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KPI Page

This page applies to business users. It describes what actions are available in a KPI page in Process HQ.


In Process HQ, a KPI page displays details about a key performance indicator for your process. On this page, you can explore data for that KPI. Then, once you're familiar with the details of your KPI, you can start drilling down on a subset of cases or occurrences related to the KPI.

To access this page, go to a view page, then click on any KPI in the PINNED KPIS section or the All KPIs tab.


The following image highlights the elements included in KPI page:



Actions Available


Navigation bar



Navigate to higher-level pages associated with the KPI:


Time period

Set the time period for the KPI data displaying on the page.


Information pane

  • View basic information about the KPI, including:

    • Name: The KPI name.
    • Value: The current value of the KPI, with an indicator of whether data shows the KPI to be increasing or decreasing recently. For example, for a duration KPI, the value displays in as the number of days and hours it takes the case, activity, or sequence to complete on average.
    • Cases: The number of cases related to the KPI, followed by the total number of cases in the associated view.
    • Last update: The date of the last process update.
    • Description: A brief description of the KPI. For system-provided KPIs, the default text displays. For user-created KPIs, the text defined in the Description property of the KPI displays.
    • Filters: A list of filters configured for the KPI.

  • Manage the KPI from the menu:

  • Start drilling down on characteristics of cases related to the KPI.



Switch between the following tabs to explore data for cases related to the KPI:

  • Process Diagram: View the process diagram for cases related to the KPI.

    From the diagram on this page, you can view details for individual activities or sequences, but you cannot drill down to insights for a specific process part. To drill down on a process part, go to the process diagram in the associated view instead.

  • Case Attributes: View attributes of cases related to the KPI.

    From this tab, you can view attribute value details, as well as start drilling down on a specific attribute value.

  • Case List: View a list of cases related to the KPI.

  • Trend: View a chart of changes in the KPI over time. Depending on the type of KPI, this chart can show a duration trend or an occurrence trend.

  • Insights: View insights related to this KPI.
