Class PaletteItem

All Implemented Interfaces:
LocalId, XMLable, Serializable

public class PaletteItem extends Identity implements XMLable
A node that appears in a palette in the process designer, and can be dropped onto the canvas to add an activity to a process model. There are two icons that must be configured for every Smart Node.
  • Palette Icon: The graphical representation of the Smart Node on a Palette.
  • Canvas Icon: The graphical representation of the Smart Node on the Process Model Design Area.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • PaletteItem

      public PaletteItem()
  • Method Details

    • getStaticResourcePrefix

      public String getStaticResourcePrefix()
      Returns the relative URL prefix for all static web resources. The URL prefix does not contain the application server context. Example, if the absolute URL prefix would be: "" Then this method will return the prefix in a format like "/s/1268848383871/1/_"
      The relative URL prefix for static web resources without the application server context.
    • isEnabled

      public boolean isEnabled()
    • setEnabled

      public void setEnabled(boolean enabled)
    • getEventProducer

      public Long getEventProducer()
      Gets the type code for the event producer
      the type code for the event producer
    • setEventProducer

      public void setEventProducer(Long eventProducer_)
      Sets the type code for the event producer
      eventProducer_ - the type code for the event producer
    • getPreTrigger

      public Long getPreTrigger()
      Gets the type code for the pre-trigger
      the type code for the pre-trigger
    • setPreTrigger

      public void setPreTrigger(Long preTrigger_)
      Sets the type code for the pre-trigger
      preTrigger_ - the type code for the pre-trigger
    • getPostTrigger

      public Long getPostTrigger()
      Gets the type code for the post-trigger
      the type code for the post-trigger
    • setPostTrigger

      public void setPostTrigger(Long postTrigger_)
      Sets the type code for the post-trigger
      postTrigger_ - the type code for the post-trigger
    • getAppianType

      public Long getAppianType()
      Gets the related Appian type ID.
      the related Appian type ID.
    • setAppianType

      public void setAppianType(Long appianType_)
      Sets the related Appian type ID.
      appianType_ - the related Appian type ID.
    • getAcSchemaId

      public Long getAcSchemaId()
      Returns the ID of the activity class schema associated with this palette item
      the unique ID of the activity class schema
    • setAcSchemaId

      public void setAcSchemaId(Long acSchemaId_)
      Sets the associated activity class schema ID
      acSchemaId_ - the ID of the activity class schema
    • getCanvasIcon

      public Long getCanvasIcon()
      Returns the ID of the canvas icon
      the id of the canvas icon
    • setCanvasIcon

      public void setCanvasIcon(Long canvasIcon_)
      Sets the ID of the canvas icon
      canvasIcon_ - the ID of the canvas icon
    • getPaletteIcon

      public Long getPaletteIcon()
      Returns the ID of the palette icon
      the ID of the palette icon
    • setPaletteIcon

      public void setPaletteIcon(Long paletteIcon_)
      Sets the ID of the palette icon
      paletteIcon_ - the ID of the palette icon
    • getIsCustomPlugin

      public boolean getIsCustomPlugin()
      Returns whether this palette item is a custom plugin Returns: whether this palette item is a custom plugin
    • setIsCustomPlugin

      public void setIsCustomPlugin(boolean isCustomPlugin)
      Sets whether this palette item is a custom plugin
      isCustomPlugin - - whether this palette item is a custom plugin
    • toXML

      public String toXML()
      Converts this palette item to xml and returns it as a string.
      Specified by:
      toXML in interface XMLable
      a String containing the XML serialization of this palette item
    • toXML

      public void toXML(StringBuilder buffer_)
      Converts the palette item to XML and stores it in a StringBuffer
      Specified by:
      toXML in interface XMLable
      buffer_ - the StringBuffer to append the XML to
    • getAcSchemaLocalId

      public String getAcSchemaLocalId()
      Returns the local ID of the activity class schema associated with this palette item (specified by the local-id attribute in the XML file)
      the local ID of the activity class schema
    • setAcSchemaLocalId

      public void setAcSchemaLocalId(String acSchemaLocalId_)
      Sets the local ID of the activity class schema associated with this palette item
      acSchemaLocalId_ - The acSchemaLocalId to set.