All Functions
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This table is a searchable listing of all Appian functions, including those that render interface components or execute smart services. You can filter by function category and/or feature compatibility with portals, offline mobile, sync-time custom record fields, real-time custom record fields, process reports, or process events.
Name | Example | Result |
Name | Example | Result | ||||
ArrayUsed within your expressions to manipulate, insert, and/or select values from arrays. | ||||||
a!flatten() | a!flatten(merge({1,2},{11, 12})) | {1, 11, 2, 12} |
a!update() | a!update(a!map(a: 1, b: 2), "a", 5) | a!map(a: 5, b: 2) |
append() | append({10, 20, 30}, 99) | {10, 20, 30, 99} |
index() | index({10, 20, 30}, 2, 1) | 20 |
insert() | insert({10, 20, 30, 40}, 99, 1) | {99, 10, 20, 30, 40} |
joinarray() | joinarray({1, 2, 3, 4}, "|") | 1|2|3|4 |
ldrop() | ldrop({10, 20, 30}, 1) | {20, 30} |
length() | length({10, 20, 30}) | 3 |
rdrop() | rdrop({10, 20, 30}, 1) | {10, 20} |
remove() | remove({10, 20, 30}, 2) | {10, 30} |
reverse() | reverse({10, 20, 30}) | {30, 20, 10} |
Replaced by a!update()
updatearray({10, 20, 30}, 2, 99) | {10, 99, 30} |
where() | where({true, false, true}) | {1, 3} |
wherecontains() | wherecontains(20, {10, 20, 30}) | {2} |
SetUsed within your expressions to manipulate values from arrays. | ||||||
contains() | contains({10, 20, 30}, 20) | true |
difference() | difference({10, 20, 30, 40}, {30, 40}) | {10, 20} |
intersection() | intersection({10, 20, 30}, {20, 30, 40}) | {20, 30} |
symmetricdifference() | symmetricdifference({10, 20, 30}, {20, 30, 40}) | {10, 40} |
union() | union({10, 20, 30}, {20, 30, 40}) | {10, 20, 30, 40} |
Base ConversionUsed within expressions to convert values into other base number formats. | ||||||
bin2dec() | bin2dec(10000) | 16 |
bin2hex() | bin2hex(1100100) | 64 |
bin2oct() | bin2oct(1100100) | 144 |
dec2bin() | dec2bin(16) | 10000 |
dec2hex() | dec2hex(16) | 10 |
dec2oct() | dec2oct(16) | 20 |
hex2bin() | hex2bin(64) | 1100100 |
hex2dec() | hex2dec(10) | 16 |
hex2oct() | hex2oct(64) | 144 |
oct2bin() | oct2bin(144) | 1100100 |
oct2dec() | oct2dec(20) | 16 |
oct2hex() | oct2hex(144) | 64 |
ConnectorUsed to integrate Appian with popular enterprise software solutions. | ||||||
CMISThe CMIS connector supports integrating with systems that implement the OASIS Content Management Interoperability Services standard. | ||||||
a!cmiCopyDocumentFromAppian() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!cmiCopyDocumentToAppian() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!cmiCopyDocumentToAppianFolder() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!cmiCreateFolder() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!cmiDelete() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!cmiGetFolderChildren() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!cmiGetObjectIdByPath() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!cmiGetProperties() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!cmiGetRepoInfo() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
reCAPTCHAThe reCAPTCHA connector allows you to connect to Google reCAPTCHA services. | ||||||
a!verifyRecaptcha() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
SAPThe SAP connector uses the SAP JCo 3.0 middleware library to connect to a SAP ERP systems release 3.1H or later. | ||||||
a!sapBapiParameters() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!sapInvoke() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!sapInvokeWithCommit() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
SiebelThe Siebel connector allows connecting to an Oracle Siebel 8.x. | ||||||
a!sblCreate() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!sblDelete() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!sblInvoke() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!sblInvokeWriter() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!sblQuery() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!sblUpdateFieldValue() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
Web Service Helper | ||||||
a!httpAuthenticationBasic() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!httpFormPart() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!httpHeader() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!httpQueryParameter() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!scsField() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!wsConfig() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!wsHttpCredentials() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!wsHttpHeaderField() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!wsUsernameToken() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!wsUsernameTokenScs() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
ConversionUsed to cast data from one data type into another. | ||||||
cast() | cast(type!Date,"01-01-2017") | 1/1/2017 |
displayvalue() | displayvalue( 1, {0, 1, 2}, {"Low", "Medium", "High"}, "Unknown" ) | Medium |
externalize() | externalize(todocument(1)) | |||||
internalize() | internalize(externalize(todocument(1))) | [Document:1] |
toboolean() | toboolean(0) | false |
tocommunity() | tocommunity(1) | [Community:1] |
todate() | todate(0) | 1/1/2035 |
todatetime() | todatetime(date(2005, 12, 13)) | 12/13/05 12:00 AM GMT |
todecimal() | todecimal("3.6") | 3.6 |
todocument() | todocument(1) | [Document:1] |
toemailaddress() | toemailaddress("john.doe"&char(64)&"") | |
toemailrecipient() | toemailrecipient(togroup(1)) | [Group:1] |
tofolder() | tofolder({"1","2"}) | [Folder:1], [Folder:2] |
