View this page in the latest version of Appian. CW Features Share Share via LinkedIn Reddit Email Copy Link Print On This Page This content applies solely to Contract Writing, which must be purchased separately from the Appian base platform. The Appian Contract Writing solution contains a wide range of features that allows your contract personnel to manage your procurement processes and activities. The table below provides a quick reference of the solution's available features by functional area. Note: Only business users with the appropriate group membership can access and modify certain solution settings. This ensures that only a select few have access to sensitive processes and information. Feature matrix Area Feature Description User/Group Access CW Version Appian Platform* Contract Writing Site My Workspace Landing Page First page that the logged in user lands on. Currently built out with the primary CO/CS/CM personas in mind. Allows them to see procurements and checklist items specifically assigned to them so they can log in and immediately take action All users 1.0+ 22.4+ Contract Writing Site My Workspace Tab - Requirements Subtab Requirements that are: - in the status of "Accepted" or "Procurement Created" - assigned to the logged in user CO, CS, CM, IT, Legal, Policy, GAM admin, GCW admin 1.5+ 23.3+ Contract Writing Site My Workspace Tab - Solicitations Subtab Solicitations that are: - in the status of "Draft," "Under Review," "Approved" - assigned to the logged in user All users 1.0+ 22.4+ Contract Writing Site My Workspace Tab - Awards Subtab Awards that are: - in the status of "Draft," "Under Review," "Approved," "Awaiting Signature(s)" - assigned to the logged in user All users 1.2+ 23.1+ Contract Writing Site Procurements Tab - Requirements Subtab Requirements that are: - in the status of "Accepted" or "Procurement Created" CO, CS, CM, IT, Legal, Policy, GAM admin, GCW admin 1.5+ 23.3+ Contract Writing Site Procurements Tab - Solicitations Subtab Solicitations that are: - in the status of "Draft," "Under Review," "Approved," "Released," and "Closed" All users (viewers can only see the records they have access to) 1.0+ 22.4+ Contract Writing Site Procurements Tab - Awards Subtab Awards that are: - in the status of "Draft," "Under Review," "Approved," "Awaiting Signature(s)," "Released," and "Closed" All users (viewers can only see the records they have access to) 1.2+ 23.1+ Contract Writing Site Directory Tab - Vendors Subtab List of vendor records in the system. Listed in alphabetical order by Vendor Name, which links out to the Vendor Profile. Permissioned users can use the Add related action to initiate new vendor record creation. CO, CS, CM, PM, IT, Legal, Policy, Recipient, GAM admin, GCW admin 1.4+ 23.3+ Contract Writing Site Directory Tab - Programs Subtab List of programs in the system. A program a structured set of activities that sets the framework for achieving strategic objectives. Listed in alphabetical order by Program Name, which links our to the Program summary Permissioned users can add new Programs here. CO, CS, CM, PM, IT, Legal, Policy, GAM admin, GCW admin 1.0+ 22.4+ Contract Writing Site Directory Tab - Offices Subtab List of offices (sometimes referred to as AAC or DoDAAC) in the system. There are official offices designated for each government agency, and they are assigned official codes in the Activity Address Directory or DoD AAC. Listed in alphabetical order by Office Name, which links out to the Office Summary view. Permissioned users can use the Create related action to create a new office record. CO, CS, CM, PM, IT, Legal, Policy, Recipient, GAM admin, GCW admin 1.0+ 22.4+ Contract Writing Site Directory Tab - Contacts Subtab List of contacts in the system. Listed in alphabetical order by first name. Links out to the Contact Summary Permissioned users can use the Create related action to create a new Contact record. CO, CS, CM, PM, IT, Legal, Policy, Recipient, GAM