Take the Appian Developer Sentiment Survey View this page in the latest version of Appian. All Functions Share Share via LinkedIn Reddit Email Copy Link Print This table is a searchable listing of all Appian functions, including those that render interface components or execute smart services. You can filter by function category and/or feature compatibility with portals, offline mobile, sync-time custom record fields, real-time custom record fields, process reports, or process events. All Categories Array Base Conversion Connector Conversion Custom Fields Date and Time Evaluation Informational Interface Component Logical Looping Mathematical People Scripting Smart Service Statistical System Text Trigonometry 一Deprecated一 and Any Compatibility IncompatiblePartially compatibleCompatible with Portals Offline Mobile Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Real-Time Custom Record Fields Process Reports Process Events Category Sub Category CatDesc SubCatDesc Name Description Syntax Example Result Compatibility 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. a!dashboardLayoutColumns() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. a!formLayoutColumns() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. a!sectionLayoutColumns() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. thread() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. message() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Array ArrayUsed within your expressions to manipulate, insert, and/or select values from arrays. a!flatten() Converts an array that contains other arrays into an array of single items. a!flatten([array]) a!flatten(merge({1,2},{11, 12})){1, 11, 2, 12} +portal+om+crf-rcrf-pr-pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Array ArrayUsed within your expressions to manipulate, insert, and/or select values from arrays. a!update() Inserts new values or replaces existing values at the specified index or field name and returns the resulting updated data. a!update([data], [index], [value]) a!update(a!map(a: 1, b: 2), "a", 5)a!map(a: 5, b: 2) +portal+om+crf-rcrf-pr-pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Array ArrayUsed within your expressions to manipulate, insert, and/or select values from arrays. append() Appends a value or values to the given array, and returns the resulting array. append([array], [value]) append({10, 20, 30}, 99){10, 20, 30, 99} +portal+om+crf-rcrf-pr-pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Array ArrayUsed within your expressions to manipulate, insert, and/or select values from arrays. index() Returns the data[index] if it is valid or else returns the default value. index([data], [index], [default]) index({10, 20, 30}, 2, 1)20 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Array ArrayUsed within your expressions to manipulate, insert, and/or select values from arrays. insert() Inserts a value into the given array and returns the resulting array. insert([array], [value], [index]) insert({10, 20, 30, 40}, 99, 1){99, 10, 20, 30, 40} +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Array ArrayUsed within your expressions to manipulate, insert, and/or select values from arrays. joinarray() Concatenates the elements of an array together into one string and inserts a string separator between each element. joinarray([array], [separator]) joinarray({1, 2, 3, 4}, "|")1|2|3|4 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Array ArrayUsed within your expressions to manipulate, insert, and/or select values from arrays. ldrop() Drops a given number of values from the left side of an array and returns the resulting array. ldrop([array], [number]) ldrop({10, 20, 30}, 1){20, 30} +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Array ArrayUsed within your expressions to manipulate, insert, and/or select values from arrays. length() This function returns the number of elements in an array. length([array]) length({10, 20, 30})3 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Array ArrayUsed within your expressions to manipulate, insert, and/or select values from arrays. rdrop() Drops a given number of values from the right side of an array, and returns the resulting array. rdrop([array], [number]) rdrop({10, 20, 30}, 1){10, 20} +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Array ArrayUsed within your expressions to manipulate, insert, and/or select values from arrays. remove() Removes the value at a given index from an array, and returns the resulting array. remove([array], [index]) remove({10, 20, 30}, 2){10, 30} +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Array ArrayUsed within your expressions to manipulate, insert, and/or select values from arrays. reverse() Returns an array in reverse order. reverse([array]) reverse({10, 20, 30}){30, 20, 10} +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Array ArrayUsed within your expressions to manipulate, insert, and/or select values from arrays. updatearray() Inserts new values or modifies existing values at the specified index of a given array, and returns the resulting array. updatearray([array], [index], [value]) updatearray({10, 20, 30}, 2, 99){10, 99, 30} +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Array ArrayUsed within your expressions to manipulate, insert, and/or select values from arrays. where() Returns the indexes where the values in the input array are true. where([booleanArray], [default]) where({true, false, true}){1, 3} +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Array ArrayUsed within your expressions to manipulate, insert, and/or select values from arrays. wherecontains() Receives one or more values and returns an array of indexes that indicate the position of the values within the array. wherecontains([values], [array]) wherecontains(20, {10, 20, 30}){2} +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Base Conversion Base ConversionUsed within expressions to convert values into other base number formats. bin2dec() Converts a Binary number as text to a Decimal number. bin2dec([value]) bin2dec(10000)16 ~portal~om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Base Conversion Base ConversionUsed within expressions to convert values into other base number formats. bin2hex() Converts a Binary number as text to a Hex number as text. bin2hex([value], [place]) bin2hex(1100100)64 ~portal~om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Base Conversion Base ConversionUsed within expressions to convert values into other base number formats. bin2oct() Converts a Binary number as text to an Octal number as text. bin2oct([value], [place]) bin2oct(1100100)144 ~portal~om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Base Conversion Base ConversionUsed within expressions to convert values into other base number formats. dec2bin() Converts a Decimal number to a Binary number as text. dec2bin([value], [place]) dec2bin(16)10000 ~portal~om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Base Conversion Base ConversionUsed within expressions to convert values into other base number formats. dec2hex() Converts a Decimal number to a Hex number as text. dec2hex([value], [place]) dec2hex(16)10 ~portal~om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Base Conversion Base ConversionUsed within expressions to convert values into other base number formats. dec2oct() Converts a Decimal number to an Octal number as text. dec2oct([value], [place]) dec2oct(16)20 ~portal~om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Base Conversion Base ConversionUsed within expressions to convert values into other base number formats. hex2bin() Converts a Hex number as text to a Binary number as text. hex2bin([value], [place]) hex2bin(64)1100100 ~portal~om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Base Conversion Base ConversionUsed within expressions to convert values into other base number formats. hex2dec() Converts a Hex number as text to a Decimal number. hex2dec([value]) hex2dec(10)16 ~portal~om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Base Conversion Base ConversionUsed within expressions to convert values into other base number formats. hex2oct() Converts a Hex number as text to an Octal number as text. hex2oct([value], [place]) hex2oct(64)144 ~portal~om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Base Conversion Base ConversionUsed within expressions to convert values into other base number formats. oct2bin() Converts an Octal number as text to a Binary number as text. oct2bin([value], [place]) oct2bin(144)1100100 ~portal~om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Base Conversion Base ConversionUsed within expressions to convert values into other base number formats. oct2dec() Converts an Octal number as text to a Decimal number. oct2dec([value]) oct2dec(20)16 ~portal~om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Base Conversion Base ConversionUsed within expressions to convert values into other base number formats. oct2hex() Converts an Octal number as text to a Hex number as text. oct2hex([value], [place]) oct2hex(144)64 ~portal~om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Connector CMIS ConnectorUsed to integrate Appian with popular enterprise software solutions. CMISThe CMIS connector supports integrating with systems that implement the OASIS Content Management Interoperability Services standard. a!cmiCopyDocumentFromAppian() Copies an Appian document to a location in the CMIS target system, specified by the value of the objectId parameter. a!cmiCopyDocumentFromAppian([scsExternalSystemKey], [usePerUserCredentials], [atomPubUrl], [repositoryId], [objectId], [properties], [appianDocument], [appianDocumentVersion], [appianDocumentAllowExpired]) Click on the function name for examples. ~portal~om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Connector CMIS ConnectorUsed to integrate Appian with popular enterprise software solutions. CMISThe CMIS connector supports integrating with systems that implement the OASIS Content Management Interoperability Services standard. a!cmiCopyDocumentToAppian() Copies a document from the CMIS target system to Appian, creating a new version of an existing Appian document. a!cmiCopyDocumentToAppian([scsExternalSystemKey], [usePerUserCredentials], [atomPubUrl], [repositoryId], [objectId], [appianDocument]) Click on the function name for