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local() Function


local( datetime, timezone )

This is a Date and Time addition function, adding time zone offset to given Date and Time.


Keyword Type Description


Date and Time

The base Date and Time to be modified.


Text or Number (Integer)

The time zone offset to add to the datetime parameter.


Date and Time

Usage considerations

This function does not store the time zone offset with the returned value.

The datetime parameter accepts Date variables, Date and Time variables, and process properties such as pp!starttime.

The timezone parameter accepts four formats of input:

  • Time zone IDs, such as America/Denver.
  • Time zone acronyms, such as MST.
  • Hours and minutes offset from a GMT date and time, such as GMT-06:00.
  • Minutes offset, such as -30.

Time zone IDs, time zone acronyms, and GMT offsets must be enclosed in quotation marks (""). If a timezone is not passed, the time zone of the current context is used.

Passing a time zone ID (such as "Asia/Tokyo") causes the result to be adjusted for daylight saving time. Passing a time zone acronym (such as "GMT") does not cause the result to be adjusted for daylight saving time.


Use a specific offset

Note:  These examples assume the system or user time zone is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

Offset using a time zone ID

local(datetime(2022, 11, 11, 2, 30), "Europe/Helsinki")

Returns 11/11/2022 4:30 AM GMT+00:00. A +2 hour offset was added to the time, but the timezone was not changed from GMT.

Offset using a GMT offset

local(datetime(2022, 11, 11, 2, 30), "GMT+02:00")

Returns 11/11/2022 4:30 AM GMT+00:00.

Offset using minutes

local(datetime(2022, 11, 11, 2, 30), "120")

Returns 11/11/2022 4:30 AM GMT+00:00.

Offset using the current context

local(datetime(2022, 11, 11, 2, 30))

Returns 11/11/2022 10:30 AM GMT+04:00 provided that the timezone of the current context is GMT+4. The GMT time of 2:30 AM is offset by +4 hours, causing the function to return Nov 11, 6:30 AM GMT. This GMT time is then displayed to the user as 10:30 AM GMT+4 in the current context.

Use local() to get the current context for date time functions


If the current datetime is 11/10/2022 10:30 PM GMT-04:00 in the context of GMT-4, the expression above returns 11/10/2022. Compare this to an expression without the local function below.


Returns 11/11/2022 because todate acts on the datetime in GMT, which is 11/11/2022 2:30 AM. It does not act on the local datetime of 11/10/2022 10:30 PM in GMT-4.

Feature compatibility

The table below lists this function's compatibility with various features in Appian.
Feature Compatibility Note
Portals Compatible
Offline Mobile Compatible
Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible

Can be used to create a custom record field that only evaluates at sync time.

Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible

Custom record fields that evaluate in real time must be configured using one or more Custom Field functions.

Process Reports Compatible
Process Events Compatible
