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Deprecated Features


Any Appian feature that contains "[Deprecated]" in its title, or has language declaring that it is "deprecated," is a feature that will be removed in a later release of Appian.

These features will continue to work up until they are removed, but Appian encourages users to replace deprecated features in their applications ahead of their removal.

Questions or Concerns

If you have any questions or concerns related to a deprecated feature, contact Support.

Deprecated Content

The following table lists the features and functionality that have been deprecated, along with the Appian release version that they were deprecated.

Note:  The following table only includes known deprecations up to Appian 24.4. Navigate to the latest version of the docs to see what's been deprecated since the 24.4 release.

Feature Version
Rich Text Header 24.4
Invoke SAP BAPI Smart Service 24.1
a!sblUpdateFieldValue() Function 24.1
a!sblQuery() Function 24.1
a!sblInvokeWriter() Function 24.1
a!sblInvoke() Function 24.1
a!sblDelete() Function 24.1
a!sblCreate() Function 24.1
a!sapInvokeWriter() Function 24.1
a!sapInvoke() Function 24.1
a!sapBapiParameters() Function 24.1
a!cmiGetRepoInfo() Function 24.1
a!cmiGetProperties() Function 24.1
a!cmiGetObjectIdByPath() Function 24.1
a!cmiGetFolderChildren() Function 24.1
a!cmiDelete() Function 24.1
a!cmiCreateFolder() Function 24.1
a!cmiCopyDocumentToAppianFolder() Function 24.1
a!cmiCopyDocumentToAppian() Function 24.1
a!cmiCopyDocumentFromAppian() Function 24.1
Appian RPA Connected System 23.4
Start Doc Extraction Smart Service 23.4
docExtractionStatus() Function 23.4
docExtractionResult() Function 23.4
Intelligent Document Processing 23.2
yen() Function 23.1
pound() Function 23.1
euro() Function 23.1
dollar() Function 23.1
caladdhours() Function 23.1
caladddays() Function 23.1
Portal Publishing Manager [Removed in Appian 23.3] 22.4
Application Builders 22.1
Use the Report Builder 21.3
Write a Form as Expression in Process Models 21.3
a!isNativeTablet() Function 20.4
a!isNativePhone() Function 20.4
Stop Script --cluster 20.4
a!userRecordFacets() Function 20.3
queryrecord() Function 20.3
Process Model Minor Versions 20.3
CleanupArchives Script 20.2
Appian for SharePoint 2013 20.2
a!shpInvokeWriter() Function 19.3
a!shpInvoke() Function 19.3
a!shpCopyDocumentToAppian() Function 19.3
a!shpCopyDocumentFromAppian() Function 19.3
a!dynUpdate() Function 19.3
a!dynRetrieveMultiple() Function 19.3
a!dynRetrieve() Function 19.3
a!dynDisassociate() Function 19.3
a!dynDelete() Function 19.3
a!dynCreate() Function 19.3
a!dynAssociate() Function 19.3
HTTP File Download Smart Service 19.2
Paging Grid Text Column Component 19.2
Paging Grid Selection Component 19.2
a!gridImageColumn_17r3 19.2
Paging Grid Image Column Component 19.2
a!facetOption() Function 19.2
a!facet() Function 19.2
a!sfcUpdate() Function 19.2
a!sfcSearch() Function 19.2
a!sfcQuery() Function 19.2
a!sfcInsert() Function 19.2
a!sfcDescribeSObjects() Function 19.2
a!sfcDescribeGlobal() Function 19.2
a!sfcDelete() Function 19.2
Blue Prism RPA Integration Application 19.2
HTTP File Upload Smart Service 19.1
Submit Button Component 19.1
Query Rules 19.1
Process Model Internationalization 18.4
Export to Excel/CSV Smart Service 18.2
a!dashboardLayout_17r1 Component 18.2
Dashboard Layout 18.2
