Feature |
Version |
Rich Text Header |
24.4 |
Invoke SAP BAPI Smart Service |
24.1 |
a!sblUpdateFieldValue() Function |
24.1 |
a!sblQuery() Function |
24.1 |
a!sblInvokeWriter() Function |
24.1 |
a!sblInvoke() Function |
24.1 |
a!sblDelete() Function |
24.1 |
a!sblCreate() Function |
24.1 |
a!sapInvokeWriter() Function |
24.1 |
a!sapInvoke() Function |
24.1 |
a!sapBapiParameters() Function |
24.1 |
a!cmiGetRepoInfo() Function |
24.1 |
a!cmiGetProperties() Function |
24.1 |
a!cmiGetObjectIdByPath() Function |
24.1 |
a!cmiGetFolderChildren() Function |
24.1 |
a!cmiDelete() Function |
24.1 |
a!cmiCreateFolder() Function |
24.1 |
a!cmiCopyDocumentToAppianFolder() Function |
24.1 |
a!cmiCopyDocumentToAppian() Function |
24.1 |
a!cmiCopyDocumentFromAppian() Function |
24.1 |
Appian RPA Connected System |
23.4 |
Start Doc Extraction Smart Service |
23.4 |
docExtractionStatus() Function |
23.4 |
docExtractionResult() Function |
23.4 |
Intelligent Document Processing |
23.2 |
yen() Function |
23.1 |
pound() Function |
23.1 |
euro() Function |
23.1 |
dollar() Function |
23.1 |
caladdhours() Function |
23.1 |
caladddays() Function |
23.1 |
Portal Publishing Manager [Removed in Appian 23.3] |
22.4 |
Application Builders |
22.1 |
Use the Report Builder |
21.3 |
Write a Form as Expression in Process Models |
21.3 |
a!isNativeTablet() Function |
20.4 |
a!isNativePhone() Function |
20.4 |
Stop Script --cluster |
20.4 |
a!userRecordFacets() Function |
20.3 |
queryrecord() Function |
20.3 |
Process Model Minor Versions |
20.3 |
CleanupArchives Script |
20.2 |
Appian for SharePoint 2013 |
20.2 |
a!shpInvokeWriter() Function |
19.3 |
a!shpInvoke() Function |
19.3 |
a!shpCopyDocumentToAppian() Function |
19.3 |
a!shpCopyDocumentFromAppian() Function |
19.3 |
a!dynUpdate() Function |
19.3 |
a!dynRetrieveMultiple() Function |
19.3 |
a!dynRetrieve() Function |
19.3 |
a!dynDisassociate() Function |
19.3 |
a!dynDelete() Function |
19.3 |
a!dynCreate() Function |
19.3 |
a!dynAssociate() Function |
19.3 |
HTTP File Download Smart Service |
19.2 |
Paging Grid Text Column Component |
19.2 |
Paging Grid Selection Component |
19.2 |
a!gridImageColumn_17r3 |
19.2 |
Paging Grid Image Column Component |
19.2 |
a!facetOption() Function |
19.2 |
a!facet() Function |
19.2 |
a!sfcUpdate() Function |
19.2 |
a!sfcSearch() Function |
19.2 |
a!sfcQuery() Function |
19.2 |
a!sfcInsert() Function |
19.2 |
a!sfcDescribeSObjects() Function |
19.2 |
a!sfcDescribeGlobal() Function |
19.2 |
a!sfcDelete() Function |
19.2 |
Blue Prism RPA Integration Application |
19.2 |
HTTP File Upload Smart Service |
19.1 |
Submit Button Component |
19.1 |
Query Rules |
19.1 |
Process Model Internationalization |
18.4 |
Export to Excel/CSV Smart Service |
18.2 |
a!dashboardLayout_17r1 Component |
18.2 |
Dashboard Layout |
18.2 |
Quick Filters for Process Reports |
18.2 |
HTTP Query Smart Service |
17.3 |
User Storage Space Quotas |
17.3 |
Starred Processes |
17.3 |
Starring Objects |
17.3 |
Knowledge Center Security Levels |
17.3 |
Knowledge Center Administrator Approval |
17.3 |
a!httpWrite() Function |
17.2 |
a!httpQuery() Function |
17.2 |
Column-Based Section Layout |
17.2 |
Columns-Based Form Layout |
17.2 |
Columns-Based Dashboard Layout |
17.2 |
SAP Smart Service |
17.1 |
Edit Team Properties Smart Service |
17.1 |
Edit Department Properties Smart Service |
17.1 |
Delete Team Smart Service |
17.1 |
Delete Department Smart Service |
17.1 |
Create Custom Group Smart Service |
17.1 |
Set User Storage Space Smart Service |
16.3 |
Set User Home Page Smart Service |
16.3 |
Set Global Home Page Smart Service |
16.3 |
Send Message to Process Model |
16.3 |
Send Alert Smart Service |
16.3 |
Publish Page Smart Service |
16.3 |
Page Security Smart Service |
16.3 |
Move KC Smart Service |
16.3 |
Move Community Smart Service |
16.3 |
Modify Community Security Smart Service |
16.3 |
Edit Page Properties Smart Service |
16.3 |
Edit Community Properties Smart Service |
16.3 |
Delete Page Smart Service |
16.3 |
Delete Community Smart Service |
16.3 |
Create Page Smart Service |
16.3 |
Create New Version Smart Service |
16.3 |
Create Case Management Page Smart Service |
16.3 |
page() Function |
16.3 |
UDDI Configuration |
16.3 |
Tempo Global Message Authors |
16.3 |
Process Model Dashboards |
16.3 |
Process Internationalization |
16.3 |
Process Dashboards |
16.3 |
Portal Roles and Security |
16.3 |
Portal Pages |
16.3 |
Portal Administrators |
16.3 |
Personal Knowledge Centers |
16.3 |
Performance Indicators |
16.3 |
PDF Forms |
16.3 |
Mobile OS Versions |
16.3 |
Message Data Type |
16.3 |
JSP Forms |
16.3 |
HTML Forms |
16.3 |
Forum Data Type |
16.3 |
Forms Designer Components |
16.3 |
Forms Designer [Removed in Appian 24.3] |
16.3 |
Document Administrators |
16.3 |
Display Process Report as Chart |
16.3 |
Discussion Thread Data Type |
16.3 |
Discussion Forums |
16.3 |
Channels |
16.3 |
Application Portal |
16.3 |
Upload Document Smart Service |
16.1 |
Start Topic Smart Service |
16.1 |
Set Group Home Page Smart Service |
16.1 |
Reactivate Community Properties Smart Service |
16.1 |
Post Message Smart Service |
16.1 |
Move Topic Smart Service |
16.1 |
Modify Forum Security Smart Service |
16.1 |
Delete Topic Smart Service |
16.1 |
Delete Message Smart Service |
16.1 |
Delete Forum Smart Service |
16.1 |
Deactivate Community Properties Smart Service |
16.1 |
Create Team Smart Service |
16.1 |
Create Forum Smart Service |
16.1 |
Create Department Smart Service |
16.1 |
Create Community Smart Service |
16.1 |
Creating a Department |
16.1 |
Importing Rules and Constants |
7.5 |
linktouserinternal() Function |
7.3 |
linktouser() Function |
7.3 |
linktoprocessmodeldashboardinternal() Function |
7.3 |
linktoprocessmodeldashboard() Function |
7.3 |
linktoprocessdashboardinternal() Function |
7.3 |
linktoprocessdashboard Function() |
7.3 |
linktoknowledgecenterinternal() Function |
7.3 |
linktoknowledgecenter() Function |
7.3 |
linktogroupinternal() Function |
7.3 |
linktogroup() Function |
7.3 |
linktofolderinternal() Function |
7.3 |
linktofolder() Function |
7.3 |
linktodocumentinternal() Function |
7.3 |
linktodocument() Function |
7.3 |
linktocommunityinternal() Function |
7.3 |
linktocommunity() Function |
7.3 |
toportlet() Function |
7.3 |
topage() Function |
7.3 |
tomessage() Function |
7.3 |
toforum() Function |
7.3 |
todiscussionthread() Function |
7.3 |
Subscribing to Knowledge Centers |
7.11 |
Knowledge Center Expiration |
7.11 |
Automatic Retry Interval |
7.11 |
fromHtml() Function |
6.7 |
byReference() Function |
6.7 |
getprocessmodelemail Function |
6.0 |
getprocessemail Function |
6.0 |