType!Order. If you configured record events, use the Event History record type.



Any Type

A single logical expression or a list of query filters, which are applied together with an AND operation, can be provided to apply additional filters to the record set. Queries also inherit the record-level security or default filters defined on the referenced record type. When filtering, use only record fields or related record fields from the referenced record type. Record types sourced from a web service or other expression only support this parameter if data sync is enabled.



Record Field

A record field of type Date and Time, Date, or Time that displays the timestamp when an event occurred. The list of event data will be sorted in descending order by this field. If you generated an Event History record type, use the timestamp field from that record type. For example, recordType!Order Event History.fields.timestamp.



Any Type

A record field of type User that displays who completed the event. If you generated an Event History record type, use the user field from that record type. For example, recordType!Order Event History.fields.user.

Event Type Name


Any Type

A record field of type Text that displays the type of event that occurred. If you generated an Event Type Lookup record type, use the eventType relationship on the Event History record type to select the name field. You must use the fv!data prefix to access the data in this field. For example, fv!data[recordType!Order Event].

Additional Details



Any additional information about the event. If you generated an Event History record type, this field is not automatically included, but can be manually added by a developer. You must use the fv!data prefix to access the data in this field. For example, fv!data[recordType!Order Event History.fields.details].

Record Type for Tag


Record Type

The record type linked in the tag for an event.

Record Identifier for Tag


Record Field

The record identifier that links your Event History record type to your base record type.



Record Field

A record field of type Text that displays the comment. If you generated an Event History record type, use the comment field from that record type. For example, recordType!Order Event History.fields.comment.

Allow users to add comments



Determines if users can add comments on the component. Comments will be automatically captured in the selected record type. If you selected a generated Event History record type, comments will be stored in the comment field.

Base Record Id for Comment


Any Type

The identifier that will link a comment to a specific record in the base record type. For example, if you are displaying events about orders, this parameter should reference the identifier of the specific order the comment is about. The identifier must be the same data type as the primary key field in the base record type. For more information, see enable user collaboration.

Usage considerations

Where to use this function

This function can only be used to configure the Event History List component. For the fastest configuration, we recommend using design mode to configure this component.

You can select any record type in the recordType parameter, but this function works best when you select an Event History record type that's used in your record events configuration.

If you generated an Event History record type, you can easily map those generated fields to the parameters in this function.

For example, let's say you configured record events on an Order record type by generating an Event History record type and an Event Type Lookup record type. To configure this function to display the order event history, you'd select the following fields:

Parameter Example Event History Record Field
timestamp recordType!Order Event History.fields.timestamp
user recordType!Order Event History.fields.user
eventTypeLookup recordType!Order Event

Then, if you are logging the specific automation type that completed an event, you could use the following expression in the details parameter to show which type of automation completed the order:

  isNullOrEmpty(recordType!Order Event History.fields.user),
  a!automationType(recordType!Order Event History.fields.automationId) & " completed this order.",


See the Event History List component for examples using this function.

Feature compatibility

The table below lists this component's compatibility with various features in Appian.
Feature Compatibility Note
Portals Incompatible
Offline Mobile Incompatible
Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible
Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible

Custom record fields that evaluate in real time must be configured using one or more Custom Field functions.

Process Reports Incompatible

Cannot be used to configure a process report.

Process Events Incompatible

Cannot be used to configure a process event node, such as a start event or timer event.

Event Data Component