Take the Appian Developer Sentiment Survey View this page in the latest version of Appian. property() Function Share Share via LinkedIn Reddit Email Copy Link Print On This Page Function property( bean, nameOfProperty, valueIfMissing ) This function extracts a bean's property under a given key name (the nameOfProperty parameter). See also: index(): This function acts as an alias to the property() function especially when applied over custom data types. Parameters Keyword Type Description bean Bean Bean to retrieve the property from. nameOfProperty Text Property to retrieve from the bean. valueIfMissing Any Type Default value to return if the property is not present in the bean. Returns Any Type Usage considerations If the named property is not present, then the value for the valueIfMissing parameter is returned instead. The value type of the valueIfMissing parameter should be the same type as the expected property’s type. For example, property(msg!properties,"someStringProperty","Missing Text") returns "Missing Text" if someStringProperty does not exist. When the bean is a dictionary, if the nameOfProperty is not found in the dictionary, the valueIfMissing will be ignored and a null value will be returned. Consider using a map instead of a dictionary. Examples You can copy and paste these examples into the Expression Rule Designer to see how this works. property(msg!properties,"name","no name was sent") returns no name was sent when the name property is not received in a message. Feature compatibility The table below lists this function's compatibility with various features in Appian. Feature Compatibility Note Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Can be used to create a custom record field that only evaluates at sync time. Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Custom record fields that evaluate in real time must be configured using one or more Custom Field functions. Process Reports Incompatible Cannot be used to configure a process report. Process Events Incompatible Cannot be used to configure a process event node, such as a start event or timer event. Feedback Was this page helpful? SHARE FEEDBACK Loading...