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Manage KPIs

This page applies to business users. It describes how to create and manage KPIs in a process view.


A key performance indicator (KPI) allows you to measure the success of your process and track the indicators that are most relevant to your business. A KPI can help you see at a glance if a process is performing to your expectations.

Each view you create starts off with system-provided KPIs that represent the most common ways of tracking process performance and efficiency. Learn more about system-provided KPIs.

You can also create your own KPIs based on your understanding of your business process. These KPIs are known as user-created KPIs. Learn more about when you might want to create a KPI.

You can pin KPIs to a process view, so they display from the moment you open the view.

You can view all KPIs for an individual process view in the All KPIs tab of that view.

Once you create a KPI, you can add it to a dashboard. You can give the KPI a custom name and time range when you use it in a dashboard.

As you're curating your KPIs, you can also delete user-created KPIs from your views as needed.

Tip:  You can drill down from certain KPIs to start building an insight. Learn more.

System-provided KPIs

The system-provided KPIs are described in the table below. The Location column indicates where you can access the KPI.




Average Case Duration

The average duration of cases in the view that occur in the selected date range.

PINNED KPIS section (default) and All KPIs tab of a view

Median Case Duration

The median duration of cases in the view that occur in the selected date range.

Automation Rate

The percentage of activities in the view that were performed by an automation in the selected date range. This calculation is based on the number of events with an Automation attribute. This KPI is only present if your process data includes events with an Automation attribute.

Total Cost

The total cost of all activities in the view. This KPI is empty until you define the activity costs for the process.

Conformance and Costs tab of a view

Overall Conformance Rate

The percentage of cases in the view that are occurring in the expected order. This KPI is empty until you define the expected activity order for the process.

User-created KPIs

You should create a KPI when the system-provided KPIs don't address all use cases for your business.

The following KPI templates can be used to display the data you need:

  • Count: Shows the total number of activities, sequences, or attributes.
  • Duration:
    • Measure by Time to show how long cases, activities, or sequences are taking.
    • Measure by SLA to show a count of fulfillments or violations of a Service Level Agreement (SLA) for a process, sequence, or activity.
  • Aggregation: Shows an aggregated value based on a selected column that refers to a numeric attribute.

Common KPI use cases

Some examples of common use cases for the different KPI types can include, but are not limited to the following.

Track Example KPI
How many times a certain activity, sequence, or attribute occurs. View the amount of review repetitions (review to review). Count KPI
How many cases have an occurrence of a certain activity, sequence, or attribute. View the percentage of cases with manual activities. Count KPI
Different SLAs for sequences and repetitions. Keep track of support tickets for different customer tiers. Premium support might only have 1 day of initial response time whereas you have 3 days time to respond to customers in the Standard support tier. Duration KPI (SLA)
The percentage of conforming or violating executions. Show the total percentage of contracts that are violating SLA. Duration KPI (SLA)
The average or median duration of cases in the process. See that the mean and median case durations are less than 1 week. Duration KPI (time)
The average, median, or total duration of an activity. See that reviews take an average of 3 hours. Duration KPI (time)
The average, median, or total duration of a sequence. See that there are an average of 83 days and 13 hours between requests for information (RFIs). Duration KPI (time)
The minimum value for an attribute in the process. Calculate the minimum distribution distance for delivery. Aggregation KPI
The average value for an attribute in the process. Calculate the average deal size. Aggregation KPI
The maximum value for an attribute in the process. Calculate the top user engagement by comment. Aggregation KPI
The total value for an attribute in the process. Calculate the total amount of shipping costs. Aggregation KPI

KPI permissions

You can manage KPIs based on process permissions and whether the KPI is system-provided or user-created, as summarized in the table below.


System-provided KPIs

User-created KPIs

View a KPI



View KPI properties



View KPI definition


Create a KPI



Edit KPI properties



Edit KPI definition



Pin/unpin KPI



Subscribe to a KPI


Delete a KPI



Start drilling down

🅐 (Average Case Duration only)

🅐 (Count or Duration only)

Legend: 🅐 = Process Analyst; = Process Viewer

Create a KPI

A user-created KPI is associated with the view where you create it. Keep in mind that the KPI inherits the filters that define the associated view.

You must have Analyst permissions for a process to create a KPI for that process.