examples. ~portal~om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Connector CMIS ConnectorUsed to integrate Appian with popular enterprise software solutions. CMISThe CMIS connector supports integrating with systems that implement the OASIS Content Management Interoperability Services standard. a!cmiCopyDocumentToAppianFolder() Copies a document from the CMIS target system to an Appian folder, creating a new document. a!cmiCopyDocumentToAppianFolder([scsExternalSystemKey], [usePerUserCredentials], [atomPubUrl], [repositoryId], [objectId], [appianFolder]) Click on the function name for examples. ~portal~om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Connector CMIS ConnectorUsed to integrate Appian with popular enterprise software solutions. CMISThe CMIS connector supports integrating with systems that implement the OASIS Content Management Interoperability Services standard. a!cmiCreateFolder() Creates a folder in the CMIS target system. a!cmiCreateFolder([scsExternalSystemKey], [usePerUserCredentials], [atomPubUrl], [repositoryId], [parentId], [properties]) Click on the function name for examples. ~portal~om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Connector CMIS ConnectorUsed to integrate Appian with popular enterprise software solutions. CMISThe CMIS connector supports integrating with systems that implement the OASIS Content Management Interoperability Services standard. a!cmiDelete() Deletes an object in the CMIS target system. a!cmiDelete([scsExternalSystemKey], [usePerUserCredentials], [atomPubUrl], [repositoryId], [objectId], [allVersions]) Click on the function name for examples. ~portal~om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Connector CMIS ConnectorUsed to integrate Appian with popular enterprise software solutions. CMISThe CMIS connector supports integrating with systems that implement the OASIS Content Management Interoperability Services standard. a!cmiGetFolderChildren() Retrieves the children of the folder given as the folderId parameter, obeying the given pagingInfo. a!cmiGetFolderChildren([scsExternalSystemKey], [usePerUserCredentials], [atomPubUrl], [repositoryId], [folderId], [pagingInfo]) Click on the function name for examples. ~portal~om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Connector CMIS ConnectorUsed to integrate Appian with popular enterprise software solutions. CMISThe CMIS connector supports integrating with systems that implement the OASIS Content Management Interoperability Services standard. a!cmiGetObjectIdByPath() Retrieves the object id of a CMIS object based on the value given as the path parameter. a!cmiGetObjectIdByPath([scsExternalSystemKey], [usePerUserCredentials], [atomPubUrl], [repositoryId], [path]) Click on the function name for examples. ~portal~om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Connector CMIS ConnectorUsed to integrate Appian with popular enterprise software solutions. CMISThe CMIS connector supports integrating with systems that implement the OASIS Content Management Interoperability Services standard. a!cmiGetProperties() Retrieves the properties of the CMIS object given as the objectId parameter. a!cmiGetProperties([scsExternalSystemKey], [usePerUserCredentials], [atomPubUrl], [repositoryId], [objectId]) Click on the function name for examples. ~portal~om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Connector CMIS ConnectorUsed to integrate Appian with popular enterprise software solutions. CMISThe CMIS connector supports integrating with systems that implement the OASIS Content Management Interoperability Services standard. a!cmiGetRepoInfo() Retrieves information about the target CMIS target system repository. a!cmiGetRepoInfo([scsExternalSystemKey], [usePerUserCredentials], [atomPubUrl], [repositoryId]) Click on the function name for examples. ~portal~om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. a!dynAssociate() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. a!dynCreate() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. a!dynDelete() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. a!dynDisassociate() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. a!dynRetrieve() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. a!dynRetrieveMultiple() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. a!dynUpdate() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Connector Web Service Helper ConnectorUsed to integrate Appian with popular enterprise software solutions. Web Service Helper a!httpAuthenticationBasic() Creates an object that contains the information required to perform HTTP Basic authentication. a!httpAuthenticationBasic([username], [password], [preemptive]) Click on the function name for examples. ~portal~om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Connector Web Service Helper ConnectorUsed to integrate Appian with popular enterprise software solutions. Web Service Helper a!httpFormPart() Creates an HTTP form part which can be passed in an integration’s multipart request body. a!httpFormPart([name], [contentType], [value]) Click on the function name for examples. ~portal~om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Connector Web Service Helper ConnectorUsed to integrate Appian with popular enterprise software solutions. Web Service Helper a!httpHeader() Creates an HTTP header object which can be passed to an HTTP function. a!httpHeader([name], [value]) Click on the function name for examples. ~portal~om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. a!httpQuery() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Connector Web Service Helper ConnectorUsed to integrate Appian with popular enterprise software solutions. Web Service Helper a!httpQueryParameter() Creates an HTTP query parameter object which can be passed to an HTTP function. a!httpQueryParameter([name], [value]) Click on the function name for examples. +portal+om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. a!httpWrite() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Connector Web Service Helper ConnectorUsed to integrate Appian with popular enterprise software solutions. Web Service Helper a!scsField() Creates an object which contains the information required to access data in the Secure Credentials Store. a!scsField([externalSystemKey], [fieldKey], [usePerUser]) Click on the function name for examples. ~portal~om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Connector reCAPTCHA ConnectorUsed to integrate Appian with popular enterprise software solutions. reCAPTCHAThe reCAPTCHA connector allows you to connect to Google reCAPTCHA services. a!verifyRecaptcha() Allows you to verify the reCAPTCHA connection was successful and access reCAPTCHA scores to help protect your Portal against potentially malicious activity. a!verifyRecaptcha([onSuccess], [onError]) Click on the function name for examples. +portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Compatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Connector SAP ConnectorUsed to integrate Appian with popular enterprise software solutions. SAPThe SAP connector uses the SAP JCo 3.0 middleware library to connect to a SAP ERP systems release 3.1H or later. a!sapBapiParameters() Retrieves the list of parameters required to call the given SAP BAPI. a!sapBapiParameters([scsExternalSystemKey], [usePerUserCredentials], [hostname], [clientNumber], [systemNumber], [connectionProperties], [bapi]) Click on the function name for examples. +portal+om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Connector SAP ConnectorUsed to integrate Appian with popular enterprise software solutions. SAPThe SAP connector uses the SAP JCo 3.0 middleware library to connect to a SAP ERP systems release 3.1H or later. a!sapInvoke() Invokes the given BAPI, returning the result. a!sapInvoke([scsExternalSystemKey], [usePerUserCredentials], [hostname], [clientNumber], [systemNumber], [connectionProperties], [bapi], [importParameters], [tableParameters]) Click on the function name for examples. ~portal~om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. a!sapInvokeWriter() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Connector Siebel ConnectorUsed to integrate Appian with popular enterprise software solutions. SiebelThe Siebel connector allows connecting to an Oracle Siebel 8.x. a!sblCreate() Creates a new record in Siebel. a!sblCreate([scsExternalSystemKey], [usePerUserCredentials], [hostname], [port], [enterpriseApp], [appManager], [language], [parameters], [fieldValues]) Click on the function name for examples. ~portal~om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Connector Siebel ConnectorUsed to integrate Appian with popular enterprise software solutions. SiebelThe Siebel connector allows connecting to an Oracle Siebel 8.x. a!sblDelete() Deletes a record from Siebel. a!sblDelete([scsExternalSystemKey], [usePerUserCredentials], [hostname], [port], [enterpriseApp], [appManager], [language], [parameters]) Click on the function name for examples. ~portal~om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Connector Siebel ConnectorUsed to integrate Appian with popular enterprise software solutions. SiebelThe Siebel connector allows connecting to an Oracle Siebel 8.x. a!sblInvoke() Invokes the method in Siebel, returning the result. a!sblInvoke([scsExternalSystemKey], [usePerUserCredentials], [hostname], [port], [enterpriseApp], [appManager], [language], [businessService], [method], [parameters]) Click on the function name for examples. ~portal~om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Connector Siebel ConnectorUsed to integrate Appian with popular enterprise software solutions. SiebelThe Siebel connector allows connecting to an Oracle Siebel 8.x. a!sblInvokeWriter() Invokes the method that will result in a modification to data in Siebel. a!sblInvokeWriter([scsExternalSystemKey], [usePerUserCredentials], [hostname], [port], [enterpriseApp], [appManager], [language], [businessService], [method], [parameters]) Click on the function name for examples. ~portal~om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Connector Siebel ConnectorUsed to integrate Appian with popular enterprise software solutions. SiebelThe Siebel connector allows connecting to an Oracle Siebel 8.x. a!sblQuery() Retrieves records from