admin, GCW admin 1.3+ 23.2+ Contract Writing Site Directory Tab - Users Subtab List of users in the system. Listed in alphabetical order by first name. Links out to the User Summary. Permissioned users can use the Update related action to update the editable portions of user's information, but the Create action is reserved through default Appian account creation process. Note: Name, Username, and Email are read-only as these are locked down during the Appian account creation process. CO, CS, CM, PM, IT, Legal, Policy, Recipient, GAM admin, GCW admin 1.0+ 22.4+ Contract Writing Site Create Solicitation Ability to create a new solicitation from scratch. The default status is set to "Draft" CO, CS, CM, GCW admin, GAM admin 1.0+ 22.4+ Contract Writing Site Update Solicitation Ability to update details about a solicitation that is in draft status CO, CS, CM, GCW admin, GAM admin 1.0+ 22.4+ Contract Writing Site Submit for Review - Solicitation Ability to assign a Review type task to a group or an individual user to review the solicitation. Must include a due date for task completion. This does not change the solicitation status from "Draft" to "Under Review" -- which is reserved for CO review CO, CS, CM, GAM admin 1.0+ 22.4+ Contract Writing Site Request CO Approval Ability to assign a Review type task to the assigned CO on the solicitation. CO, CS, CM, GCW admin, GAM admin 1.0+ 22.4+ Contract Writing Site Create Award (from a Solicitation) Ability to create an award directly off of a solicitation. CO, CS, CM, GCW admin, GAM admin 1.5+ 23.3+ Contract Writing Site Reassign Solicitation Ability to choose a new assignee for the Contracting Officer and/or Contract Specialist. CO, CS, CM 1.5+ 23.3+ Contract Writing Site Duplicate Solicitation Ability to make a copy of the solicitation. CO, CS, CM, GCW admin, GAM admin 1.1+ 23.1+ Contract Writing Site Delete Solicitation Ability to delete a solicitation that is in draft status. CO, CS, CM, GCW admin, GAM admin, record viewers 1.2+ 23.1+ Contract Writing Site Update Viewers - Solicitation Ability to add or remove viewers from a solicitation. Viewers can be selected from the following business groups: IT, Legal, Policy and Program Managers. CO, CS, CM, GCW admin, GAM admin 1.1+ 23.1+ Contract Writing Site Generate Draft - Solicitation Ability to generate a preview of the contract document. CO, CS, CM, GCW admin, GAM admin 1.1+ 23.1+ Contract Writing Site Add Line Item (Details) - Solicitation Ability to add basic details on the line item. CO, CS, CM, GCW admin, GAM admin 1.1+ 23.1+ Contract Writing Site Add Line Item (Pricing) - Solicitation Ability to outline the pricing arrangement for the specific line item. The system performs calculations on the inputs to that roll up to totals in the KPIs. CO, CS, CM, GCW admin, GAM admin 1.1+ 23.1+ Contract Writing Site Update Line Item - Solicitation Ability to update the details of line items for draft solicitations. CO, CS, CM, GCW admin, GAM admin 1.1+ 23.1+ Contract Writing Site Duplicate Line Item - Solicitation Ability to duplicate a line item. CO, CS, CM, GCW admin, GAM admin 1.1+ 23.1+ Contract Writing Site Delete Line Item - Solicitation Ability to delete a line item which includes associated SLINs CO, CS, CM, GCW admin, GAM admin, recipient group 1.2+ 23.1+ Contract Writing Site Add Subline Item - Solicitation Ability to associate a subline item to a contract line item. CO, CS, CM, GCW admin, GAM admin 1.0+ 22.4+ Contract Writing Site Add Delivery Details - Solicitation Ability to add delivery details, such as quantity, address, deliver by date, and point of contact for the delivery at the CLIN/SLIN level. CO, CS, CM, GCW admin, GAM admin 1.0+ 22.4+ Contract Writing Site Add Contract Text - Solicitation Ability to add custom contract text to FAR-based sections of the contract document. CO, CS, CM, GCW admin, GAM admin 1.0+ 22.4+ Contract Writing Site Reorder Contract Text