Class ProcessModelSummary

All Implemented Interfaces:
LocalId, XMLable, Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class ProcessModelSummary extends ProcessModelProperties implements XMLable
Holds summary information about a process model, such as who created it, when, how many process instances are running, and how many have completed.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ProcessModelSummary

      public ProcessModelSummary()
  • Method Details

    • getLatestPublishedVersion

      public String getLatestPublishedVersion()
      Gets the latest published version of this model.
      the latest published version of the process model, as a String of dot-separated numbers (such as 1.3.0).
    • setLatestPublishedVersion

      public void setLatestPublishedVersion(String version_)
      Sets the latest published version of this model.
      version_ - the latest published version of the process model, as a String of dot-separated numbers (such as 1.3.0).
    • getMutablePriority

      public boolean getMutablePriority()
      Determines whether the priority of this model can be chagned.
      true if the priority can be change, false if it cannot be changed.
    • setMutablePriority

      public void setMutablePriority(boolean mutablePriority_)
      Sets whether or not the priority of processes of this process model can be changed
      mutablePriority_ - true if the priority of processes of this model can be changed, false if the priority cannot be changed.
    • getPriority

      public Priority getPriority()
      Gets the priority of this model.
      the priority of this model.
    • setPriority

      public void setPriority(Priority priority_)
      Sets the priority of this model.
      priority_ - the priority of this model.
    • getCreatedTime

      public Timestamp getCreatedTime()
      Gets the time at which this model was created.
      the time at which this model was created.
    • setCreatedTime

      public void setCreatedTime(Timestamp time_)
      Sets the time at which this model was created.
      time_ - the time at which this model was created.
    • getDefaultProcessPriorityName

      public String getDefaultProcessPriorityName()
      Gets the name of the default process priority for processes of this model.
      the name of the default priority.
    • setDefaultProcessPriorityName

      public void setDefaultProcessPriorityName(String processPriorityName_)
      Sets the name of the default process priority for processes of this model.
      processPriorityName_ - the name of the default priority.
    • getLastModifiedTime

      public Timestamp getLastModifiedTime()
      Gets the time at whcih this model was last modified.
      the time at whcih this model was last modified.
    • setLastModifiedTime

      public void setLastModifiedTime(Timestamp modifiedTime_)
      Sets the time at whcih this model was last modified.
      modifiedTime_ - the time at whcih this model was last modified.
    • getStatusName

      public String getStatusName()
      Gets the name of the status of this model.
      the name of the status of this model.
    • setStatusName

      public void setStatusName(String name_)
      Sets the name of the status of this model.
      name_ - the name of the status of this model.
    • getCreator

      public String getCreator()
      Gets the user who created this model.
      the username of the user who created this model.
    • setCreator

      public void setCreator(String creator_)
      Sets the user who created this model.
      creator_ - the username of the user who created this model.
    • toXML

      public String toXML()
      Generates an XML representaion of this summary.
      Specified by:
      toXML in interface XMLable
      an XML representaion of this summary.
    • toXML

      public void toXML(StringBuilder buffer_)
      Appends an XML representation of this object to the given buffer.
      Specified by:
      toXML in interface XMLable
      buffer_ - a buffer to which XML can be appended.
    • getSortProperty

      public static int getSortProperty(String attribute_)
      Gets the zero-based index of the column whose name is the given parameter. If no such column exists, returns 0.
      attribute_ - the name of an attribute of the summary.
      the index of the column that matches the given sort attribute.
    • getPermissions

      public ProcessModelPermissions getPermissions()
      Gets the permissions that the logged-in user has for this model.
      the permissions that the logged-in user has for this model.
    • setPermissions

      public void setPermissions(ProcessModelPermissions permissions_)
      Sets the permissions that the logged-in user has for this model.
      permissions_ - the permissions that the logged-in user has for this model.
    • getTargetCompletion

      public Float getTargetCompletion()
      Gets the target duration in which the process should complete
      a value representing the number of days
    • setTargetCompletion

      public void setTargetCompletion(Float targetCompletion_)
      Sets the target duration in which the process should complete
      targetCompletion_ - the target duration in days in which the process should complete
    • getFavorite

      public boolean getFavorite()
      Returns whether or not the process model is one of the users favorites.
    • setFavorite

      public void setFavorite(boolean favorite_)