tointeger() | tointeger("3") | 3 |
tointervalds() | tointervalds("11h 10m 30s") | 111030::00:00:00.000 |
toknowledgecenter() | toknowledgecenter("2") | [Knowledge Center:2] |
tostring() | tostring(17) | "17" |
totime() | totime(datetime(2005, 12, 13, 12, 0, 0)) | 12:00 PM GMT |
touniformstring() | touniformstring("John Doe 1060 West Addison Chicago", "IL") | {"John Doe 1060 West Addison Chicago", "IL"} |
Custom FieldsUsed to create custom record fields that evaluate in real time. | ||||||
a!customFieldConcat() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!customFieldCondition() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!customFieldDateDiff() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!customFieldDefaultValue() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!customFieldDivide() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!customFieldLogicalExpression() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!customFieldMatch() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!customFieldMultiply() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!customFieldSubtract() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!customFieldSum() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
Date and TimeUsed within an expressions for date, time, or date and time values. | ||||||
a!addDateTime() | a!addDateTime(startDateTime: datetime(2000,1,1,0,0,0), months: 1, days: 1, hours: 1, minutes: 1, seconds: 1) | 2/2/2000 1:01 AM GMT+00:00 |
a!subtractDateTime() | a!subtractDateTime(startDateTime: datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), months: 1, days: 1, hours: 1, minutes: 1, seconds: 1) | 11/29/2000 10:58 PM GMT+00:00 |
calisworkday() | calisworkday(datetime(2011, 12, 13, 12, 0, 0)) | true |
calisworktime() | calisworktime(datetime(2011, 12, 13, 12, 0, 0)) | true |
calworkdays() | calworkdays(datetime(2011, 12, 13, 12, 0, 0), datetime(2011, 12, 20, 12, 0, 0)) | 6 |
calworkhours() | calworkhours(datetime(2011, 12, 12, 12, 0, 0), datetime(2011, 12, 13, 12, 0, 0)) | 8 |
date() | date(2011, 12, 13) | 12/13/2011 |
datetime() | datetime(2011, 12, 13, 12, 0, 0) | 12/13/2011 12:00 PM GMT |
datevalue() | datevalue(0) | 1/1/2035 |
day() | day(datetime(2011, 12, 13, 12, 0, 0)) | 13 |
dayofyear() | dayofyear(date(1957, 03, 14)) | 73 |
days360() | days360(today(), today() + 365, 0) | 360 |
daysinmonth() | daysinmonth(2, 1800) | 28 |
edate() | edate(date(2011, 12, 13), -6) | 6/13/11 |
eomonth() | eomonth(date(2011, 12, 13), -6) | 6/30/2011 |
gmt() | gmt(datetime(2011, 12, 13, 12, 05), "America/New_York") | 12/13/2011 5:05 PM GMT |
hour() | hour(time(14, 20, 23)) | 14 |
intervalds() | intervalds(2, 4, 5) | 0::02:04:05.000 |
isleapyear() | isleapyear(1996) | True |
lastndays() | lastndays(date(2011, 12, 13), 6) | False |
local() | local(datetime(2011, 12, 13, 12, 05), "America/New_York") | 12/13/2011 7:05 AM GMT |
milli() | milli(datetime(2011, 12, 13, 12, 0, 0, 25)) | 25 |
minute() | minute(time(14, 20, 23)) | 20 |
month() | month(date(2011, 12, 13)) | 12 |
networkdays() | networkdays(date(2011, 12, 13), date(2011, 12, 20)) | 6 |
now() | now() | 2/2/2022 2:02 PM |
second() | second(time(14, 20, 23)) | 23 |
time() | time(14, 20, 23) | 2:20 PM |
timevalue() | timevalue(time(14, 20, 23)) | 2:20 PM |
timezone() | timezone() | 0 |
timezoneid() | timezoneid() | GMT |
today() | today() | 2/2/2022 |
weekday() | weekday(date(2011, 12, 13)) | 3 |
weeknum() | weeknum(date(2011, 12, 13)) | 51 |
workday() | workday(date(2011, 12, 13), -6) | 12/5/2011 |
year() | year(date(2011, 12, 13)) | 2011 |
yearfrac() | yearfrac(today(), today() + 270, 3) | 0.739726 |
EvaluationUsed in expression to perform complex evaluations. | ||||||
a!localVariables() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!refreshVariable() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!save() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
bind() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
Replaced by a!localVariables()
Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
Replaced by a!localVariables()
with(local!a:10, local!b:20, local!a+local!b) | 30 |
InformationalUsed within expressions to expose system values and translate other information. | ||||||
a!automationId() | a!automationId("RPA") | 2 |
a!automationType() | a!automationType(1) | None (User) |
a!defaultValue() | a!defaultValue( null, date(2021,10,1), null) | `2021-10-01` |
a!isNotNullOrEmpty() | ||||||
a!isNullOrEmpty() | ||||||
a!keys() | a!keys(a!map(a: 1, b: 2)) | {"a"=>nil, "b"=>nil} |
a!listType() | a!listType(typeof(1)) | |||||
error() | error("This is an error message.") | Expression evaluation error at function 'error': This is an error message. |
infinity() | infinity() | ∞ |
isinfinite() | isinfinite(1.5, 1.1) | false; false |
isnegativeinfinity() | isnegativeinfinity(1) | false |
isnull() | isnull("") | true |
ispositiveinfinity() | ispositiveinfinity(1) | false |
nan() | nan() | null |
null() | null() | null |
runtimetypeof() | runtimetypeof( 12345) | 9 |
typename() | typename(typeof(1)) | Number (Integer) |
typeof() | typeof("a") | 3 |
Interface ComponentUsed to create Appian interfaces. | ||||||
Action | ||||||