To create a KPI:

  1. In the PINNED KPIS section of a process view, click CREATE KPI.

    The Create KPI dialog displays.

  2. Choose from the available lists to select a KPI type:

    • Browse Suggested KPIs: Using your process data, AI Copilot suggests some KPIs you may find valuable. If you select a suggested KPI, you can edit the definition and properties in later steps. Suggested KPIs persist for you and your collaborators to select from. If you don't see any suggested KPIs that meet your needs, click REGENERATE to refresh the list of options.

      Tip:  Suggested KPIs are available in select regions.

    • Start from Scratch: Choose to create and configure KPIs such as:

      • Count
      • Duration
      • Aggregation

      Note:  The Aggregation KPI is only available if your process contains a numeric attribute.

  3. Click NEXT.

  4. Define or edit the calculation parameters for each KPI type:

    Tip:  As you define the KPI parameters, the KPI preview allows you to see how the system would calculate the KPI in the context of the current view.

  5. Click NEXT.

  6. Configure the properties for the KPI:

    • Name: Enter a name for the KPI.
    • Description: Enter a description for the KPI.

  7. Click CREATE. Process HQ creates the KPI and displays the page for that KPI.

    Tip:  Newly-created KPIs are pinned to the associated view by default. You can unpin the KPI as needed.

Define the count KPI

To define the count KPI, you must select what you want to count, select the kind of count KPI to create, and make the specific configurations for each.

To count activities:

  1. For Select what you want to count, select Activities.
  2. For Activity, select the activity you want to count. The list of options includes all activities that occur in cases in the current view.
  3. (Optional) For Filters, further refine the cases tracked by the KPI:
    1. Click Add a filter.
    2. For Attribute, select an attribute name.
    3. For Operator, select an appropriate operator:
      • Equals to include cases or occurrences with the selected attribute value in the KPI.
      • Does not equal to exclude cases or occurrences with the selected attribute value from the KPI.
    4. For Attribute Value(s), select one or more attribute values to filter on.
  4. For Count of, select either:
    • Activity occurrences to count the number of occurrences of the activity.
    • Cases with this activity to count the number of cases with that activity.
  5. For Display As, select the following options separately or in combination:
    • Number of occurrences to display the KPI value as a number.
    • Percentage of occurrences in this view to display the KPI value as a percentage.

    Tip:  Depending on the option you selected for Count of property, these options will reflect cases, rather than occurrences.

  6. Continue on at step 5 in the Create a KPI section.

To count sequences:

  1. For Select what you want to count, select Sequences.
  2. For Sequence Type, select either Direct Sequence or Indirect Sequence. Learn more about direct and indirect sequences.
  3. For Start Activity, select an activity.
  4. For End Activity, select an activity.
  5. (Optional) For Filters, further refine the cases tracked by the KPI:
    1. Click Add a filter.
    2. For Attribute, select an attribute name.
    3. For Operator, select an appropriate operator:
      • Equals to include cases with the selected attribute value in the KPI.
      • Does not equal to exclude cases with the selected attribute value from the KPI.
    4. For Attribute Value(s), select one or more attribute values to filter on.
  6. For Count of, select either:
    • Sequence occurrences to show the number of occurrences of the sequence.
    • Cases with sequence to show the number of cases with that sequence.
  7. For Display As, select the following options separately or in combination:
    • Number of occurrences to display the KPI value as a number.
    • Percentage of occurrences in this view to display the KPI value as a percentage.

    Tip:  Depending on the option you selected for Count of property, these options will reflect cases, rather than occurrences.

  8. Continue on at step 5 in the Create a KPI section.

To count attributes:

  1. For Select what you want to count, select Attributes.
  2. For Cases with Attributes, select:
    • The name of the attribute that cases must have to be counted in this KPI.
    • A value for that attribute that cases must have to be counted in this KPI.
  3. (Optional) For Filters, further refine the cases tracked by the KPI:
    1. Click Add a filter.
    2. For Attribute, select an attribute name.
    3. For Operator, select an appropriate operator:
      • Equals to include cases with the selected attribute value in the KPI.
      • Does not equal to exclude cases with the selected attribute value from the KPI.
    4. For Attribute Value(s), select one or more attribute values to filter on.
  4. For Display As, select the following options separately or in combination:
    • Number of cases with this attribute to display the KPI value as a number.
    • Percentage of cases with this attribute to display the KPI value as a percentage.
  5. Continue on at step 5 in the Create a KPI section.