Siebel. a!sblQuery([scsExternalSystemKey], [usePerUserCredentials], [hostname], [port], [enterpriseApp], [appManager], [language], [sort], [parameters]) Click on the function name for examples. ~portal~om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Connector Siebel ConnectorUsed to integrate Appian with popular enterprise software solutions. SiebelThe Siebel connector allows connecting to an Oracle Siebel 8.x. a!sblUpdateFieldValue() Updates the values of the given record in Siebel. a!sblUpdateFieldValue([scsExternalSystemKey], [usePerUserCredentials], [hostname], [port], [enterpriseApp], [appManager], [language], [fieldValues], [parameters]) Click on the function name for examples. ~portal~om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. a!sfcDelete() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. a!sfcDescribeGlobal() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. a!sfcDescribeSObjects() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. a!sfcInsert() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. a!sfcQuery() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. a!sfcSearch() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. a!sfcUpdate() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. a!shpCopyDocumentFromAppian() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. a!shpCopyDocumentToAppian() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. a!shpInvoke() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. a!shpInvokeWriter() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Connector Web Service Helper ConnectorUsed to integrate Appian with popular enterprise software solutions. Web Service Helper a!wsConfig() Constructs the config parameter to the webservicequery() and webservicewrite() functions. a!wsConfig([wsdlUrl], [service], [port], [operation], [wsdlCredentials], [endpointcredentials], [extensions]) Click on the function name for examples. ~portal~om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Connector Web Service Helper ConnectorUsed to integrate Appian with popular enterprise software solutions. Web Service Helper a!wsHttpCredentials() Constructs a WsHttpCredentials object for use with a!wsConfig. a!wsHttpCredentials([username], [password], [domain]) Click on the function name for examples. ~portal~om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Connector Web Service Helper ConnectorUsed to integrate Appian with popular enterprise software solutions. Web Service Helper a!wsHttpHeaderField() Constructs a WsHttpHeaderField object for use with a!wsConfig. a!wsHttpHeaderField([name], [name]) Click on the function name for examples. ~portal~om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Connector Web Service Helper ConnectorUsed to integrate Appian with popular enterprise software solutions. Web Service Helper a!wsUsernameToken() Constructs a WsUsernameToken object for use with a!wsConfig. a!wsUsernameToken([username], [password]) Click on the function name for examples. ~portal~om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Connector Web Service Helper ConnectorUsed to integrate Appian with popular enterprise software solutions. Web Service Helper a!wsUsernameTokenScs() Constructs a WsUsernameTokenScs object for use with a!wsConfig. a!wsUsernameTokenScs([systemKey], [usePerUser]) Click on the function name for examples. ~portal~om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Conversion ConversionUsed to cast data from one data type into another. displayvalue() Tries to match a value in a given array with a value at the same index in a replacement array and returns either the value at the same index or a default value if the value is not found. displayvalue([value], [inArray], [replacement], [default]) displayvalue( 1, {0, 1, 2}, {"Low", "Medium", "High"}, "Unknown" )Medium +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Conversion ConversionUsed to cast data from one data type into another. externalize() Converts the given value to a string representation so that it can be saved externally. externalize([value]) externalize(todocument(1)) +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Conversion ConversionUsed to cast data from one data type into another. internalize() Converts the given externalized string representation of a value to the original value. internalize([externalizedText], [default]) internalize(externalize(todocument(1)))[Document:1] +portal+om-crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Conversion ConversionUsed to cast data from one data type into another. toboolean() Converts a value to Boolean. toboolean([value]) toboolean(0)false +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Conversion ConversionUsed to cast data from one data type into another. tocommunity() Converts a value to Community. tocommunity([value]) tocommunity(1)[Community:1] +portal+om-crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Conversion ConversionUsed to cast data from one data type into another. todate() Converts a value to Date with Timezone. todate([value]) todate(0)1/1/2035 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Conversion ConversionUsed to cast data from one data type into another. todatetime() Converts a value to Date and Time with Timezone. todatetime([value]) todatetime(date(2005, 12, 13))12/13/05 12:00 AM GMT +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Conversion ConversionUsed to cast data from one data type into another. todecimal() Converts a value to Decimal (double-precision floating-point number). todecimal([value]) todecimal("3.6")3.6 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. todiscussionthread() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Conversion ConversionUsed to cast data from one data type into another. todocument() Converts a value to Document. todocument([value]) todocument(1)[Document:1] +portal+om-crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Conversion ConversionUsed to cast data from one data type into another. toemailaddress() Converts a value to email address. toemailaddress([value]) toemailaddress("john.doe"&char(64)&"company.com")john.doe@company.com +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Conversion ConversionUsed to cast data from one data type into another. toemailrecipient() Converts a value to email recipient. toemailrecipient([value]) toemailrecipient(togroup(1))[Group:1] +portal+om-crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Conversion ConversionUsed to cast data from one data type into another. tofolder() Converts a value to Folder. tofolder([value]) tofolder({"1","2"})[Folder:1], [Folder:2] +portal+om-crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. toforum() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Conversion ConversionUsed to cast data from one data type into another. tointeger() Converts a value to Integer. tointeger([value]) tointeger("3")3 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Conversion ConversionUsed to cast data from one data type into another. tointervalds() Converts a value to Interval (Day to Second). tointervalds([value]) tointervalds("11h 10m 30s")111030::00:00:00.000 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Conversion ConversionUsed to cast data from one data type into another. toknowledgecenter() Converts a value to Knowledge Center. toknowledgecenter([value]) toknowledgecenter("2")[Knowledge Center:2] +portal+om-crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. tomessage() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. topage() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. toportlet() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Conversion ConversionUsed to cast data from one data type into another. tostring() Converts a value to Text. tostring([value]) tostring(17)"17" +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Conversion ConversionUsed to cast data from one data type into another. totime() Converts a value to Time. totime([value]) totime(datetime(2005, 12, 13, 12, 0, 0))12:00 PM GMT +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Conversion ConversionUsed to cast data from one data type into another. touniformstring() Converts a value or list to text, preserving the original scalar or array structure. touniformstring([value]) touniformstring("John Doe 1060 West Addison Chicago", "IL"){"John Doe 1060 West Addison Chicago", "IL"} +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Custom Fields Custom FieldsUsed to create custom record fields that evaluate in real time. a!customFieldConcat() Used to create a real-time custom record field, this function concatenates the specified values into a single value. a!customFieldConcat([value]) Click on the function name for examples. ~portal-om-crf+rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Custom Fields Custom FieldsUsed to create custom record fields that evaluate in real time. a!customFieldCondition() Used in the whenTrue parameter of a!customFieldMatch(), this function allows you to create a condition. a!customFieldCondition([field], [operator], [value]) Click on the function name for examples. ~portal-om-crf+rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Custom Fields Custom FieldsUsed to create custom record fields that evaluate in real time. a!customFieldDateDiff() Used to create a real-time custom record field, this function returns the difference between two dates as a Number (Integer). The difference can be returned in days, hours, minutes, or seconds. Returns null when the startDate or endDate is null or empty. a!customFieldDateDiff([startDate], [endDate], [interval]) Click on the function name for examples. ~portal-om-crf+rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Custom Fields Custom FieldsUsed to create custom record fields that evaluate in real time. a!customFieldDefaultValue() Used to create a real-time custom record field, this function returns a default value when the specified value is null or empty. All parameters must be of the same data type. When there are multiple default parameters, each parameter is evaluated in order and the first non-null or non-empty default will be returned. a!customFieldDefaultValue([value], [default]) Click on the function name for examples. ~portal-om-crf+rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Custom Fields Custom FieldsUsed to create custom record fields that evaluate in real time. a!customFieldDivide() Used