a!authorizationLink() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!buttonArrayLayout() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!buttonLayout() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!buttonWidget() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!buttonWidget_23r3() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!documentDownloadLink() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!dynamicLink() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!linkField() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!newsEntryLink() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!processTaskLink() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!recordActionField() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!recordActionItem() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!recordLink() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!reportLink() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!safeLink() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!startProcessLink() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!submitLink() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!userRecordLink() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
Browsers | ||||||
a!documentAndFolderBrowserFieldColumns() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!documentBrowserFieldColumns() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!folderBrowserFieldColumns() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!groupBrowserFieldColumns() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!hierarchyBrowserFieldColumns() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!hierarchyBrowserFieldColumnsNode() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!hierarchyBrowserFieldTree() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!hierarchyBrowserFieldTreeNode() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!orgChartField() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!userAndGroupBrowserFieldColumns() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!userBrowserFieldColumns() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
Charts | ||||||
a!areaChartConfig() | Click on the function name for examples | |||||
a!areaChartField() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!barChartConfig() | Click on the function name for examples | |||||
a!barChartField() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!chartReferenceLine() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!chartSeries() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!colorSchemeCustom() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!columnChartConfig() | Click on the function name for examples | |||||
a!columnChartField() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!grouping() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!lineChartConfig() | Click on the function name for examples | |||||
a!lineChartField() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!measure() | Click on the function name for examples | |||||
a!pieChartConfig() | Click on the function name for examples | |||||
a!pieChartField() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!scatterChartField() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
Display | ||||||
a!documentImage() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!documentViewerField() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!gaugeField() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!gaugeFraction() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!gaugeIcon() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!gaugePercentage() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!horizontalLine() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!imageField() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!milestoneField() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!progressBarField() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!richTextBulletedList() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!richTextDisplayField() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!richTextHeader() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!richTextIcon() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!richTextImage() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!richTextItem() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!richTextListItem() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!richTextNumberedList() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!stampField() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!tagField() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!tagItem() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!timeDisplayField() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!userImage() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!videoField() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!webContentField() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!webImage() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!webVideo() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
Grids and Lists | ||||||
a!eventData() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!eventHistoryListField() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!gridColumn() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!gridField() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!gridLayout() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!gridLayoutColumnConfig() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!gridLayoutHeaderCell() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!gridRowLayout() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
Inputs | ||||||