Subsection - Solicitation Ability to change the sequence of contract text within a single FAR-based section. This allows users to reorder the blocks of text. CO, CS, CM, GCW admin, GAM admin 1.1+ 23.1+ Contract Writing Site Delete Contract Text - Solicitation Ability to delete custom contract text. CO, CS, CM, GCW admin, GAM admin 1.1+ 23.1+ Contract Writing Site Add Clauses - Solicitation Ability to add clause sets to the contract document. Note: The Clauses tab is visible to customers who have purchased and have licenses for GCA. CO, CS, CM, GCW admin, GAM admin 1.1+ 23.1+ Contract Writing Site Update Clause Set - Solicitation Ability to update the clauses for the contract document. CO, CS, CM, GCW admin, GAM admin, record viewers 1.1+ 23.1+ Contract Writing Site Validation Clause Set - Solicitation Ability to validate the completion of clauses included in the contract document. CO, CS, CM, GCW admin, GAM admin 1.0+ 22.4+ Contract Writing Site View Clause Set History - Solicitation Ability to view audit history tracking changes to clauses. CO, CS, CM, GCW admin, GAM admin 1.0+ 22.4+ Contract Writing Site View Contract File Tab - Solicitation Ability to view the Contract File tab. Note: For some users, this will appear as "Documents" and visibility will be limited to only those documents they have uploaded themselves. CO, CS, CM, GCW admin, GAM admin 1.0+ 22.4+ Contract Writing Site Upload Documents - Solicitation Ability to upload documents to the contract file. CO, CS, CM, GCW admin, GAM admin 1.0+ 22.4+ Contract Writing Site Submit Document for Review - Solicitation Ability to create a Review type task that has the selected document attached. CO, CS, CM, GCW admin, GAM admin 1.0+ 22.4+ Contract Writing Site Add Checklist - Solicitation Ability to select a checklist to add to the solicitation. CO, CS, CM, GCW admin, GAM admin, record viewers 1.0+ 22.4+ Contract Writing Site Add Checklist Item - Solicitation Ability to add an ad hoc checklist item to the solicitation. CO, CS, CM, GCW admin, GAM admin, record viewers 1.0+ 22.4+ Contract Writing Site View Checklist Item History - Solicitation Ability to view audit history tracking changes to tasks. CO, CS, CM, GCW admin, GAM admin, record viewers, recipient 1.2+ 23.1+ Contract Writing Site View Solicitation History Ability to view audit history tracking changes to the overall solicitation. CO, CS, CM, GCW admin, GAM admin, record viewers, recipient 1.2+ 23.1+ Contract Writing Site View Collaboration Tab - Solicitation Ability to view the Collaboration tab. Allows users to see any previous comments entered on the solicitaiton. 1.6+ 23.4+ Contract Writing Site Add Comment - Solicitation Ability to add comments under the Collaboration tab. 1.6+ 23.4+ Contract Writing Site Add Attachments Directly in Section J of Contract File Ability to add attachments via RA within the Contract Text for Section J. Documents uploaded directly here will automatically be tagged as Section J in the contract file. CO, CS, CM, GCW admin, GAM admin, record viewers 1.6+ 23.4+ Contract Writing Site View When Section J Tag was Applied Ability to manage Section J tag and view whether it was applied while the file was uploaded on the solic/amend/award/mod. CO, CS, CM, GCW admin, GAM admin, record viewers 1.6+ 23.4+ AI Copilot Site Upload Documents to Procurement Database Ability to upload documents that are used as reference for AI to parse through in the Document Database. CM 1.6+ 23.4+ AI Copilot Site View Analytics Dashboard Ability to view history of questions asked and key analytics about Procurement Copilot interaction. CO, CS, CM 1.6+ 23.4+ Contract Writing Site Create Other Transaction Agreement Ability to create an OT from the Agreements tab on My Workspace and Procurements. AO, AS, AM 1.7+ 24.1+ Contract Writing Site View Other Transaction Agreement Ability to view the grid and summary of OTs on the Agreements tab. AO, AS, AM 1.7+ 24.1+ Contract Writing Site Use