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Add Templates

This page explains how to add new templates to your connected system plug-in. Examples provided show adding a new connected system, integration, or client API.

Adding a new connected system template

To create a new connected system and add it to your plug-in, follow the steps below:

  1. Create a new Java class that extends SimpleConnectedSystemTemplate.
  2. Specify a template ID using the @TemplateId annotation. Specify a name and version.
    • This ID should be unique across your entire plug-in.
    • We recommend using your fully qualified class name.
    • The version parameter is only supported on connected systems and has no effect on integrations or client APIs.
  3. Add the template to appian-plugin.xml.
  <connected-system-template key="com.mycorp.templates.MyConnectedSystemTemplate" name="MyConnectedSystem" class="com.mycorp.templates.MyConnectedSystemTemplate">
    <!-- Integration Templates and Client APIs go here -->
  • key needs to be unique to your plug-in. We recommend using the same value you used for your template ID
  • name is displayed in logs and errors
  • See examples for how to implement API key and OAuth.

Adding a new integration template

To create a new integration and add it to your plug-in, follow the steps below:

  1. Ensure you have a connected system template to associate to.
  2. Create a new Java class that extends SimpleIntegrationTemplate.
  3. Specify a template ID using the @TemplateId annotation. Specify a name only.
    • This ID should be unique across your entire plug-in.
    • We recommend using your fully qualified class name.
    • The version parameter is only supported on connected systems and has no effect on integrations or client APIs.
  4. Specify a request policy using @IntegrationTemplateRequestPolicy.
    • If your template definitely has side effects, use a "WRITE" policy. This will make all integrations created with this template act as a Smart Service.
    • If your template may or may not have side effects, depending on its configuration, use a "READ_AND_WRITE" policy. Note: This will put the responsibility of determining the policy on the designer.
    • Otherwise, if your template definitely will not have side effects, use a "READ" policy.
  5. Add the template to appian-plugin.xml under an existing connected system tag
  <connected-system-template key="com.mycorp.templates.MyConnectedSystemTemplate" name="MyConnectedSystem" class="com.mycorp.templates.MyConnectedSystemTemplate">
    <integration-template key="com.mycorp.templates.MyIntegrationTemplate" name="MyIntegration" class="com.mycorp.templates.MyIntegrationTemplate" />
  • key needs to be unique to your plug-in. We recommend using the same value you used for your template ID
  • name is displayed in logs and errors
  • See the How To on Creating and Using a Configuration for how to set up the integration for your needs.

Adding a new client API

To create a new client API and add it to your plug-in:

  1. Ensure you have a connected system to associate to.
  2. Create a new Java class that extends SimpleClientApi.
  3. Specify a template ID using the @TemplateId annotation. Specify a name only.
    • This ID should be unique across your entire plug-in.
    • We recommend using your fully qualified class name.
    • The version parameter is only supported on connected systems and has no effect on integrations or client APIs.
  4. Add the template to appian-plugin.xml under an existing connected system tag.
  <connected-system-template key="com.mycorp.templates.MyConnectedSystemTemplate" name="MyConnectedSystem" class="com.mycorp.templates.MyConnectedSystemTemplate">
    <client-api key="com.mycorp.templates.MyClientApi" name="MyClientApi" class="com.mycorp.templates.MyClientApi" />
  • key needs to be unique to your plug-in. We recommend using the same value you used for your template ID
  • name is displayed in logs and errors
  • See Client APIs for more information.