a!barcodeField() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!dateField() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!dateTimeField() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!encryptedTextField() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!fileUploadField() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!floatingPointField() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!integerField() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!paragraphField() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!recordsChatField() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!signatureField() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!textField() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
Layouts | ||||||
a!barOverlay() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!billboardLayout() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!boxLayout() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!cardLayout() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!columnLayout() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!columnOverlay() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!columnsLayout() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!formLayout() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!fullOverlay() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!headerContentLayout() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!sectionLayout() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!sideBySideItem() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!sideBySideLayout() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
Pickers | ||||||
a!pickerFieldCustom() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!pickerFieldDocuments() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!pickerFieldDocumentsAndFolders() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!pickerFieldFolders() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!pickerFieldGroups() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!pickerFieldRecords() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!pickerFieldUsers() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!pickerFieldUsersAndGroups() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
Selection | ||||||
a!cardChoiceField() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!cardTemplateBarTextJustified() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!cardTemplateBarTextStacked() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!cardTemplateTile() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!checkboxField() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!checkboxFieldByIndex() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!dropdownField() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!dropdownFieldByIndex() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!multipleDropdownField() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!multipleDropdownFieldByIndex() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!radioButtonField() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!radioButtonFieldByIndex() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
LogicalUsed within expressions to derive logical results. | ||||||
a!match() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
and() | and(true(), false()) | false |
Replaced by a!match()
choose(2, "a", "b", "c") | b |
false() | false() | false |
if() | if(isleapyear(2021), 1, 2) | 2 |
not() | not(true(), false()) | false, true |
or() | or(true(), false()) | true |
true() | true() | true |
LoopingUsed within expressions to perform operations that call a rule or function for each item in an array. | ||||||
a!forEach() | a!forEach(items: {1, 2, 3}, expression: fv!item + 10) | {11, 12, 13} |
all() | all(fn!isnull, {10, null, 30}) | false |
any() | any(fn!isnull, {10, null, 30}) | true |
Replaced by a!forEach()
apply(fn!sum, {-1, 2, 3}, 2) | {1, 4, 5} |
filter() | filter(fn!isleapyear, {2015, 2016, 2017}) | {2016} |
merge() | merge({10, 20}, {30, 40}) | {{10, 30}, {20, 40}} |
none() | none(fn!isnull, {1, null, 3}) | false |
reduce() | reduce(fn!sum, 1, {2, 3, 4}) | 10 |
reject() | reject(fn!isnull, {1, null, 3}) | {1, 3} |
MathematicalUsed within expressions to perform mathematical operations. | ||||||
a!distanceBetween() | a!distanceBetween(startLatitude: 38.932290, startLongitude: -77.218490, endLatitude: 38.963058, endLongitude: -77.363701) | 13015.34 |
abs() | abs(-1) | 1 |
ceiling() | ceiling(1.6) | 2 |
combin() | combin(4, 2) | 6 |
e() | e() | 2.718282 |
enumerate() | enumerate(5) | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 |
even() | even(5) | 6 |
exp() | exp(2) | 7.389056 |
fact() | fact(4) | 24 |
factdouble() | factdouble(3) | 3 |
floor() | floor(2.8888, .01) | 2.88 |
int() | int(2.8888) | 2 |
ln() | ln(e()) | 1 |
log() | log(25, 5) | 2 |
mod() | mod(40, 15) | 10 |
mround() | mround(2.8888, .01) | 2.89 |
multinomial() | multinomial(1, 2, 3) | 60 |
odd() | odd(10) | 11 |
pi() | pi() | 3.141593 |
power() | power(10, 2) | 100 |
product() | product(10, 2) | 20 |
quotient() | quotient(20, 10) | 2 |
rand() | rand() | 0.4506349 |
round() | round(2.8888, 2) | 2.89 |
rounddown() | round(2.8888, 2) | 2.88 |
roundup() | round(2.8888, 2) | 2.89 |
sign() | sign(-10) | -1 |
sqrt() | sqrt(25) | 5 |
sqrtpi() | sqrtpi(25 / pi()) | 5 |
sum() | sum(1, 2, 3) | 6 |
sumsq() | sumsq(2,3) | 13 |
trunc() | trunc(2.8888, 3) | 2.888 |
PeopleUsed to perform evaluations and operations on users and groups. | ||||||
a!doesGroupExist() | a!doesGroupExist(6) | true |
a!groupMembers() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!groupsByName() | a!groupsByName("Case Viewers - " & ri!cvId) | {"Group:7"=>nil} |
a!groupsByType() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!groupsForUser() | a!groupsForUser(
username: "jane.doe"
) | {"7 - Group A (Group)"=>nil, "8 - Group B (Group)"=>nil} |
a!isUserMemberOfGroup() | a!isUserMemberOfGroup("john.doe", 2) | false |
getdistinctusers() | getdistinctusers(topeople(cons!MY_GROUP)) | {test.user1, test.user2} |
getgroupattribute() | getgroupattribute(cons!MY_GROUP, "created") | 12/16/05 6:37 PM GMT |
group() | group(2, "created") | 12/16/05 6:37 PM GMT |
isusernametaken() | isusernametaken("john.doe") | true |
loggedInUser() | loggedInUser() | current.user |
supervisor() | supervisor("john.doe") | jane.smith |
togroup() | togroup(1) | [Group:1] |
topeople() | topeople(1, "john.doe") | {[Group:1], john.doe} |
touser() | touser("john.doe") | john.doe |
user() | user("jane.smith", "created") | 12/20/22 10:36 PM GMT |
ScriptingUsed within expressions to perform operations on process data and Appian objects. | ||||||
a!isNativeMobile() | Click on the function name for examples. | Boolean |
a!isPageWidth() | ||||||
a!urlForPortal() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!urlForSite() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!urlForTask() | a!urlForTask(taskIds: 12345, returnTaskPathOnly: false) | https://<sitename>/suite/tempo/tasks/task/<task_path> |
averagetaskcompletiontimeforprocessmodel() | averagetaskcompletiontimeforprocessmodel(4) | 0.6979317434217448 |
averagetasklagtimeforprocessmodel() | averagetasklagtimeforprocessmodel(4) | 0.4155682319223637 |
averagetaskworktimeforprocessmodel() | averagetaskworktimeforprocessmodel(processModelId) | 0.00003523892184732956 |
community() | community(1, "numberOfDocuments") | 40 |
datetext() | datetext(userdatevalue("8/18/1427"), "yyyy/MM/dd") | 1427/8/18 |
document() | document(101, "expirationDate") | 12/21/05 2:28 PM GMT |
folder() | folder(54, "knowledgeCenterName") | System Knowledge Center |
isInDaylightSavingTime() | isInDaylightSavingTime(date(2005,12,13), "America/Los_Angeles") | false |
knowledgecenter() | knowledgecenter(2, "name") | System Knowledge Center |
numontimeprocessesforprocessmodel() | numontimeprocessesforprocessmodel(processModelId, true) | 38 |
numontimetasksforprocessmodel() | numontimetasksforprocessmodel(processModelId, true) | 147 |
numoverdueprocessesforprocessmodel() | numoverdueprocessesforprocessmodel(processModelId) | 1 |
numoverduetasksforprocessmodel() | numoverduetasksforprocessmodel(processModelId) | 10 |
numprocessesforprocessmodelforstatus() | numprocessesforprocessmodelforstatus(processModelId, "completed") | 38 |
numtasksforprocessmodelforstatus() | numtasksforprocessmodelforstatus(processModelId, "completed", true) | 112 |
offsetFromGMT() | offsetFromGMT(date(2005,12,13), "America/Los_Angeles") | -480 |
property() | property(msg!properties, "name", "no name was sent") | no name was sent |
repeat() | repeat(2, "strawberry") | {"strawberry", "strawberry"} |
todatasubset() | todatasubset({1, 2, 3}) | [startIndex=1, batchSize=-1, sort=, totalCount=3, data=1; 2; 3, identifiers=1; 2; 3] |
topaginginfo() | topaginginfo(1, 25) | [startIndex=1, batchSize=25] |
torecord() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
toxml() | Click on the function name to see examples. |
urlforrecord() | urlforrecord(cons!MY_RECORD_TYPE) | "https://<sitename>/suite/tempo/records/type/<record_type>/view/all" |
urlwithparameters() | urlwithparameters("", { "a", "b" }, { 1, 2 }) | |
userdate() | datetext(userdate(1427, 8, 18), "mm/dd/yyyy") | 8/18/1427 |
userdatetime() | datetext(userdatetime(1427, 8, 18, 1, 2, 0)) | 08/18/1427 01:02 AM |
userdatevalue() | datetext(userdatevalue("8/18/1427"), "yyyy/MM/dd") returns | 38 |
userday() | userday(11/31/2007) | 31 |
userdayofyear() | userdayofyear(2/28/2006) | 58 |
userdaysinmonth() | userdaysinmonth(04, 2006) | 30 |
useredate() | useredate(11/20/2006, -6) | 05/20/2006 |
usereomonth() | usereomonth(11/27/06, -6) | 5/31/06 |
userisleapyear() | userisleapyear(2021) | false |
userlocale() | userlocale("john.doe") | en_US |
usermonth() | usermonth(11/20/2006) | 11 |
usertimezone() | usertimezone(loggedinuser()) | GMT |
userweekday() | userweekday(07/10/2006, 1) | 1 |
userweeknum() | userweeknum(02/06/2018, 1) | 6 |
useryear() | useryear(11/20/2018) | 2018 |
webservicequery() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
webservicewrite() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
xpathdocument() | xpathdocument(cons!my_xml_document, "//temp/text()") & " degrees today" | Collab |
xpathsnippet() | xpathsnippet("<weather><temp>72.3</temp><sky>Cloudy</sky></weather>", "//temp/text()") & " degrees today" | 72.3 degrees today |
Smart ServiceUsed within an interface component or Web API to execute a particular Appian Smart Service. | ||||||
Communication | ||||||
a!sendPushNotification() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
Data Services | ||||||
a!deleteFromDataStoreEntities() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!deleteRecords() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!executeStoredProcedureOnSave() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!syncRecords() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!writeRecords() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!writeToDataStoreEntity() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!writeToMultipleDataStoreEntities() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
Document Generation | ||||||
a!exportDataStoreEntityToCsv() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!exportDataStoreEntityToExcel() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!exportProcessReportToCsv() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!exportProcessReportToExcel() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
