Class ActivityClassParameterSchema

All Implemented Interfaces:
com.appiancorp.core.expr.portable.PortableNamedTypedValue, com.appiancorp.core.expr.portable.PortableNamedTypedValueWithChildren, com.appiancorp.core.expr.portable.PortableTypedValue, DeepCloneable, JSONable, JSONCacheable, XMLable, AppianTypeHolder, TypedVariableTypes, AppianType, com.appiancorp.type.HasTypeRef, com.appiancorp.type.NamedType, Serializable, Cloneable
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class ActivityClassParameterSchema extends TypedVariable implements DeepCloneable
Template from which ActivityClassParameters are created. When an administrator adds a new activity to the system, he or she is specifying a new ActivityClassSchema. When a designer adds a node to a process model, he or she is using an ActivityClass (or multiple classes, if there are pre-and post-activities). An ActivityClassParameterSchema is held by an ActivityClassSchema to supply data to the process designer to govern the options available to the person doing the design. An ActivityClassParameterSchema can have a type of DEFERRED, which will force the designer to choose another type for each corresponding ActivityClassParameter. If the type is BEAN_ARRAY, the value must be a single ActivityClassParameterSchema of type BEAN which specifies the layout to which all ActivityClassParameters created from this schema must conform.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ActivityClassParameterSchema

      public ActivityClassParameterSchema()
    • ActivityClassParameterSchema

      public ActivityClassParameterSchema(NamedTypedValue ntv_)
  • Method Details

    • clone

      public Object clone()
      Clone this object. Note that this will produce a deep copy of value as well.
      Specified by:
      clone in interface DeepCloneable
      clone in class TypedValue
    • setHiddenFromDesigner

      public void setHiddenFromDesigner(boolean hidden_)
      Determines whether the data tab on the process modeler will show this parameter to the designer. A non-zero value means "yes", a zero value means "no".
      hidden_ - whether or not the
    • getHiddenFromDesigner

      public boolean getHiddenFromDesigner()
      Determines whether the data tab on the process modeler will show this parameter to the designer. A non-zero value means "yes", a zero value means "no".
      hidden_ - whether or not the
    • getRequired

      @Deprecated public Long getRequired()
      Indicates whether the activity class parameter is required or not
      a Long indicating whether the the activity class parameter is required or not (0 - not required, 1 - required, 2 - required but all except admins and designers)
    • setRequired

      @Deprecated public void setRequired(Long required_)
      Sets whether the activity class parameter is required or not
      required_ - a Long indicating whether the the activity class parameter is required or not (0 - not required, 1 - required, 2 - required but all except admins and designers)
    • isRequired

      public boolean isRequired()
      Returns true if the parameter is required, false otherwise.
    • setRequired

      public void setRequired(boolean required)
      Sets whether this parameter is required.
      required - True if it's required
    • getXMLWrapperName

      protected String getXMLWrapperName()
      getXMLWrapperName in class TypedVariable
    • toXML

      public void toXML(StringBuilder buffer_)
      Description copied from class: TypedVariable
      Appends the XML representation of this typed variable to the given buffer.
      Specified by:
      toXML in interface XMLable
      toXML in class TypedVariable
      buffer_ - The buffer to which the typed variable should be appended.
    • getId

      public Long getId()
      Gets the unique Id for this activity class parameter schema
      the unique Id for this activity class parameter schema
    • setId

      public void setId(Long id_)
      Sets the unique Id for this activity class parameter schema
      id_ - the unique Id to set for this activity class parameter schema
    • getNullable

      public Long getNullable()
      Indicates whether or not this activity class parameter schema is nullable
      whether or not this activity class parameter schema is nullable. Will return one fo the following values: Validatable.NULLABLE_NOT_AT_ALL, Validatable.NULLABLE_BY_ALL, Validatable.NULLABLE_ADMIN_AND_DESIGN
    • setNullable

      public void setNullable(Long nullable_)
      Sets whether or not this activity class parameter schema is nullable
      nullable_ - value to set for whether the activity class parameter Allowed values are: Validatable.NULLABLE_NOT_AT_ALL, Validatable.NULLABLE_BY_ALL , Validatable.NULLABLE_ADMIN_AND_DESIGN
    • getComment

      public String getComment()
      Gets the comment for this activity class parameter schema
      the comment for this activity class parameter schema
    • setComment

      public void setComment(String comment_)
      Sets the comment for this activity class parameter schema
      comment_ - the comment to set for this activity class parameter schema
    • getInputToAc

      public boolean getInputToAc()
      Determines whether this parameter is input to an activity class (and therefore a true activity class parameter), or not (and therefore an activity return variable).
      true if this parameter is an input to an activity class, false otherwise
    • setInputToAc

      public void setInputToAc(boolean inputToAc_)
      Sets whether or not this acp-schema is an input to an activity class (and therefore a true activity class parameter), or not (and is therefore an activity return variable)
      inputToAc_ - true if this parameter is an input to an activity class, false otherwise
    • getMutable

      public Long getMutable()
      Indicates whether the activity class parameter can be changed
      a Long which indicates whether this activity class parameter is mutable. Will return one fo the following values: Validatable.MUTABLE_NOT_BY_END_USER, Validatable.MUTABLE_BY_END_USER, Validatable.MUTABLE_AT_DESIGNER_DISCRETION
    • setMutable

      public void setMutable(Long mutable_)
      Sets whether this activity class parameter can be changed
      mutable_ - a Long which indicates whether this activity class parameter is mutable. Allowed values are : Validatable.MUTABLE_NOT_BY_END_USER, Validatable.MUTABLE_BY_END_USER, Validatable.MUTABLE_AT_DESIGNER_DISCRETION
    • getPrompt

      public String getPrompt()
      Gets the default prompt to be show to the runtime user for parameters created from this schema. The process designer can override this default on each parameter instance.
      the default prompt to be show to the user
    • setPrompt

      public void setPrompt(String prompt_)
      Sets the default prompt to be shown to runtime users of activites containing parameters created from this schema.
      prompt_ - the default prompt to be show to the user
    • getLocalId

      public String getLocalId()
      Gets the local id of the activity class parameter schema on the system.
      Returns the localId.
    • setLocalId

      public void setLocalId(String localId_)
      Sets the local id of the activity class parameter schema on the system.
      localId_ - The localId to set.
    • getEnumeration

      public String getEnumeration()
      Retrieves the name (key) of the enumeration to be used for this ACPS. If no enumeration is to be used this method will return null.
      Returns the enumeration.
    • setEnumeration

      public void setEnumeration(String enumeration_)
      Sets the name (key) of the enumeration to be used for this ACPS.
      enumeration_ - The enumeration to set.
      See Also:
    • getCustomDisplayReference

      public String getCustomDisplayReference()
      Retrieves the name of the pickerType to be used for this ACPS. If set, a custom pickerType will be used to choose the value of this ACPS at design time and run time. The return type of the picker must match the type of the ACPS, ie. an ACPS of type Group must have some type of Group picker. If not set, the ACPS will use the default picker for its type.
      Note: If the type of the ACPS is not an Appian type, this field will also be ignored.
      Returns the customDisplayReference.
    • setCustomDisplayReference

      public void setCustomDisplayReference(String customDisplayReference_)
      Sets the name of the pickerType to be used for this ACPS.
      customDisplayReference_ - The customDisplayReference to set.
      See Also: