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Collaborate on an Insight

This page applies to business users. It describes how to collaborate on an insight associated with your process.


Once you've saved an insight, you and your colleagues can collaborate directly in process insights, so you can validate, present, and even expand the potential improvements identified for your process. Your colleagues can comment on an insight or drill down to add to that insight or create a new one, depending on their permissions for the process.

View a saved insight

To view a saved insight:

  1. Access the related KPI.

  2. Go to the Insights tab.

    This tab contains a list of all insights related to the specific KPI. By default, this list is sorted by date modified from newest to oldest.

    For example:

    Tip:  You can also go to the All Insights tab of a process view page to see all insights associated with that view. There, you can search for a saved insight by name or description.

  3. In the list, click the insight you want to view. The insight page displays.

    For example:

Continue a saved insight

Continuing to drill down on an insight lets you evaluate more of Process HQ's analysis of the cases related to the insight. You'll have the opportunity to review additional characteristics that might be contributing to process inefficiency. Then, you can add those characteristics to the existing insight or create a new insight to explore that new focus.

Tip:  Wondering how to save a new insight from an existing one? You're in the right place.

You must have Analyst permissions for a process to continue drilling down on a saved insight associated with the process.

To continue drilling down on a saved insight:

  1. View the saved insight, then click CONTINUE DRILLING DOWN in the header pane.

    Tip:  You can also continue drilling down from the Insights tab of the KPI page by clicking on the clicking three-dot menu for the insight, then selecting Continue Drilling Down. The same option is also available in the three-dot menu for an insight in the All Insights tab of any view.

    The drilldown page displays. The insight pane already includes the characteristics from the original insight, and the characteristics pane displays the list of characteristics that process insights has suggested for review next.

    For example:

    Tip:  The name of the original insight now appears in the breadcrumbs at the top of the page. To return to that insight without making changes, click the insight breadcrumb.

  2. Review the characteristics.
  3. Add the characteristics to the insight by clicking KEEP DRILLING DOWN.

    For example:

    The new characteristic you added now displays in the Insight pane, and a new list of suggested characteristics displays in the characteristics pane.

    For example:

  4. To save your changes, click SAVE INSIGHT, then indicate whether you want to update the existing insight or create a new one:

    Next Step


    Update the existing insight.

    Select Update Existing Insight. The system saves the changes you made, and the characteristics pane displays a new list of suggested characteristics to evaluate.

    Save a new insight.

    1. Select Save New Insight. The Save New Insight dialog displays.
    2. Enter a name for the new insight.
    3. Continue as appropriate:

      • Stop drilling down: To stop drilling down, click SAVE AND EXIT. The insight page displays.
      • Keep drilling down: To review and evaluate more characteristics of the process, click SAVE AND CONTINUE. The drilldown page continues displaying, with the page title in the header showing the insight name you configured. The characteristics pane shows you the next characteristics Process HQ suggests you evaluate.

Rename a saved insight

You must have Analyst permissions for a process to rename an insight associated with the process.

To rename a saved insight:

  1. View the saved insight you want to rename.

  2. Click the settings icon in the header pane.

    For example:

  3. Select Rename.

    Tip:  This option is also available if you click the three-dot menu in the insight in a list of insights. This list is present in both the Insights tab of the KPI page and the All Insights tab of the view page.

    A Rename Insight dialog displays.

    For example:

  4. For New Name, enter a new name.
  5. Click RENAME.

Add a description to a saved insight

Once you've saved an insight, you can add high-level description to the insight to help quickly communicate with your collaborators. In select regions, you can do this even faster using generated summaries with AI Copilot.

You must have Analyst permissions for the process to add a description to a saved insight associated with that process.

To add or edit an insight description:

  1. View a saved insight.
  2. In the Description field, click GENERATE. AI Copilot creates a first draft of the summary for you based on the insight details.

    Tip:  If AI Copilot isn't available in your environment, the GENERATE button won't appear. You'll manually type a summary in this field.

  3. Review the AI-generated content for accuracy and appropriateness.
  4. Edit the generated description or regenerate the content until it meets your needs.
  5. Click SAVE to save the description.

Add a comment to a saved insight

As you and your colleagues are working together to validate and socialize insights into your processes, you'll often want to ask questions, add context, or document updates on the status of the characteristics. You and your collaborators can communicate about an insight using the commenting capability available in each insight.

To view existing comments, simply view the saved insight.

To post a comment to an insight:

  1. View a saved insight.
  2. Place your cursor in the empty comment box that displays at the top of the COMMENTS pane.

    Your initials display automatically next to the comment box. For example, this comment box displays initials for a user named Phillip Sanchez:

    An empty comment box at the top of the COMMENTS pane

  3. In the comment box, enter the text of your comment. You can enter up to 4,000 characters.

    You can take advantage of the rich text formatting as you enter your text, and add links to external resources.

    For example:

    A comment that includes a link to an external resource

  4. Click POST.

Delete a comment from a saved insight

You can only delete your own comments.

When you delete a comment, the system removes the content of the comment, but retains the comment structure as a placeholder to avoid confusion and ensure thread continuity.

To delete a comment from a saved insight:

  1. View a saved insight.
  2. In the COMMENTS pane, click the three-dot menu for the comment you want to delete.

    For example:

    A comment with the three-dot menu highlighted

    A confirmation dialog displays.

  3. Click DELETE to confirm. The system removes the content of the comment.

    A comment that includes the original user and creation date, but reads only "This comment was deleted"

Show or hide comments in a saved insight

Comments show by default in a saved insight. Hiding comments for an insight applies to your session only and lasts for the current session only.

To show or hide comments in a saved insight:

  1. View the saved insight.
  2. In the insight header, click SHOW COMMENTS or HIDE COMMENTS as appropriate.

    For example:

Delete a saved insight

You must have Analyst permissions for a process to delete an insight associated with that process.

To delete an insight:

  1. View the saved insight you want to delete.

  2. Click the settings icon in the header pane.

    For example:

  3. Select Delete.

    Tip:  This option is also available if you click the three-dot menu in the insight in a list of insights. This list are present in the Insights tab of the KPI page and the All Insights tab of the view page.

    A Delete Insight dialog displays.

    For example:

  4. Click DELETE to confirm the deletion.