Document Management | ||||||
a!createFolder() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!createKnowledgeCenter() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!deleteDocument() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!deleteFolder() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!deleteKnowledgeCenter() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!editDocumentProperties() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!editFolderProperties() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!editKnowledgeCenterProperties() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!lockDocument() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!modifyFolderSecurity() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!modifyKnowledgeCenterSecurity() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!moveDocument() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!moveFolder() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!unlockDocument() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
Identity Management | ||||||
a!addAdminsToGroup() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!addMembersToGroup() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!createGroup() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!createUser() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!deactivateUser() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!deleteGroup() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!editGroup() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!modifyUserSecurity() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!reactivateUser() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!removeGroupAdmins() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!removeGroupMembers() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!renameUsers() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!setGroupAttributes() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!updateUserProfile() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!updateUserType() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
Process Management | ||||||
a!cancelProcess() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!completeTask() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!startProcess() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
Testing | ||||||
a!startRuleTestsAll() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!startRuleTestsApplications() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!testRunResultForId() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!testRunStatusForId() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
StatisticalUsed within expressions to perform statistical operations. | ||||||
avedev() | avedev(1, 2, 3, 4) | 1 |
average() | average(1, 2, 3, 4) | 2.5 |
count() | count({1, 2, 3, 4}) | 4 |
frequency() | frequency({64, 74, 75, 84, 85, 86, 95}, {70, 79, 89}) | {1, 2, 3, 1} |
gcd() | gcd(4, 12, 36) | 4 |
geomean() | geomean(4, 9) | 6 |
harmean() | harmean(1, 2, 3) | 1.636364 |
lcm() | lcm(5,10,15) | 30 |
lookup() | lookup({"a", "b", "c", "d"}, "c", -1) | 3 |
max() | max(1, 2, 3, 4) | 4 |
median() | median(1, 2, 3, 4) | 2.5 |
min() | min(1, 2, 3, 4) | 1 |
mode() | mode(1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4) | 3 |
rank() | rank(2, {1, 2, 3, 4}, false) | 3 |
stdev() | stdev(1, 2, 3, 4) | 1.290994 |
stdevp() | stdevp(1, 2, 3, 4) | 1.118034 |
var() | var(1, 2, 3, 4) | 1.666667 |
varp() | varp(1, 2, 3, 4) | 1.25 |
SystemUsed within expressions to perform platform operations and data transformations | ||||||
a!aggregationFields() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
Replaced by a!forEach()
Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!dataSubset() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!deployment() | `deployment(101, "reviewedDate")` | `12/21/05 2:28 PM GMT` |
a!entityData() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!entityDataIdentifiers() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!executeStoredProcedureForQuery() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!fromJson() | a!fromJson("{""name"":""John Smith"", ""age"":49, ""likes"":[""green"",""dogs"",""long walks""]}") | [name:John Smith,age:49,likes:green; dogs; long walks] |
a!getDataSourceForPlugin() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!httpResponse() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!iconIndicator() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!iconNewsEvent() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!integrationError() | Click on the function name for examples. |
a!jsonPath() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!latestHealthCheck() | a!latestHealthCheck() | [startDateTime=04/25/2020 16:18:38 GMT+00:00, runStatus=COMPLETED, zip=[Document:1408], report=[Document:1409]] |
a!listViewItem() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!map() | a!map(id: 1, name: "Jane Doe") | a!map(id: 1, name: "Jane Doe") |
a!pagingInfo() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!query() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!queryAggregation() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!queryAggregationColumn() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!queryColumn() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!queryEntity() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!queryFilter() | a!queryFilter(field: "name", operator: "=", value: 1) | [field=name, operator==, valueExpression=, value=1] |
