Interface LocalId

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
GlobalId, RemoteId
All Known Implementing Classes:
ActivityClass, ActivityClassSchema, Application, ApplicationsFolder, Community, Community, CommunityKnowledgeCenter, Constant, Container, Content, ContentRoleSet, Contribution, CustomContent, DiscussionThread, Document, Document, DocumentStatistics, DownloadStatistics, Folder, Folder, Folder, Forum, FreeformRule, Group, GroupSummary, GroupType, Identity, KnowledgeCenter, KnowledgeCenter, KnowledgeFolder, LocalObject, MenuTree, Message, MessageType, Page, PageInfo, Palette, Palette.Descriptor, PaletteCategory, PaletteCategory.AllCategories, PaletteCategory.Descriptor, PaletteErrorItem, PaletteItem, PersonalKnowledgeCenter, PortalGroup.Page, Portlet, Priority, ProcessDetails, ProcessModelDetails, ProcessModelFolder, ProcessModelProperties, ProcessModelSummary, ProcessProperties, ProcessSummary, RoleSet, Rule, RulesFolder, TaskDetails, TaskProperties, TaskSummary, UploadStatistics, UserSpace, UserStatistics

public interface LocalId extends Serializable
This interface represents the local identifier of an object. The local identifier is used to identify an object within the scope of one application instance. The id property can often be passed directly to functions as an Long parameter
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns this object's local identifier, null if the object was not identified locally using a Long Id.
    setId(Long id_)
    Sets this object's local identifier.
  • Method Details

    • getId

      Long getId()
      Returns this object's local identifier, null if the object was not identified locally using a Long Id.
      Object's Id
      See Also:
    • setId

      void setId(Long id_)
      Sets this object's local identifier.
      id_ - Id to set
      See Also: