Free cookie consent management tool by TermsFeed a!multipleDropdownFieldByIndex_20r2() Component
a!multipleDropdownFieldByIndex_20r2() Component

This page contains information related to an old version of the Multiple Dropdown By Index Component.

To take advantage of the latest features and improvements, we always recommend you use the latest version whenever possible. See the latest version's page for information about what's been changed.

Multiple dropdown by index

Function: a!multipleDropdownFieldByIndex_20r2()

Displays a long list of choices from which the user may select none, one, or many items and saves the indices of the selected choices. To save a value instead of the index, use multiple dropdown.


Name Keyword Types Description




Text to display as the field label.

Label Position



Determines where the label appears. Valid values:

  • "ABOVE" (default) Displays the label above the component.
  • "ADJACENT" Displays the label to the left of the component.
  • "COLLAPSED" Hides the label. The label will still be read by screen readers; see accessibility considerations for more information.
  • "JUSTIFIED" Aligns the label alongside the component starting at the edge of the page.




Supplemental text about this field.




Determines if a value is required to submit the form. Default: false.




Determines if the field should display as potentially editable but grayed out. Default: false.




Text to display in the field when it is empty.

Choice Labels


List of Text String

Array of options for the user to select.

Selected Indices


List of Number (Integer)

Indices of choices to display as selected.



List of Text String

Validation errors to display below the field when the value is not null.

Save Input To


List of Save

One or more variables that are updated with the choice indexes when the user changes the selections. Use a!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable.

Validation Group



When present, the requiredness of the field is only evaluated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. The value for this parameter cannot contain spaces. For example, “validation group” is not a valid value. You need to add an underscore between words: “validation_group”. See the following recipes for more information:

Required Message



Custom message to display when the field's value is required and not provided.

Help Tooltip



Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The tooltip displays a maximum of 500 characters. The help icon does not show when the label position is "COLLAPSED".

Accessibility Text



Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change.




Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default: true.


  • If you set Label Position to "ADJACENT" or "ABOVE", but do not give a value for Label, a space still displays to the left-side or above, respectively, of the component as if there was a label displayed. To ensure the component appears to the far left when Label has no value, use "COLLAPSED" for Label Position.
  • Choices display in the same order as defined in the Choice Labels parameter. The Choice Labels argument cannot be null.
  • If a single item is selected, the system saves a single-item array.
  • If no selection is made, the system saves a null value into the component's Save Selection To field. If a single item is selected, the system saves a single-item array.
  • Choice index numbers start at 1. Indices passed Selected Indices cannot be less than 1 or greater than the length of the Choice Labels array.
  • The choices at the indices passed to the Selected Indices parameter display as selected by default. If null is passed to Selected Indices, none of the options are selected. However, if a list is passed to Selected Indices, it cannot contain a null value.

Feature compatibility

The table below lists this component's compatibility with various features in Appian.
Feature Compatibility Note
Portals Compatible
Offline Mobile Compatible
Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible
Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible

Custom record fields that evaluate in real time must be configured using one or more Custom Field functions.

Process Reports Incompatible

Cannot be used to configure a process report.

Process Events Incompatible

Cannot be used to configure a process event node, such as a start event or timer event.

a!multipleDropdownFieldByIndex_20r2() Component