a!queryLogicalExpression() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!queryProcessAnalytics() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!queryRecordByIdentifier() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!queryRecordType() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!querySelection() | a!querySelection(columns: a!queryColumn(field: "name")) | [columns=[field=name, alias=name, visible=true]] |
a!recordData() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!recordFilterChoices() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!recordFilterDateRange() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!recordFilterList() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!recordFilterListOption() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!relatedRecordData() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!sentimentScore() | a!sentimentScore({"Hi, I hope you're having a great day"}) | {0.79} |
a!sortInfo() | a!sortInfo(field: "a", ascending: true()) | [field=a, ascending=true] |
a!storedProcedureInput() | a!storedProcedureInput(name: "integer_input", value: 2) | |||||
a!submitUploadedFiles() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!toJson() | a!toJson(a!pagingInfo(startIndex: 1, batchSize: 10)) | {"startIndex":1,"batchSize":10} |
a!toRecordIdentifier() | a!toRecordIdentifier(recordType!<Record Type Name>, 1) | 0 |
a!userRecordFilterList() | 0 | 0 |
a!userRecordIdentifier() | a!userRecordIdentifier("john.smith") | 0 |
a!userRecordListViewItem() | 0 | 0 |
TextUsed within expressions for manipulating text strings of data. | ||||||
a!currency() | a!currency( "USD", 13213.43 ) | $13,213.43 |
a!formatPhoneNumber() | a!formatPhoneNumber("703 333 3333", "US", "NATIONAL") | (703) 333-3333 |
a!isPhoneNumber() | a!isPhoneNumber("+1 703 555 5555") | true |
a!swissFranc() | a!swissFranc( 3213.43 ) | 3'213.43 |
cents() | cents( 123412 ) | 123,412.00¢ |
char() | char( 65 ) | A |
charat() | charat( "string", 2 ) | t |
clean() | clean( "Please enter value in £" ) | Please enter value in |
cleanwith() | cleanwith( "text string", "xte" ) | textt |
code() | code( "Convert to Unicode" ) | 67, 111, 110, 118, 101, 114, 116, 32, 116, 111, 32, 85, 110, 105, 99, 111, 100, 101 |
concat() | concat( {"a", "b", "c"}, {"d", "e", "f"} ) | abcdef |
exact() | exact( "Copy of the other", "Copy of the other" ) | true |
extract() | extract( "name: Bob, name: Karen, name: Sam", ":", "," ) | {"Bob", "Karen"} |
extractanswers() | extractanswers( {"What is your name?", "What is your age?"}, "1. What is your name? Ben 2. What is your age? 47 " ) | {"Ben", "47"} |
find() | find( "to", "Boston", 1 ) | 4 |
fixed() | fixed( 7.36819 ) | 7.37 |
initials() | initials( "John P. Smith" ) | JPS |
insertkey() | insertKey( "hello", "[", "]" ) | [hello] |
insertkeyval() | insertkeyval( {"hello", "goodbye"}, {"alpha", "beta"}, "[", "]") | [hello=alpha][goodbye=beta] |
insertquestions() | insertquestions({"What is your name?", "What is your age?"}) | 1. What is your name? 2. What is your age? |
keyval() | keyval("[hello=alpha][goodbye=beta]", {"hello"}, "=", "]") | alpha |
left() | left("Boston",3) | Bos |
leftb() | leftb("Boston",3) | Bos |
len() | len("Boston") | 6 |
lenb() | lenb("Boston") | 6 |
like() | like("brian","*ian") | true |
lower() | lower("BOSTON") | boston |
mid() | mid("Boston", 4, 2) | to |
midb() | midb("Boston", 4, 2) | to |
padleft() | padleft("Boston", 10) | Boston |
padright() | padright("Boston", 10) | Boston |
proper() | proper("coNvert eaCH cHaRacter iNTo ProPeR caSe") | Convert Each Character Into Proper Case |
replace() | replace("oldtext",1,3,"new") | newtext |
replaceb() | replaceb("oldtext",1,3,"new") | newtext |
rept() | rept("do",3) | dododo |
resource() | resource("city") | ciudad |
right() | right("Boston",3) | ton |
search() | search("to","Boston",1) | 4 |
searchb() | searchb("to","Boston",1) | 4 |
soundex() | soundex("John Smith") | J525 |
split() | split("Smith, John. Smith, Jane",".") | Smith, John; Smith, Jane |
strip() | strip("this text is stripped") | [empty result] |
stripHtml() | striphtml("<p>Click <b>Save</b>.</p>") | Click Save. |
stripwith() | stripwith("text string","xt") | e sring |
substitute() | substitute("hello world","hello","my") | my world |
text() | text(10.25, "$00.0000") | $10.2500 |
toHtml() | toHtml("Hello <br> World") | Hello <br> World |
trim() | trim(" this text needs trimming ") | this text needs trimming |
upper() | upper("Boston") | BOSTON |
value() | value("1,2,3",",") | 1; 2; 3 |
TrigonometryUsed within expressions to perform trigonometry operations. | ||||||
acos() | acos(-1) | 3.141593 |
acosh() | acosh(2) | 1.316958 |
asin() | asin(1) | 1.570796 |
asinh() | asinh(2) | 1.443635 |
atan() | atan(1) | 0.7853982 |
atanh() | atanh(.9) | 1.472219 |
cos() | cos(pi()) | -1 |
cosh() | cosh(1) | 1.543081 |
degrees() | degrees(pi()/2) | 90 |
radians() | radians(180) | 3.141593 |
sin() | sin(pi()/2) | 1 |
sinh() | sinh(1) | 1.175201 |
tan() | tan(pi()/4) | 1 |
tanh() | tanh(1) | 0.7615942 |
[Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. | ||||||
a!buttonWidgetSubmit() [Deprecated] | ||||||
a!dashboardLayout() [Deprecated] | ||||||
a!dashboardLayout_17r1() [Deprecated] | ||||||
a!dashboardLayoutColumns() [Deprecated] | ||||||
a!dynAssociate() [Deprecated] | ||||||
a!dynCreate() [Deprecated] | ||||||
a!dynDelete() [Deprecated] | ||||||
a!dynDisassociate() [Deprecated] | ||||||
a!dynRetrieve() [Deprecated] | ||||||
a!dynRetrieveMultiple() [Deprecated] | ||||||
a!dynUpdate() [Deprecated] | ||||||
a!facet() [Deprecated] | ||||||
a!facetOption() [Deprecated] | ||||||
a!formLayoutColumns() [Deprecated] | ||||||