Define the duration KPI

When you create a duration KPI, you can choose to measure one of the following:

  • Time: The amount of time it takes to complete cases, activities, or sequences.
  • SLA: The number of cases, activities, or sequences that are fulfilling or violating SLA.

Note:  The option to track activity duration is only available if you have both a start and end timestamp configured for your activities.

Measure by time

To define the duration KPI so it measures by time, select the duration to track and make the specific configurations.

To measure how long it takes to complete cases, activities, or sequences:

  1. For Select which duration you want to track, select whether you want to track duration for activities, sequences, or cases.
  2. If you selected Activity Duration, under Activity, select the activity to track.
  3. If you selected Sequence Duration, select a Start Activity and an End Activity.
  4. (Optional) For Filters, further refine the cases tracked by the KPI:
    1. Click Add a filter.
    2. For Attribute, select an attribute name.
    3. For Operator, select an appropriate operator:
      • Equals to include cases with the selected attribute value in the KPI.
      • Does not equal to exclude cases with the selected attribute value from the KPI.
    4. For Attribute Value(s), select one or more attribute values to filter on.
  5. For Measurement, select Time.
  6. For Aggregation, select how the KPI will aggregate durations.
  7. For Unit, keep the default Detect automatically to display appropriate unit of time based on the data, or select a specific unit of time.
  8. Click NEXT.
  9. (Optional) To add a threshold line to the KPI trend graph, enter a target value in the Threshold field.
  10. (Optional) To allow users to subscribe to email alerts when this KPI is violating SLA, select Enable Alerts. You can subscribe to alerts by selecting Subscribe to alerts for this KPI.

    Note:  The option to enable alerts is only available if scheduled updates are configured for the process.

  11. Continue on with step 5 in the Create a KPI section.

Measure by SLA

To define the duration KPI so it measures SLA conformance, select what to track and make the specific configurations.

To measure the number of cases, activities, or sequences that are fulfilling or violating SLA:

  1. For Select which duration you want to track, select whether you want to track duration for activities, sequences, or cases.
  2. If you selected Activity Duration, under Activity, select the activity to track.
  3. If you selected Sequence Duration, select a Start Activity and an End Activity.
  4. (Optional) For Filters, further refine the cases tracked by the KPI:
    1. Click Add a filter.
    2. For Attribute, select an attribute name.
    3. For Operator, select an appropriate operator:
      • Equals to include cases with the selected attribute value in the KPI.
      • Does not equal to exclude cases with the selected attribute value from the KPI.
    4. For Attribute Value(s), select one or more attribute values to filter on.
  5. For Measurement, select SLA.
  6. Use the Duration and Unit fields to set the target duration for the KPI.
  7. For Count cases by, select whether you want to count SLA violations or fulfillments.
  8. For Display as, choose whether to view the SLA count as Number, Percentage, or both.
  9. Click NEXT.
  10. To allow users to subscribe to email alerts when this KPI is violating an SLA, select Enable Alerts. You can subscribe to alerts by selecting Subscribe to alerts for this KPI.

    Note:  The option to enable alerts is only available if scheduled updates are configured for the process.

  11. Continue on with step 5 in the Create a KPI section.

Define the aggregation KPI

Note:  The aggregation KPI is only available if your process contains a numeric attribute.

To define an aggregation KPI, specify what you want to aggregate and how you want to aggregate it.

To define an aggregation KPI:

  1. For Select a numeric attribute, select one of the following ways to aggregate the numerical attribute:
    • Minimum
    • Maximum
    • Median
    • Average
    • Total
  2. Click ADD UNIT to enter a unit.
  3. For Numeric Attribute, click SELECT to choose the numeric attribute to aggregate.
  4. (Optional) For Filters, further refine the cases tracked by the KPI:
    1. Click Add a filter.
    2. For Attribute, select an attribute name.
    3. For Operator, select an appropriate operator:
      • Equals to include cases with the selected attribute value in the KPI.
      • Does not equal to exclude cases with the selected attribute value from the KPI.
    4. For Attribute Value(s), select one or more attribute values to filter on.
  5. Continue on at step 5 in the Create a KPI section.