Chat with Document (AI) on Contract/Agreement File Ability to ask AI questions about the content of a document in the Contract / Agreement file. CO, CS, CM, AO, AS, AM 1.7+ 24.1+ Contract Writing Site Summarize a Document (AI) on Contract / Agreement File Ability to use AI to summarize the content of a document in the Contract / Agreement file. CO, CS, CM, AO, AS, AM 1.7+ 24.1+ Contract Writing Site View Document Version Ability to see versioning history of a document. CO, CS, CM, AO, AS, AM 1.7+ 24.1+ Contract Writing Site View Institution in Directory Ability to see the Institution record in the Directory. AO, AS, AM 1.8+ 24.2+ Contract Writing Site Add Institution in Directory Ability to add an Institution record in the Directory. AO, AS, AM 1.8+ 24.2+ Contract Writing Site Delete Institution in Directory Ability to delete an Institution record in the Directory. AO, AS, AM 1.8+ 24.2+ Contract Writing Site View Institution on an Agreement Ability to see the Institution record selected on an Agreement. AO, AS, AM 1.8+ 24.2+ Contract Writing Site Add Institution on an Agreement Ability to add an Institution record to an Agreement. AO, AS, AM 1.8+ 24.2+ Contract Writing Site Delete Institution from an Agreement Ability to delete an Institution record from an Agreement. AO, AS, AM 1.8+ 24.2+ Contract Writing Site View Consortium in Directory Ability to see the Consortium record in the Directory. AO, AS, AM 1.8+ 24.2+ Contract Writing Site Add Consortium in Directory Ability to add a Consortium record in the Directory. AO, AS, AM 1.8+ 24.2+ Contract Writing Site Delete Consortium in Directory Ability to delete a Consortium record in the Directory. AO, AS, AM 1.8+ 24.2+ Contract Writing Site View Funding Source on an Agreement Ability to see the funding source on an Agreement. AO, AS, AM 1.8+ 24.2+ Contract Writing Site Add Funding Source to an Agreement Ability to add a funding source to an Agreement. AO, AS, AM 1.8+ 24.2+ Contract Writing Site Delete Funding Source on an Agreement Ability to delete a funding source from an Agreement. AO, AS, AM 1.8+ 24.2+ Contract Writing Settings Site Create/Update/Delete Task Ability to add global tasks that are available to be added to checklists. CM 1.9+ 24.3+ Contract Writing Settings Site Import Tasks Ability to use an import file to bulk upload upwards of 100 tasks. CM 1.9+ 24.3+ Contract Writing Settings Site Create/Update/Delete Checklist Ability to create a checklist and configure the conditions, task sequence, and task depencendies for the checklist workflow. CM 1.9+ 24.3+ Contract Writing Settings Site Create/Update/Delete Category Ability to create new categories that can be applied to tasks. CM 1.9+ 24.3+ Contract Writing Settings Site Create/Update/Delete Document Review Workflow Ability to create a document review workflow and configure the conditions, reviewer groups, and review dependencies. CM 1.9+ 24.3+ Contract Writing Settings Site Create/Update/Delete Procurement Review Workflow Ability to create a procurement review workflow and configure the conditions, reviewer groups, and review dependencies. CM 1.9+ 24.3+ Contract Writing Site Configure Task Workflow for Submit for Review Tasks Ability to configure where the review workflow should restart in the review process when "Request Changes" or "Reject" are selected. CO, CS, CM, AO, AS, AM 1.9+ 24.3+ Contract Writing Site Add Comment to Tasks Ability to add a comment to the following task types: - Review - Attach Document - Confirmation CO, CS, CM, AO, AS, AM 1.9+ 24.3+ Contract Writing Site Add Document to Tasks Ability to upload a document to the following task types: - Review - Attach Document - Confirmation CO, CS, CM, AO, AS, AM 1.9+ 24.3+ Contract Writing Site View Calendar and Task List on My Workspace Ability to see a calendar view and select a date to view the tasks associated to that day. All users 1.9+ 24.3+ Contract Writing Site View and Filter Task List on My Workspace