to create a real-time custom record field, this function returns the results of dividing two numbers. You can use record fields, related record fields, or literal values of type Number (Integer) or Number (Decimal) in your calculation. a!customFieldDivide([numerator], [denominator]) Click on the function name for examples. ~portal-om-crf+rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Custom Fields Custom FieldsUsed to create custom record fields that evaluate in real time. a!customFieldLogicalExpression() Used in the whenTrue parameter of a!customFieldMatch(), this function allows you to group multiple logical conditions using the "AND" and "OR" operators. a!customFieldLogicalExpression([operator], [conditions]) Click on the function name for examples. ~portal-om-crf+rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Custom Fields Custom FieldsUsed to create custom record fields that evaluate in real time. a!customFieldMatch() Used to create a real-time custom record field, this function evaluates the value parameter against multiple conditions and returns a value based on a match. If no match is found, the default parameter is returned. a!customFieldMatch([value], [equals], [whenTrue], [then], [default]) Click on the function name for examples. ~portal-om-crf+rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Custom Fields Custom FieldsUsed to create custom record fields that evaluate in real time. a!customFieldMultiply() Used to create a real-time custom record field, this function returns the result of multiplying a series of values. You can multiply record fields, related record fields, or literal values of type Number (Integer) or Number (Decimal). a!customFieldMultiply([value]) Click on the function name for examples. ~portal-om-crf+rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Custom Fields Custom FieldsUsed to create custom record fields that evaluate in real time. a!customFieldSubtract() Used to create a real-time custom record field, this function returns the difference between two numbers. You can subtract record fields, related record fields, or literal values of type Number (Integer) or Number (Decimal). a!customFieldSubtract([value1], [value2]) Click on the function name for examples. ~portal-om-crf+rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Custom Fields Custom FieldsUsed to create custom record fields that evaluate in real time. a!customFieldSum() Used to create a real-time custom record field, this function returns a sum of values. You can calculate the sum of record fields, related record fields, or literal values of type Number (Integer) or Number (Decimal). a!customFieldSum([value]) Click on the function name for examples. ~portal-om-crf+rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Date and Time Date and TimeUsed within an expressions for date, time, or date and time values. a!addDateTime() Adds the specified increments of time to the startDateTime and returns a date and time value. You can select a process calendar to ensure the return value falls within the specified working days and time. a!addDateTime([startDateTime], [years], [months], [days], [hours], [minutes], [seconds], [useProcessCalendar], [processCalendarName]) a!addDateTime(startDateTime: datetime(2000,1,1,0,0,0), months: 1, days: 1, hours: 1, minutes: 1, seconds: 1)2/2/2000 1:01 AM GMT+00:00 +portal+om+crf-rcrf-pr-pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. caladddays() [Deprecated] This function adds a given number of working days as designated on the process calendar to a Date and Time value, and returns a Date and Time value that falls within the work time defined in the process calendar. caladddays([start_datetime], [number], [calendar_name]) caladddays(datetime(2011, 12, 13, 12, 0, 0), 0)12/13/2011 12:00 PM GMT -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. caladdhours() [Deprecated] This function adds a given number of hours to a Date and Time plus any non-working hours (as designated on the process calendar) and returns the resulting Date and Time. caladdhours([start_datetime], [number], [calendar_name]) caladdhours(datetime(2011, 12, 13, 12, 0, 0), 12)12/14/2011 4:00 PM GMT -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Date and Time Date and TimeUsed within an expressions for date, time, or date and time values. calisworkday() This returns whether or not the given Date and Time is a work day, according to the calendar defined for the system. calisworkday([datetime], [calendar_name]) calisworkday(datetime(2011, 12, 13, 12, 0, 0))true -portal-om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Date and Time Date and TimeUsed within an expressions for date, time, or date and time values. calisworktime() This returns whether or not the given Date and Time is within working hours, according to the calendars defined for the system. calisworktime([datetime], [calendar_name]) calisworktime(datetime(2011, 12, 13, 12, 0, 0))true -portal-om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Date and Time Date and TimeUsed within an expressions for date, time, or date and time values. calworkdays() This returns the actual number of work days between two Date and Times (both inclusive), according to the calendar defined for the system. calworkdays([start_datetime], [end_datetime], [calendar_name]) calworkdays(datetime(2011, 12, 13, 12, 0, 0), datetime(2011, 12, 20, 12, 0, 0))6 -portal-om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Date and Time Date and TimeUsed within an expressions for date, time, or date and time values. calworkhours() This returns the actual number of work hours between two given Date and Times (both inclusive), according to the calendar defined for the system. calworkhours([start_datetime], [end_datetime], [calendar_name]) calworkhours(datetime(2011, 12, 12, 12, 0, 0), datetime(2011, 12, 13, 12, 0, 0))8 -portal-om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Date and Time Date and TimeUsed within an expressions for date, time, or date and time values. date() Converts text into data accepted by the date data type and functions that require date parameters. date([year], [month], [day]) date(2011, 12, 13)12/13/2011 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Date and Time Date and TimeUsed within an expressions for date, time, or date and time values. datetime() Converts the given Date and Time into a serial number that holds the Date and Time data type. datetime([year], [month], [day], [hour], [minute], [second]) datetime(2011, 12, 13, 12, 0, 0)12/13/2011 12:00 PM GMT +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Date and Time Date and TimeUsed within an expressions for date, time, or date and time values. datevalue() Converts a value to a date. datevalue([value]) datevalue(0)1/1/2035 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Date and Time Date and TimeUsed within an expressions for date, time, or date and time values. day() Returns the day of the month from the date specified. day([date]) day(datetime(2011, 12, 13, 12, 0, 0))13 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Date and Time Date and TimeUsed within an expressions for date, time, or date and time values. dayofyear() Returns the day number within the year. dayofyear([date]) dayofyear(date(1957, 03, 14))73 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Date and Time Date and TimeUsed within an expressions for date, time, or date and time values. days360() Returns the number of days between two dates, based on a 360-day calendar. days360([start_date], [end_date], [method]) days360(today(), today() + 365, 0)360 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Date and Time Date and TimeUsed within an expressions for date, time, or date and time values. daysinmonth() Returns the number of days in the given month in the given year. daysinmonth([month], [year]) daysinmonth(2, 1800)28 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Date and Time Date and TimeUsed within an expressions for date, time, or date and time values. edate() Returns the date that is the number of months before or after the given starting date. edate([starting_date], [months]) edate(date(2011, 12, 13), -6)6/13/11 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Date and Time Date and TimeUsed within an expressions for date, time, or date and time values. eomonth() Returns the date for the last day of the month that is the number of months before or after the given starting date. eomonth([starting_date], [months]) eomonth(date(2011, 12, 13), -6)6/30/2011 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Date and Time Date and TimeUsed within an expressions for date, time, or date and time values. gmt() Subtracts a time zone offset from a given Date and Time. gmt([datetime], [timezone]) gmt(datetime(2011, 12, 13, 12, 05), "America/New_York")12/13/2011 5:05 PM GMT +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Date and Time Date and TimeUsed within an expressions for date, time, or date and time values. hour() Returns the hour from the time specified. hour([time]) hour(time(14, 20, 23))14 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Date and Time Date and TimeUsed within an expressions for date, time, or date and time values. intervalds() Converts the given time components into an equivalent time duration, an interval expressing days to seconds. This value is treated as a duration (Joe ran the marathon in 3 hours and 23 minutes), not a point in time. intervalds([hour], [minute], [second]) intervalds(2, 4, 5)0::02:04:05.000 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Date and Time Date and TimeUsed within an expressions for date, time, or date and time values. isleapyear() Returns a Boolean value for whether the given year is a leap year. isleapyear([year]) isleapyear(1996)True +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Date and Time Date and TimeUsed within an expressions for date, time, or date and time values. lastndays() Returns a Boolean value for whether the given date is within the last given number of days. lastndays([date], [n]) lastndays(date(2011, 12, 13), 6)False +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Date and Time Date and TimeUsed within an expressions for date, time, or date and time values. local() This is a Date and Time addition function, adding time zone offset to given Date and Time. local([datetime], [timezone]) local(datetime(2011, 12, 13, 12, 05), "America/New_York")12/13/2011 7:05 AM GMT +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Date and Time Date and TimeUsed within an expressions for date, time, or date and time values. milli() This function returns the millisecond portion of a timestamp or the decimal number that represents 1 millisecond in days. milli([time]) milli(datetime(2011, 12, 13, 12, 0, 0, 25))25 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Date and Time Date and TimeUsed within an expressions for date, time, or date and time values. minute() Returns the minute from the time specified. minute([time], [minute]) minute(time(14, 20, 23))20 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Date and Time Date and TimeUsed within an expressions for date, time, or date and time values. month() Returns the month from the specified date. month([date]) month(date(2011, 12, 13))12 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Date and Time Date and TimeUsed within an expressions for date, time, or date and time values. networkdays() Returns the number of working days between two specified dates. networkdays([starting_date], [ending_date], [holidays]) networkdays(date(2011, 12, 13), date(2011, 12, 20))6 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Date and Time Date and TimeUsed within an expressions for date, time, or date and time values. now() Returns the current Date and Time as a serial number. now([]) now()2/2/2022 2:02 PM +portal+om-crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Date and Time Date and TimeUsed within an expressions for date, time, or date and time values. second() Returns the seconds from the specified time. second([time]) second(time(14, 20, 23))23 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Date and Time Date and TimeUsed within an expressions for date, time, or date and time values. a!subtractDateTime() Subtracts the specified increments of time from the startDateTime and returns a date and time value. You can select a process calendar to ensure the return value falls within the specified working days and time. a!subtractDateTime([startDateTime], [years], [months], [days], [hours], [minutes], [seconds], [useProcessCalendar], [processCalendarName]) a!subtractDateTime(startDateTime: datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), months: 1, days: 1, hours: 1, minutes: 1, seconds: 1)11/29/2000 10:58 PM GMT+00:00 +portal+om+crf-rcrf-pr-pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Date and Time Date and TimeUsed within an expressions for date, time, or date and time values. time() Converts the given time into an equivalent time value. time([hour], [minute], [second], [millisecond]) time(14, 20, 23)2:20 PM +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Date and Time Date and TimeUsed within an expressions for date, time, or date and time values. timevalue() Converts the given time into an equivalent interval. timevalue([time_text]) timevalue(time(14, 20, 23))2:20 PM +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Date and Time Date and TimeUsed within an expressions for date, time, or date and time values. timezone() Returns the default offset in minutes from GMT, which is generally the process initiator's time zone. timezone([]) timezone()0 +portal-om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Date and Time Date and TimeUsed within an expressions for date, time, or date and time values. timezoneid() Returns the time zone ID for the current context. timezoneid([]) timezoneid()GMT +portal-om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Date and Time Date and TimeUsed within an expressions for date, time, or date and time values. today() Returns the current day in GMT. today([]) today()2/2/2022 +portal+om-crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Date and Time Date and TimeUsed within an expressions for date, time, or date and time values. weekday() Returns the day of the week of the specified date. weekday([date], [return_type]) weekday(date(2011, 12, 13))3 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Date and Time Date and TimeUsed within an expressions for date, time, or date and time values. weeknum() Returns the week number within the year for the given date using a given methodology. weeknum([date], [methodology]) weeknum(date(2011, 12, 13))51 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Date and Time Date and TimeUsed within an expressions for date, time, or date and time values. workday() Returns the date the given number of workdays before or after the given date. workday([starting_date], [days], [holidays]) workday(date(2011, 12, 13), -6)12/5/2011 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Date and Time Date and TimeUsed within an expressions for date, time, or date and time values. year() Returns the year for the date specified. year([date]) year(date(2011, 12, 13))2011 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Date and Time Date and TimeUsed within an expressions for date, time, or date and time values. yearfrac() Determine the fraction of the year. yearfrac([start_date], [end_date], [method]) yearfrac(today(), today() + 270, 3)0.739726 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Smart Service Document Management Smart ServiceUsed within an interface component or Web API to execute a particular Appian Smart Service. Document Management a!docExtractionResult() Retrieves results from a doc extraction run started by the Start Doc Extraction Smart Service. a!docExtractionResult([docExtractionId], [typeNumber], [confidenceThreshold], [isStructuredDoc]) a!docExtractionResult(docExtractionId:5)ANYTYPEDATACDT ~portal~om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Smart Service Document Management Smart ServiceUsed within an interface component or Web API to execute a particular Appian Smart Service. Document Management a!docExtractionStatus() Retrieves the status of a doc extraction run started by the Start Doc Extraction Smart Service. a!docExtractionStatus([docExtractionId]) a!docExtractionStatus(docExtractionId:5)IN_PROGRESS ~portal~om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Evaluation EvaluationUsed in expression to perform complex evaluations. a!localVariables() Lets you define one or more local variables for use within an expression. When used within an interface, the value of each variable can be refreshed under a variety of conditions, configured using a!refreshVariable(). When used outside of an interface, all refresh properties configured using a!refreshVariable() are ignored. a!localVariables([localVar1], [localVarN], [expression]) Click on the function name for examples. +portal+om+crf-rcrf-pr-pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Evaluation EvaluationUsed in expression to perform complex evaluations. a!refreshVariable() The configuration for a specific local variable for use within a!localVariables(). When used within an interface, the value of the variable can be refreshed under a variety of conditions. When used outside of an interface, all refresh properties are ignored. a!refreshVariable([value], [refreshAlways], [refreshInterval], [refreshOnReferencedVarChange], [refreshOnVarChange], [refreshAfter]) Click on the function name for examples. +portal+om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Evaluation EvaluationUsed in expression to perform complex evaluations. bind() Use in conjunction with the load function to bind getter and setter functions to a variable. When the variable is read, the getter function or rule will be called. When the variable is saved into, the writer returned by the setter function or rule will be called. The setter function must return a writer. bind([get], [set]) Click on the function name for examples. ~portal~om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Evaluation EvaluationUsed in expression to perform complex evaluations. load() Lets you define local variables within an expression for an interface and evaluate the expression with the new variables, then re-evaluate the function with the local variables' values from the previous evaluation. load([localVar1], [localVarN], [expression]) Click on the function name for examples. +portal+om+crf-rcrf-pr-pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Evaluation EvaluationUsed in expression to perform complex evaluations. a!save() In interface saveInto parameters, updates the target with the given value. Use a!save for each item that you want to modify or alter in a saveInto parameter. This function has no effect when called outside of a component's saveInto parameter. a!save([target], [value]) Click on the function name for examples. +portal+om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Evaluation EvaluationUsed in expression to perform complex evaluations. with() Lets you define local variables within a function and evaluate the expression with the new variables. with([localVar1], [localVarN], [expression]) with(local!a:10, local!b:20, local!a+local!b)30 +portal+om+crf-rcrf-pr-pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Informational InformationalUsed within expressions to expose system values and translate other information. a!defaultValue() Returns a default value when the specified value is null or empty. When there are multiple default parameters, each parameter is evaluated in order and the first non-null and non-empty default will be returned. Null, "", and {} are all considered null or empty values. a!defaultValue([value], [default]) a!defaultValue( null, date(2021,10,1), null)`2021-10-01` +portal+om+crf-rcrf-pr-pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Informational InformationalUsed within expressions to expose system values and translate other information. a!keys() Returns the keys of the provided map, dictionary, CDT, or record. a!keys([value]) a!keys(a!map(a: 1, b: 2)){"a"=>nil, "b"=>nil} +portal+om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Informational InformationalUsed within expressions to expose system values and translate other information. a!listType() Returns the list type number for a given type number. a!listType([typeNumber]) a!listType(typeof(1)) +portal+om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. byReference() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Conversion