Access a KPI

To access a KPI:

  1. Access the view associated with the KPI.
  2. Go to the All KPIs tab of the EXPLORE DATA FOR THIS VIEW section of the page.

    This tab contains a list of all KPIs associated with the current view.

    For example:

  3. (Optional) Search by KPI name or description.
  4. In the KPI list, click the name of the KPI you want to access. The KPI page displays.

Tip:  You can also go straight to a pinned KPI by clicking on the KPI in the PINNED KPIS section of the view page.

Edit KPI properties

You must have Analyst permissions for a process to edit properties for user-created KPIs. You cannot edit properties for system-provided KPIs.

To edit KPI properties:

  1. Access the KPI you want to edit.
  2. In the information pane, click the settings icon .
  3. Select Edit Properties.

    Tip:  This option is also available in the three-dot menu for a KPI in either the PINNED KPIS section or All KPIS tab of the view page.

    The Edit Properties dialog displays.

    For example:

  4. Configure the following properties:
    • Name: Edit the KPI name.
    • Description: Edit the KPI description.
  5. Click UPDATE.

Edit KPI definition

Note:  Editing a KPI definition may make saved insights related to the KPI inaccurate or read-only. For example, you can change the activity or sequence that a count KPI is tracking, but saved insights will reflect counts of the original activity or sequence.

You must have Analyst permissions for a process to edit the definitions of user-created KPIs associated with that process. You cannot edit the definitions of system-provided KPIs.

To edit a KPI definition:

  1. Access the KPI you want to edit.
  2. In the information pane, click the settings icon .
  3. Select Edit Definition.

    Tip:  This option is also available in the three-dot menu for a KPI in either the PINNED KPIS section or All KPIS tab of the view page.

    The Edit Definition dialog displays.

    For example:

  4. Edit the definition, as appropriate to the KPI type:
  5. Click UPDATE.

Pin and unpin KPIs

Pinning KPIs to a view enables you to quickly see the most relevant or frequently used KPIs whenever you open the view.

Pinned KPIs are listed in the PINNED KPIS section of the view and display in order of creation date. If a KPI is associated with a pinned view, a preview version of the KPI also displays with the view in the PINNED VIEWS section of the process page.

Note:  By default, both system-provided and user-created KPIs are pinned to the associated view. You can unpin them as needed.

You must have Analyst permissions for a process to pin a KPI associated with that process.

To pin a KPI:

  1. Access all KPIs for the view.
  2. Click the three-dot menu in the KPI.
  3. Select Pin KPI.

Tip:  You can also pin a KPI by clicking on the icon in an unpinned KPI on the All KPIs tab.

To unpin a KPI:

  1. Access the pinned KPIs for the view.
  2. Click the three-dot menu in the KPI.
  3. Select Unpin KPI.

Tip:  You can also unpin a KPI by clicking the icon in a pinned KPI on the All KPIs tab.

Subscribe to a KPI

You can subscribe to duration KPIs to receive email alerts about your business processes.

  • For KPIs measuring time, subscribers will receive alerts when the average or median duration has exceeded the target threshold.
  • For KPIs measuring SLA, subscribers will receive alerts for any SLA violations.

Email alerts are based on new data since the last related process update. For example, if your process updates at 3:00AM UTC every day, you will receive alerts based on process data from between 12:00AM and 12:00AM UTC for the previous completed day.

Any user with at least Viewer permissions for a process can subscribe to KPIs for that process. Email alerts are only available for user-created duration KPIs with alerts enabled.

To subscribe to a KPI:

  1. In the view page, go to either the PINNED KPIS section or the All KPIs tab.
  2. Click the bell icon for the KPI you want to subscribe to.

Note:  In order for Process HQ to send alert emails, the Outbound Email Toggle must be enabled in the Admin Console.

Delete a KPI

When you delete a KPI, you also delete any insights related to that KPI.

You must have Analyst permissions for a process to delete a KPI associated with the process. You cannot delete system-provided KPIs.

To delete a KPI:

  1. Access the view associated with the KPI you want to delete.
  2. Go to the All KPIs tab in the EXPLORE DATA FOR THIS VIEW section.
  3. Click the three-dot menu in the KPI.
  4. Click Delete KPI.

    Tip:  This option is also available from the three-dot menu of any KPIs in the PINNED KPIS section of the view page.

    A confirmation dialog displays.

  5. Click DELETE to confirm the deletion.