Ability to see a list view of tasks that are assigned to the logged in user or assigned to a group that the logged in user is a member of. Able to filter based on assignment. All users 1.9+ 24.3+ Contract Writing Site Auto-populate Data on Agreement Template Ability to auto-populate agreement text with data points that are captured as part of Agreement creation. AO, AS, AM 1.9+ 24.3+ Contract Writing Site Add Line Item (Details) - Agreement Ability to add basic details on the line item. AO, AS, AM, GCW admin, GAM admin 1.9+ 24.3+ Contract Writing Site Add Line Item (Pricing) - Agreement Ability to outline the pricing arrangement for the specific line item. The system performs calculations on the inputs to that roll up to totals in the KPIs. AO, AS, AM, GCW admin, GAM admin 1.9+ 24.3+ Contract Writing Site Update Line Item - Agreement Ability to update the details of line items for draft solicitations. AO, AS, AM, GCW admin, GAM admin 1.9+ 24.3+ Contract Writing Site Duplicate Line Item - Agreement Ability to duplicate a line item. AO, AS, AM, GCW admin, GAM admin 1.9+ 24.3+ Contract Writing Site Delete Line Item - Agreement Ability to delete a line item. AO, AS, AM, GCW admin, GAM admin, recipient group 1.9+ 24.3+ Contract Writing Site Create Evaluation Directly from Released Solicitation Ability to create and pre-populate data in an evaluation record from CW. Requires customer environment to have both GSS and CW solutions installed. CO, CS, CM, GCW Admin, GAM Admin 2.0+ 24.3+ Contract Writing Site View Evaluation on Solicitation Summary Ability to view the presence of an evaluation on the CW Solicitation Summary page. CO, CS, CM, COR, Non-contracting personnel users 2.0+ 24.3+ Contract Writing Site Click and Access Evaluation Record from Solicitation Summary Ability to click into the evaluation record and access its details from the CW Solicitation Summary page. CO, CS, CM, GCW Admin, GAM Admin 2.0+ 24.3+ Contract Writing Site Add and Manage Factors on Section M for Draft Solicitations Ability to add/update/delete factor data in Section M. CO, CS, CM, GCW Admin, GAM Admin Contract Writing Site View Related Records Tab Ability to view the Related Records tab where there is a centralized view of previous modifications/amendments, related requirement, and related award/solicitation records. CO, CS, CM, COR, GCW Admin, GAM Admin 2.0+ 24.3+ Contract Writing Site View Previous Modifications/Amendment Record Ability to view the snapshot of what the record was at the time it was released. CO, CS, CM, COR, GCW Admin, GAM Admin, Viewers 2.0+ 24.3+ Contract Writing Site View Current Amendment/Modification History Tab Ability to view the history of changes on the record for a current draft amendment/modification. All users 2.0+ 24.3+ Procurement Analytics Site View Procurement Analytics Site Ability for admins to access the PA site. GCW Admin, GAM Admin 2.0+ 24.3+ Procurement Analytics Site Configure Dashboard Ability for admins to configure the default dashboard. GCW Admin, GAM Admin 2.0+ 24.3+ Contract Writing Site View Action Obligation on Released Award/Mod Ability to view the difference in the amount obligated to the award from the previous version to the recent version on the Line Item Summary tab. All users 2.1+ 24.3+ Contract Writing Site View Total Obligated Amount on Released Award Ability to view the cumulative total of amount obligated through the lifecycle of the award to date on the Award summary. All users 2.1+ 24.3+ Contract Writing Site Select DD1155 Form in Award Wizard Ability to select the DD1155 as a form option in the Award wizard. CO, CS, CM, GCW admin, GAM admin 2.1+ 24.3+ Procurement Analytics Site View Fiscal Year Obligated Spend Chart Ability to view this chart in PA which is populated by obligated spend data from CW. CM 2.1+ 24.3+ *Denotes the supported Appian platform version for the corresponding solution feature. Feedback Was this page helpful? SHARE FEEDBACK Loading...