ConversionUsed to cast data from one data type into another. cast() Converts a value from its existing type to the specified type. cast([typeNumber], [value]) cast(type!Date,"01-01-2017")1/1/2017 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Informational InformationalUsed within expressions to expose system values and translate other information. error() Raises an error with the given message, used for invalidating execution.This function never returns a value. error([message]) error("This is an error message.")Expression evaluation error at function 'error': This is an error message. +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Informational InformationalUsed within expressions to expose system values and translate other information. infinity() Represents a constant number that stands for positive infinity or a negative infinity if you negate the value. infinity([]) infinity()∞ +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Informational InformationalUsed within expressions to expose system values and translate other information. isinfinite() Tests given numbers against positive and negative infinity, returning true if the number is infinite, false if the number is not infinite. isinfinite([number]) isinfinite(1.5, 1.1)false; false +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Informational InformationalUsed within expressions to expose system values and translate other information. isnegativeinfinity() Tests given numbers against negative infinity, returning true if number is negative infinity, false if number is not negative infinity. isnegativeinfinity([number]) isnegativeinfinity(1)false +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Informational InformationalUsed within expressions to expose system values and translate other information. a!isNotNullOrEmpty() Returns false if the value is null, an empty string, or an empty list. Otherwise returns true. a!isNotNullOrEmpty([value]) +portal+om+crf-rcrf-pr-pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Informational InformationalUsed within expressions to expose system values and translate other information. isnull() Returns true if value is null, false otherwise. isnull([value]) isnull("")true +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Informational InformationalUsed within expressions to expose system values and translate other information. a!isNullOrEmpty() Returns true if the value is null, an empty string, or an empty list. Otherwise returns false. a!isNullOrEmpty([value]) +portal+om+crf-rcrf-pr-pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Informational InformationalUsed within expressions to expose system values and translate other information. ispositiveinfinity() Tests given numbers against positive infinity, returning true if the numbers are positive infinity, false if the numbers are not positive infinity. ispositiveinfinity([number]) ispositiveinfinity(1)false +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Informational InformationalUsed within expressions to expose system values and translate other information. nan() Constant number representing Not A Number, generally used for comparison to the result of mathematical operations with invalid inputs. This is equivalent to a decimal (floating point) null, but nan() is provided for more explicit usage in mathematical expressions. nan([]) nan()null +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Informational InformationalUsed within expressions to expose system values and translate other information. null() Returns a null value. null([value]) null()null +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Informational InformationalUsed within expressions to expose system values and translate other information. runtimetypeof() Returns the numerical representation of an Appian system data type when used during process execution. runtimetypeof([value]) runtimetypeof( 12345)9 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Informational InformationalUsed within expressions to expose system values and translate other information. typename() Returns the type name of a given type number. typename([typeNumber]) typename(typeof(1))Number (Integer) +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Informational InformationalUsed within expressions to expose system values and translate other information. typeof() Returns the type number of a given value. typeof([value]) typeof("a")3 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Logical LogicalUsed within expressions to derive logical results. and() Returns true if all inputs are true; returns false if at least one input is false. and([value]) and(true(), false())false +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Logical LogicalUsed within expressions to derive logical results. choose() Evaluates the choice argument at the given index and returns the result. choose([key], [choice1], [choiceN]) choose(2, "a", "b", "c")b +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Logical LogicalUsed within expressions to derive logical results. false() Returns the Boolean value false. false([returns]) false()false +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Logical LogicalUsed within expressions to derive logical results. if() Returns valueIfTrue if condition returns true; returns valueIfFalse otherwise. if([condition], [valueIfTrue], [valueIfFalse]) if(isleapyear(2021), 1, 2)2 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Logical LogicalUsed within expressions to derive logical results. a!match() Evaluates the value against multiple conditions and returns a value based on a match. If no match is found, the default is returned. For example, if "a" then "b" else "c". a!match([value], [equals], [whenTrue], [then], [default]) Click on the function name for examples. +portal+om+crf-rcrf-pr-pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Logical LogicalUsed within expressions to derive logical results. not() Converts true into false, and false into true. not([value]) not(true(), false())false, true +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Logical LogicalUsed within expressions to derive logical results. or() Returns true if any inputs are true; returns false if all inputs are false. or([value]) or(true(), false())true +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Logical LogicalUsed within expressions to derive logical results. true() Returns the Boolean value true. true([returns]) true()true +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Looping LoopingUsed within expressions to perform operations that call a rule or function for each item in an array. a!forEach() Evaluates an expression for each item in a list and returns a new array of the results. a!forEach([items], [expression]) a!forEach(items: {1, 2, 3}, expression: fv!item + 10){11, 12, 13} +portal+om+crf-rcrf-pr-pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Looping LoopingUsed within expressions to perform operations that call a rule or function for each item in an array. all() Calls a rule or function that returns either true or false for each item in list, asks the question, "Do all items in this list yield true for this rule/function?", and returns true if all items in list evaluates to true. all([predicate], [list], [context]) all(fn!isnull, {10, null, 30})false +portal+om+crf-rcrf-pr-pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Looping LoopingUsed within expressions to perform operations that call a rule or function for each item in an array. any() Calls a rule or function that returns either true or false for each item in list by asking the question, "Do any items in this list yield true for this rule/function?" with the intent to discover if any item(s) yield true. any([predicate], [list], [context]) any(fn!isnull, {10, null, 30})true +portal+om+crf-rcrf-pr-pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Looping LoopingUsed within expressions to perform operations that call a rule or function for each item in an array. apply() Calls a rule or function for each item in a list, and provides any contexts specified. apply([function], [list], [context]) apply(fn!sum, {-1, 2, 3}, 2){1, 4, 5} +portal+om+crf-rcrf-pr-pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Looping LoopingUsed within expressions to perform operations that call a rule or function for each item in an array. filter() Calls a predicate for each item in a list and returns any items for which the returned value is true. filter([predicate], [list], [context]) filter(fn!isleapyear, {2015, 2016, 2017}){2016} +portal+om+crf-rcrf-pr-pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Looping LoopingUsed within expressions to perform operations that call a rule or function for each item in an array. merge() Takes a variable number of lists and merges them into a single list (or a list of lists) that is the size of the largest list provided. merge([list]) merge({10, 20}, {30, 40}){{10, 30}, {20, 40}} +portal+om+crf-rcrf-pr-pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Looping LoopingUsed within expressions to perform operations that call a rule or function for each item in an array. none() Calls a rule or function that returns either true or false for each item in list by asking the question, "Do all items in this list yield false for this rule/function?" with the intent to discover if no items will yield true. none([predicate], [list], [context]) none(fn!isnull, {1, null, 3})false +portal+om+crf-rcrf-pr-pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Looping LoopingUsed within expressions to perform operations that call a rule or function for each item in an array. reduce() Calls a rule or function for each item in a list, passing the result of each call to the next one, and returns the value of the last computation. reduce([function], [initial], [list], [context]) reduce(fn!sum, 1, {2, 3, 4})10 +portal+om+crf-rcrf-pr-pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Looping LoopingUsed within expressions to perform operations that call a rule or function for each item in an array. reject() Calls a predicate for each item in a list, rejects any items for which the returned value is true, and returns all remaining items. reject([predicate], [list], [context]) reject(fn!isnull, {1, null, 3}){1, 3} +portal+om+crf-rcrf-pr-pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Mathematical