Class Container

All Implemented Interfaces:
LocalId, ContentConstants, AppianTypeHolder, Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:
Community, Folder, KnowledgeCenter

public abstract class Container extends Content
This is the abstract class used to represent Content objects that may contain other Content objects.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • Container

      public Container()
      Default constructor.
    • Container

      protected Container(int typeMask_)
      Constructs a container of the given type.
      typeMask_ - a content type
    • Container

      protected Container(Integer typeMask_)
      Constructs a container of the given type.
      typeMask_ - a content type
  • Method Details

    • getFsidCount

      public Integer getFsidCount()
      Get the file system id count.
      the file system id count
      See Also:
    • setFsidCount

      public void setFsidCount(Integer fsidCount_)
      Set the file system id count.
      fsidCount_ - the file system id count
      See Also: