Class GroupSummary

All Implemented Interfaces:
LocalId, Serializable

public class GroupSummary extends Object implements LocalId

Title: GroupSummary

Description: Holds a user's Group Summary data

Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002

Company: Appian Corporation

See Also:
  • Field Details

    • SORT_BY_ID

      public static final Integer SORT_BY_ID
      Constant indicating results should be sorted by the ID property.

      public static final Integer SORT_BY_GROUP_NAME
      Constant indicating results should be sorted by the Group Name property.

      public static final Integer SORT_BY_GROUP_SECURITY_TYPE_NAME
      Constant indicating results should be sorted by the Group Security Type Name property.

      public static final Integer SORT_BY_USER_STATUS
      Constant indicating results should be sorted by the User Status property.

      public static final String USER_STATUS_MEMBER
      Constant indicating that the user is a member of this group. Used with getUserStatus and setUserStatus.
      See Also:

      public static final String USER_STATUS_ADMIN
      Constant indicating that the user is an admin of this group. Used with getUserStatus and setUserStatus.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • GroupSummary

      public GroupSummary()
  • Method Details

    • getId

      public Long getId()
      Description copied from interface: LocalId
      Returns this object's local identifier, null if the object was not identified locally using a Long Id.
      Specified by:
      getId in interface LocalId
      Object's Id
      See Also:
    • setId

      public void setId(Long p_)
      Description copied from interface: LocalId
      Sets this object's local identifier.
      Specified by:
      setId in interface LocalId
      p_ - Id to set
      See Also:
    • getFavorite

      public boolean getFavorite()
    • setFavorite

      public void setFavorite(boolean favorite_)
    • setGroupName

      public void setGroupName(String gn_)
    • getGroupName

      public String getGroupName()
    • setGroupSecurityTypeName

      public void setGroupSecurityTypeName(String gstnm_)
    • getGroupSecurityTypeName

      public String getGroupSecurityTypeName()
    • setNumberOfMembers

      public void setNumberOfMembers(Long totm_)
    • getNumberOfMembers

      public Long getNumberOfMembers()
    • setNumberOfAdministrators

      public void setNumberOfAdministrators(Long tota_)
    • getNumberOfAdministrators

      public Long getNumberOfAdministrators()
    • setNumberOfViewers

      public void setNumberOfViewers(Long totv_)
    • getNumberOfViewers

      public Long getNumberOfViewers()
    • setUserStatus

      public void setUserStatus(String[] status_)
      Sets the logged-in user's status relative to this group.
      status_ - an array of the USER_STATUS_XXX constants, indicating whether the user is a member or admin of this group (or both).
    • getUserStatus

      public String[] getUserStatus()
      Gets the logged-in user's status relative to this group.
      an array of the USER_STATUS_XXX constants, indicating whether the user is a member or admin of this group (or both).
    • getGroupDescription

      public String getGroupDescription()
      Returns the group description.
    • setGroupDescription

      public void setGroupDescription(String groupDescription_)