Quick Filters for Process Reports 18.2
HTTP Query Smart Service 17.3
User Storage Space Quotas 17.3
Starred Processes 17.3
Starring Objects 17.3
Knowledge Center Security Levels 17.3
Knowledge Center Administrator Approval 17.3
a!httpWrite() Function 17.2
a!httpQuery() Function 17.2
Column-Based Section Layout 17.2
Columns-Based Form Layout 17.2
Columns-Based Dashboard Layout 17.2
SAP Smart Service 17.1
Edit Team Properties Smart Service 17.1
Edit Department Properties Smart Service 17.1
Delete Team Smart Service 17.1
Delete Department Smart Service 17.1
Create Custom Group Smart Service 17.1
Set User Storage Space Smart Service 16.3
Set User Home Page Smart Service 16.3
Set Global Home Page Smart Service 16.3
Send Message to Process Model 16.3
Send Alert Smart Service 16.3
Publish Page Smart Service 16.3
Page Security Smart Service 16.3
Move KC Smart Service 16.3
Move Community Smart Service 16.3
Modify Community Security Smart Service 16.3
Edit Page Properties Smart Service 16.3
Edit Community Properties Smart Service 16.3
Delete Page Smart Service 16.3
Delete Community Smart Service 16.3
Create Page Smart Service 16.3
Create New Version Smart Service 16.3
Create Case Management Page Smart Service 16.3
page() Function 16.3
UDDI Configuration 16.3
Tempo Global Message Authors 16.3
Process Model Dashboards 16.3
Process Internationalization 16.3
Process Dashboards 16.3
Portal Roles and Security 16.3
Portal Pages 16.3
Portal Administrators 16.3
Personal Knowledge Centers 16.3
Performance Indicators 16.3
PDF Forms 16.3
Mobile OS Versions 16.3
Message Data Type 16.3
JSP Forms 16.3
HTML Forms 16.3
Forum Data Type 16.3
Forms Designer Components 16.3
Forms Designer [Removed in Appian 24.3] 16.3
Document Administrators 16.3
Display Process Report as Chart 16.3
Discussion Thread Data Type 16.3
Discussion Forums 16.3
Channels 16.3
Application Portal 16.3
Upload Document Smart Service 16.1
Start Topic Smart Service 16.1
Set Group Home Page Smart Service 16.1
Reactivate Community Properties Smart Service 16.1
Post Message Smart Service 16.1
Move Topic Smart Service 16.1
Modify Forum Security Smart Service 16.1
Delete Topic Smart Service 16.1
Delete Message Smart Service 16.1
Delete Forum Smart Service 16.1
Deactivate Community Properties Smart Service 16.1
Create Team Smart Service 16.1
Create Forum Smart Service 16.1
Create Department Smart Service 16.1
Create Community Smart Service 16.1
Creating a Department 16.1
Importing Rules and Constants 7.5
linktouserinternal() Function 7.3
linktouser() Function 7.3
linktoprocessmodeldashboardinternal() Function 7.3
linktoprocessmodeldashboard() Function 7.3
linktoprocessdashboardinternal() Function 7.3
linktoprocessdashboard Function() 7.3
linktoknowledgecenterinternal() Function 7.3
linktoknowledgecenter() Function 7.3
linktogroupinternal() Function 7.3
linktogroup() Function 7.3
linktofolderinternal() Function 7.3
linktofolder() Function 7.3
linktodocumentinternal() Function 7.3
linktodocument() Function 7.3
linktocommunityinternal() Function 7.3
linktocommunity() Function 7.3
toportlet() Function 7.3
topage() Function 7.3
tomessage() Function 7.3
toforum() Function 7.3
todiscussionthread() Function 7.3
Subscribing to Knowledge Centers 7.11
Knowledge Center Expiration 7.11
Automatic Retry Interval 7.11
fromHtml() Function 6.7
byReference() Function 6.7
getprocessmodelemail Function 6.0
getprocessemail Function 6.0
