Class GroupType

All Implemented Interfaces:
LocalId, Serializable

public class GroupType extends GroupTypeBase implements LocalId

This represents the common GroupType object. Name of group type must be unique. You must pass the correct attribute list with the correct name and type for each attribute with the GroupType when updating.

See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final Integer SORT_BY_GROUP_TYPE_NAME

      public static final Integer SORT_BY_CREATED

      public static final Integer SORT_BY_LAST_MODIFIED

      public static final Integer SORT_BY_CREATOR
    • SORT_BY_ID

      public static final Integer SORT_BY_ID

      public static final Integer SORT_BY_ATTRIBUTES

      public static final Integer SORT_BY_DESCRIPTION
  • Constructor Details

    • GroupType

      public GroupType()
    • GroupType

      public GroupType(String name, String creatorUsername)
      Instantiate a group type with the fields that must be populated to create the group type in the database.
      name - The group type name.
      creatorUsername - The username of the group type creator.
  • Method Details

    • getId

      public Long getId()
      Description copied from interface: LocalId
      Returns this object's local identifier, null if the object was not identified locally using a Long Id.
      Specified by:
      getId in interface LocalId
      Object's Id
      See Also:
    • setId

      public void setId(Long p)
      Description copied from interface: LocalId
      Sets this object's local identifier.
      Specified by:
      setId in interface LocalId
      p - Id to set
      See Also:
    • getUuid

      @ConvertWith(com.appiancorp.kougar.mapper.parameters.UuidParameterConverter.class) public String getUuid()
      Returns the UUID of this Group Type. This field is not populated unless:
      • the group type is a system group type (such as Departments)
      • the group type has previously been exported
      • the group type was assigned a UUID when it was created
      • the group type was assigned a UUID using the Import/Export API
    • setUuid

      public void setUuid(String uuid)
      Set the UUID of this Group Type. This value is ignored, except when the Group Type is being created.
    • getSpecial

      public int getSpecial()
      Returns 1 if the Group Type name is Constants.DEPARTMENTS_GROUP_TYPE_NAME, 2 if the Group Type name is Constants.TEAMS_GROUP_TYPE_NAME, 4 if the Group Type name is Constants.CUSTOM_GROUP_TYPE_NAME, 8 if the Group Type name is Constants.GROUP_TYPE_DATABASE_SCHEMA_VIEWER_NAME, and 16 if the Group Type name is Constants.GROUP_TYPE_DATABASE_SCHEMA_EDITOR_NAME
    • setSpecial

      public void setSpecial(int special_)
      See getSpecial(). This field cannot be updated in the database.
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
    • setDescription

      public void setDescription(String description)
    • getAttributes

      public Attribute[] getAttributes()
    • setAttributes

      public void setAttributes(Attribute[] attributes)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class GroupTypeBase