Interface AppianTypeHolder

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractEscalation, AbstractProcessModel, AbstractProcessNode, ActivityClass, ActivityClassParameter, ActivityClassParameterSchema, ActivityReturnVariable, Application, ApplicationsFolder, Assignment, Assignment.Assignee, Attachment, Community, CommunityKnowledgeCenter, Constant, Container, Content, CustomContent, Document, Escalation, EscalationInstance, Folder, FormConfig, FreeformRule, GenericTypedVariable, InternalForm, KnowledgeCenter, KnowledgeFolder, Lane, Mapping, NavigationButton, Note, PartialResult, PersonalKnowledgeCenter, ProcessDiagram, ProcessModel, ProcessModelNotificationSettings, ProcessNode, ProcessVariable, ProcessVariableInstance, Rule, RulesFolder, RuntimeProcessNode, TypedVariable

public interface AppianTypeHolder extends Serializable
Indicates that the implementing class uses Appian-typed objects (User, Group, etc), and needs to add the ids of these objects to a cache so that display names can be retrieved for them later. If a class does not have any Appian types, but has fields that implement this class, the enclosing class should also implement this interface and delegate to the other class.
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    If the implementing class references any Appian-typed objects (such as User, Group, Folder), this method should be implemented to put the primary keys of these objects in the given cache.
  • Method Details

    • fillInAppianTypes

      void fillInAppianTypes(AppianTypeCache cache_)
      If the implementing class references any Appian-typed objects (such as User, Group, Folder), this method should be implemented to put the primary keys of these objects in the given cache. Later, the cache will populate itself with the display strings that correspond to all of its ids, such as "Human Resources" for group 9.
      cache_ - cache of Appian-typed objects.