MathematicalUsed within expressions to perform mathematical operations. abs() Returns the absolute value(s) of the specified number(s). abs([number]) abs(-1)1 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Mathematical MathematicalUsed within expressions to perform mathematical operations. ceiling() Rounds the number up to the nearest multiple of the specified significance. ceiling([number], [significance]) ceiling(1.6)2 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Mathematical MathematicalUsed within expressions to perform mathematical operations. combin() Calculates the number of unique ways to choose m elements from a pool of n elements. combin([n], [m]) combin(4, 2)6 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Mathematical MathematicalUsed within expressions to perform mathematical operations. a!distanceBetween() Returns the distance between the two locations (in meters) specified by the start and end coordinates. The distance is calculated by tracing a line between the two locations that follows the curvature of the Earth, and measuring the length of the resulting arc. a!distanceBetween([startLatitude], [startLongitude], [endLatitude], [endLongitude]) a!distanceBetween(startLatitude: 38.932290, startLongitude: -77.218490, endLatitude: 38.963058, endLongitude: -77.363701)13015.34 +portal+om+crf-rcrf-pr-pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Mathematical MathematicalUsed within expressions to perform mathematical operations. e() Returns the value of e. e([]) e()2.718282 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Mathematical MathematicalUsed within expressions to perform mathematical operations. enumerate() Returns a list of integer numbers from 0 through n-1. enumerate([n]) enumerate(5)0, 1, 2, 3, 4 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Mathematical MathematicalUsed within expressions to perform mathematical operations. even() Rounds positive numbers up to nearest even integer and negative numbers down to the nearest even integer. even([number]) even(5)6 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Mathematical MathematicalUsed within expressions to perform mathematical operations. exp() Returns e raised to the specified power. exp([power]) exp(2)7.389056 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Mathematical MathematicalUsed within expressions to perform mathematical operations. fact() The factorial of specified number. fact([number]) fact(4)24 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Mathematical MathematicalUsed within expressions to perform mathematical operations. factdouble() The double factorial of specified number (mathematically n!!). factdouble([number]) factdouble(3)3 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Mathematical MathematicalUsed within expressions to perform mathematical operations. floor() Rounds the number down to the nearest multiple of the specified significance. floor([number], [significance]) floor(2.8888, .01)2.88 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Mathematical MathematicalUsed within expressions to perform mathematical operations. int() Rounds the specified number down to the nearest integer. int([number]) int(2.8888)2 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Mathematical MathematicalUsed within expressions to perform mathematical operations. ln() Returns the natural logarithm of the specified number, which is the power that e must be raised to in order to equal the specified number. ln([number]) ln(e())1 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Mathematical MathematicalUsed within expressions to perform mathematical operations. log() Returns the logarithm of the number using the specified base, which is the power that base must be raised to, to equal the number. log([number], [base]) log(25, 5)2 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Mathematical MathematicalUsed within expressions to perform mathematical operations. mod() Returns the remainder of dividend when divided by the divisor. mod([dividend], [divisor]) mod(40, 15)10 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Mathematical MathematicalUsed within expressions to perform mathematical operations. mround() Rounds the number to the specified multiple. mround([number], [multiple]) mround(2.8888, .01)2.89 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Mathematical MathematicalUsed within expressions to perform mathematical operations. multinomial() Adds the specified integers and divides the factorial of the sum by the factorial of the individual numbers. multinomial([integer]) multinomial(1, 2, 3)60 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Mathematical MathematicalUsed within expressions to perform mathematical operations. odd() Rounds positive numbers up to nearest odd integer and negative numbers down to the nearest odd integer. odd([number]) odd(10)11 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Mathematical MathematicalUsed within expressions to perform mathematical operations. pi() Returns the value of pi. pi([]) pi()3.141593 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Mathematical MathematicalUsed within expressions to perform mathematical operations. power() Returns the base number raised to the specified exponent. power([base], [exponent]) power(10, 2)100 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Mathematical MathematicalUsed within expressions to perform mathematical operations. product() Returns the product of the specified numbers. product([factor]) product(10, 2)20 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Mathematical MathematicalUsed within expressions to perform mathematical operations. quotient() Returns the quotient when numerator is divided by the denominator, and drops the remainder. quotient([numerator], [denominator]) quotient(20, 10)2 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Mathematical MathematicalUsed within expressions to perform mathematical operations. rand() Returns a random number between 0 and 1 based on an even probability distribution, which is seeded by the transaction time. rand([count]) rand()0.4506349 +portal+om-crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Mathematical MathematicalUsed within expressions to perform mathematical operations. round() Rounds off the number to the specified number of digits. round([number], [num_digits]) round(2.8888, 2)2.89 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Mathematical MathematicalUsed within expressions to perform mathematical operations. rounddown() Rounds the number down to the specified digit. rounddown([number], [num_digits]) round(2.8888, 2)2.88 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Mathematical MathematicalUsed within expressions to perform mathematical operations. roundup() Rounds the number up to the specified digit. roundup([number], [num_digits]) round(2.8888, 2)2.89 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Mathematical MathematicalUsed within expressions to perform mathematical operations. sign() Returns the number divided by its absolute value, which is 1 if the number is positive and -1 if the number is negative. sign([number]) sign(-10)-1 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Mathematical MathematicalUsed within expressions to perform mathematical operations. sqrt() Returns the square root(s) of the specified number(s). sqrt([number]) sqrt(25)5 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Mathematical MathematicalUsed within expressions to perform mathematical operations. sqrtpi() Multiplies the number by pi, then returns the square root of the product. sqrtpi([number]) sqrtpi(25 / pi())5 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Mathematical MathematicalUsed within expressions to perform mathematical operations. sum() Returns the sum of the specified numbers. sum([addend]) sum(1, 2, 3)6 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Mathematical MathematicalUsed within expressions to perform mathematical operations. sumsq() Squares each number and then returns the sum of the squares. sumsq([number]) sumsq(2,3)13 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Mathematical MathematicalUsed within expressions to perform mathematical operations. trunc() Truncates a decimal number to the specified number of places after the decimal point. trunc([value], [numberOfDecimals]) trunc(2.8888, 3)2.888 +portal+om+crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events People PeopleUsed to perform evaluations and operations on users and groups. a!doesGroupExist() Verifies whether a group with the specified group ID already exists in the environment. a!doesGroupExist([groupId]) a!doesGroupExist(6)true ~portal+om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events People PeopleUsed to perform evaluations and operations on users and groups. a!groupMembers() Returns a DataSubset of group members of a given group. a!groupMembers([group], [direct], [memberType], [pagingInfo]) Click on the function name for examples. ~portal+om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events People PeopleUsed to perform evaluations and operations on users and groups. a!groupsByName() Returns an array of groups with the given name, or an empty array if no group exists. a!groupsByName([groupName]) a!groupsByName("Case Viewers - " & ri!cvId){"Group:7"=>nil} ~portal+om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events People PeopleUsed to perform evaluations and operations on users and groups. a!groupsByType() Returns a DataSubset of the groups of a given group type. a!groupsByType([groupType], [pagingInfo]) Click on the function name for examples. ~portal+om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events People PeopleUsed to perform evaluations and operations on users and groups. a!groupsForUser() Returns the groups where the user is a member or has Administrator permissions. a!groupsForUser([username], [isGroupAdministrator], [groupTypes]) a!groupsForUser( username: "jane.doe" ){"7 - Group A (Group)"=>nil, "8 - Group B (Group)"=>nil} ~portal+om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events People PeopleUsed to perform evaluations and operations on users and groups. a!isUserMemberOfGroup() Identifies whether or not a user is a member of the specified groups. By default, this