Class PaletteCategory

All Implemented Interfaces:
LocalId, XMLable, Serializable

public class PaletteCategory extends Identity implements XMLable
A category that holds palettes and/or other palette categories in a hierarchy.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • PaletteCategory

      public PaletteCategory()
    • PaletteCategory

      public PaletteCategory(PaletteCategory pc)
      Copy constructor; note that the nested Palette and SubCategories are not copied.
      pc - the PaletteCategory on which to base this PaletteCategory
  • Method Details

    • isEnabled

      public boolean isEnabled()
    • setEnabled

      public void setEnabled(boolean enabled)
    • getParent

      public Long getParent()
      Returns the parent palette category of this palette category
      the ID of this parent category, or null if this category has no parent
    • setParent

      public void setParent(Long parent_)
      Sets the parent category of this palette category
      parent_ - the id of this parent category
    • getPalettes

      public Palette[] getPalettes()
      Returns the palettes contained within this palette category
      an Array of the Palettes contained within this palette category
    • setPalettes

      public void setPalettes(Palette[] palettes)
      Sets the palette contained within the palette category
      p_ - an Array of the Palettes to be contained within this palette category
    • removePalettes

      public void removePalettes(List<Palette> palettesToRemove)
      Removes the given palettes
      palettesToRemove - the list of Palettes to remove from this category
    • getSubCategories

      public PaletteCategory[] getSubCategories()
      Returns the subcategories of this palette category
      an Array of the PaletteCategorys that are subcategories of this palette category
    • setSubCategories

      public void setSubCategories(PaletteCategory[] pc_)
      Sets the subcategories of this palette category
      pc_ - an Array of the PaletteCategorys to make subcategories of this palette category
    • toXML

      public String toXML()
      Not yet implemented
      Specified by:
      toXML in interface XMLable
      an empty string
    • toXML

      public void toXML(StringBuilder buffer_)
      Not yet implemented
      Specified by:
      toXML in interface XMLable
      buffer_ - not used
    • toXML

      public void toXML(StringBuffer buffer_)
      Description copied from interface: XMLable
      Appends an XML representation of this object (including all child objects) to the given buffer. Override for performance.
      Specified by:
      toXML in interface XMLable
      buffer_ - The buffer on which to append the XML representation.