a!gridImageColumn() [Deprecated] | ||||||
a!gridImageColumn_17r3() [Deprecated] | ||||||
a!gridSelection() [Deprecated] | ||||||
a!gridTextColumn() [Deprecated] | ||||||
a!httpQuery() [Deprecated] | ||||||
a!httpWrite() [Deprecated] | ||||||
a!sapInvokeWriter() [Deprecated] | ||||||
a!sectionLayoutColumns() [Deprecated] | ||||||
a!sfcDelete() [Deprecated] | ||||||
a!sfcDescribeGlobal() [Deprecated] | ||||||
a!sfcDescribeSObjects() [Deprecated] | ||||||
a!sfcInsert() [Deprecated] | ||||||
a!sfcQuery() [Deprecated] | ||||||
a!sfcSearch() [Deprecated] | ||||||
a!sfcUpdate() [Deprecated] | ||||||
a!shpCopyDocumentFromAppian() [Deprecated] | ||||||
a!shpCopyDocumentToAppian() [Deprecated] | ||||||
a!shpInvoke() [Deprecated] | ||||||
a!shpInvokeWriter() [Deprecated] | ||||||
a!userRecordFacets() [Deprecated] | ||||||
byReference() [Deprecated] | ||||||
caladddays() [Deprecated] | caladddays(datetime(2011, 12, 13, 12, 0, 0), 0) | 12/13/2011 12:00 PM GMT |
caladdhours() [Deprecated] | caladdhours(datetime(2011, 12, 13, 12, 0, 0), 12) | 12/14/2011 4:00 PM GMT |
dollar() [Deprecated] | dollar( 13213.43 ) | $13,213.43 |
euro() [Deprecated] | euro( 13213.43 ) | €13,213.43 |
fromHtml() [Deprecated] | ||||||
getprocessemail() [Deprecated] | ||||||
getprocessmodelemail() [Deprecated] | ||||||
isNativePhone() [Deprecated] | ||||||
isNativeTablet() [Deprecated] | ||||||
linktocommunity() [Deprecated] | ||||||
linktocommunityinternal() [Deprecated] | ||||||
linktodocument() [Deprecated] | ||||||
linktodocumentinternal() [Deprecated] | ||||||
linktofolder() [Deprecated] | ||||||
linktofolderinternal() [Deprecated] | ||||||
linktogroup() [Deprecated] | ||||||
linktogroupinternal() [Deprecated] | ||||||
linktoknowledgecenter() [Deprecated] | ||||||
linktoknowledgecenterinternal() [Deprecated] | ||||||
linktoprocessdashboard() [Deprecated] | ||||||
linktoprocessdashboardinternal() [Deprecated] | ||||||
linktoprocessmodeldashboard() [Deprecated] | ||||||
linktoprocessmodeldashboardinternal() [Deprecated] | ||||||
linktouser() [Deprecated] | ||||||
linktouserinternal() [Deprecated] | ||||||
message() [Deprecated] | ||||||
page() [Deprecated] | ||||||
pound() [Deprecated] | pound(3213.43,2) | £3,213.43 |
queryrecord() [Deprecated] | ||||||
thread() [Deprecated] | ||||||
todiscussionthread() [Deprecated] | ||||||
toforum() [Deprecated] | ||||||
tomessage() [Deprecated] | ||||||
topage() [Deprecated] | ||||||
toportlet() [Deprecated] | ||||||
yen() [Deprecated] | yen(3213.43) | ¥3,213.43 |
Document Management | ||||||
a!docExtractionResult() [Deprecated] | a!docExtractionResult(docExtractionId:5) | ANYTYPEDATACDT |
a!docExtractionStatus() [Deprecated] | a!docExtractionStatus(docExtractionId:5) | IN_PROGRESS |
[Old Versions]These are older functions that have been replaced by newer versions. | ||||||
a!barChartField_21r4() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!billboardLayout_19r1() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!cancelProcess_17r3() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!checkboxField_23r3() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!createKnowledgeCenter_17r4() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!deleteRecords_23r3() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!documentBrowserFieldColumns_17r3() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!dropdownField_20r2() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!dropdownFieldByIndex_20r2() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!fileUploadField_17r1() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!formLayout_17r1() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!fromJson_19r2() | a!fromJson("{""name"":""John Smith"", ""age"":49, ""likes"":[""green"",""dogs"",""long walks""]}") | [name:John Smith,age:49,likes:green; dogs; long walks] |
a!gridField_19r1() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!gridField_23r3() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!httpResponse_17r4() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!imageField_17r3() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!lineChartField_19r1() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!multipledropdownField_20r2() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!multipleDropdownFieldByIndex_20r2() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!pickerFieldRecords_20r2() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!pickerFieldRecords_22r1() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!queryEntity_18r3() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!queryEntity_22r2() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!queryRecordType_20r4() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!radioButtonField_23r3() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!recordActionField_23r3() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!recordFilterDateRange_20r2() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!richTextItem_18r1() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!sectionLayout_17r1() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!syncRecords_22r2() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
a!toJson_17r1() | a!toJson_17r1(a!pagingInfo(startIndex: 1, batchSize: 10)) | {"startIndex":1,"batchSize":10} |
a!userRecordFilterList_22r3() | 0 | 0 |
a!userRecordListViewItem_22r3() | 0 | 0 |
a!writeRecords_23r2() | Click on the function name for examples. | |||||
currency_22r4() | currency_22r4( 13213.43 ) | ¤13,213.43 |
isusermemberofgroup_21r2() | isusermemberofgroup_21r2("john.doe", 2) | false |
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