function returns true if the user is in at least one of the specified groups. a!isUserMemberOfGroup([username], [groups], [matchAllGroups]) a!isUserMemberOfGroup("john.doe", 2)false ~portal+om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events People PeopleUsed to perform evaluations and operations on users and groups. getdistinctusers() Retrieves users from a set of users and groups. getdistinctusers([peopleArray]) getdistinctusers(topeople(cons!MY_GROUP)){test.user1, test.user2} ~portal~om-crf-rcrf+pr+pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events People PeopleUsed to perform evaluations and operations on users and groups. getgroupattribute() Retrieves the value of the specified group attribute for the given group. getgroupattribute([group], [attribute]) getgroupattribute(cons!MY_GROUP, "created")12/16/05 6:37 PM GMT ~portal~om-crf-rcrf+pr+pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events People PeopleUsed to perform evaluations and operations on users and groups. group() Returns information for group. group([groupId], [property]) group(2, "created")12/16/05 6:37 PM GMT ~portal~om-crf-rcrf+pr+pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events People PeopleUsed to perform evaluations and operations on users and groups. isusermemberofgroup_21r2() Identifies whether or not a user belongs to a group. isusermemberofgroup_21r2([username], [groupId]) isusermemberofgroup_21r2("john.doe", 2)false ~portal+om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events People PeopleUsed to perform evaluations and operations on users and groups. isusernametaken() Verifies whether a user account with the specified username is already present. isusernametaken([username]) isusernametaken("john.doe")true ~portal~om-crf-rcrf+pr+pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events People PeopleUsed to perform evaluations and operations on users and groups. loggedInUser() Returns the current user logged in to the application. loggedInUser([]) loggedInUser()current.user ~portal+om-crf-rcrf+pr+pe Partially compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events People PeopleUsed to perform evaluations and operations on users and groups. supervisor() Returns the supervisor of the user if they have one. supervisor([userinfo]) supervisor("john.doe")jane.smith ~portal~om-crf-rcrf+pr+pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events People PeopleUsed to perform evaluations and operations on users and groups. togroup() Converts a value to Group. togroup([value]) togroup(1)[Group:1] +portal+om-crf-rcrf+pr+pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events People PeopleUsed to perform evaluations and operations on users and groups. topeople() Converts a value to People. topeople([value]) topeople(1, "john.doe"){[Group:1], john.doe} ~portal~om-crf-rcrf+pr+pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events People PeopleUsed to perform evaluations and operations on users and groups. touser() Converts a value to User. touser([value]) touser("john.doe")john.doe ~portal~om-crf-rcrf+pr+pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events People PeopleUsed to perform evaluations and operations on users and groups. user() Returns information for a user. user([username], [property]) user("jane.smith", "created")12/20/22 10:36 PM GMT ~portal~om-crf-rcrf+pr+pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events System SystemUsed within expressions to perform platform operations and data transformations a!aggregationFields() Used to define a query against record data that performs an aggregation in a!queryRecordType(). Uses a!grouping() and a!measure() to define aggregate fields. a!aggregationFields([groupings], [measures]) Click on the function name for examples. +portal+om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Scripting ScriptingUsed within expressions to perform operations on process data and Appian objects. a!isNativeMobile() Returns true if the interface is being viewed within the Appian for Mobile application. Returns false otherwise. a!isNativeMobile([]) Click on the function name for examples.Boolean +portal+om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Scripting ScriptingUsed within expressions to perform operations on process data and Appian objects. a!isPageWidth() Returns true if the interface is being viewed on a page that falls within the specified width ranges. Returns false otherwise. This function checks the width of the content area on the page, which may not be the width of the entire window. a!isPageWidth([pageWidths]) +portal+om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Scripting ScriptingUsed within expressions to perform operations on process data and Appian objects. a!urlForTask() This function returns the URL of a process task given the task ID. a!urlForTask([taskIds], [returnTaskPathOnly]) a!urlForTask(taskIds: 12345, returnTaskPathOnly: false)https://<sitename>/suite/tempo/tasks/task/<task_path> ~portal~om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Scripting ScriptingUsed within expressions to perform operations on process data and Appian objects. averagetaskcompletiontimeforprocessmodel() Returns the average elapsed time in days between task assignment and task completion for all assigned, accepted, and completed tasks in all processes started from a given process model. averagetaskcompletiontimeforprocessmodel([Id], [includeSubProcessData]) averagetaskcompletiontimeforprocessmodel(4)0.6979317434217448 ~portal~om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Scripting ScriptingUsed within expressions to perform operations on process data and Appian objects. averagetasklagtimeforprocessmodel() Returns the average elapsed time in days between task assignment and task acceptance for all assigned, accepted, and completed tasks in processes for the specified process model. averagetasklagtimeforprocessmodel([Id], [includeSubProcessData]) averagetasklagtimeforprocessmodel(4)0.4155682319223637 ~portal~om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Scripting ScriptingUsed within expressions to perform operations on process data and Appian objects. averagetaskworktimeforprocessmodel() Returns the average elapsed time in days between task acceptance and task completion for all accepted and completed tasks in processes for this process model. averagetaskworktimeforprocessmodel([Id], [includeSubProcessData]) averagetaskworktimeforprocessmodel(processModelId)0.00003523892184732956 ~portal~om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Scripting ScriptingUsed within expressions to perform operations on process data and Appian objects. community() Returns the properties of a given community. community([communityId], [property]) community(1, "numberOfDocuments")40 ~portal~om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Scripting ScriptingUsed within expressions to perform operations on process data and Appian objects. datetext() Interprets the date or datetime specified in the user's preferred calendar and returns its string representation using given format. datetext([value], [format]) datetext(userdatevalue("8/18/1427"), "yyyy/MM/dd")1427/8/18 ~portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Scripting ScriptingUsed within expressions to perform operations on process data and Appian objects. document() Returns property information for a document. document([documentId], [property]) document(101, "expirationDate")12/21/05 2:28 PM GMT +portal~om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Scripting ScriptingUsed within expressions to perform operations on process data and Appian objects. folder() Returns a property of the requested folder. folder([folderId], [property]) folder(54, "knowledgeCenterName")System Knowledge Center ~portal~om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. getprocessemail() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. getprocessmodelemail() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. isNativePhone() [Deprecated] isNativePhone() -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. isNativeTablet() [Deprecated] isNativeTablet() -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Scripting ScriptingUsed within expressions to perform operations on process data and Appian objects. isInDaylightSavingTime() Returns whether the given date and timezone are in daylight saving time. isInDaylightSavingTime([date], [timezone]) isInDaylightSavingTime(date(2005,12,13), "America/Los_Angeles")false ~portal+om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events Scripting ScriptingUsed within expressions to perform operations on process data and Appian objects. knowledgecenter() Returns the properties of a knowledge center. knowledgecenter([knowledgeCenterId], [property]) knowledgecenter(2, "name")System Knowledge Center ~portal~om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Partially compatible Portals Partially compatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. linktocommunity() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. linktocommunityinternal() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. linktodocument() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. linktodocumentinternal() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. linktofolder() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. linktofolderinternal() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. linktogroup() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. linktogroupinternal() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. linktoknowledgecenter() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. linktoknowledgecenterinternal() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. linktoprocessdashboard() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. linktoprocessdashboardinternal() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. linktoprocessmodeldashboard() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. linktoprocessmodeldashboardinternal() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian. linktouser() [Deprecated] -portal-om-crf-rcrf-pr-pe Incompatible Portals Incompatible Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Incompatible Process Events 一Deprecated一 [Deprecated]These functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Appian.