Class PartialResult

All Implemented Interfaces:
AppianTypeHolder, Serializable

public class PartialResult extends Object implements Serializable, AppianTypeHolder

This class represents the partial evaluation of a function in the Expression Editor, as well as the result of that evaluation.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • PartialResult

      public PartialResult()
  • Method Details

    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
      the function
    • getAssignmentOperator

      public String getAssignmentOperator()
      Gets the assignment operator Supported operators are:
      : Direct Modification
      +: Addition Modification
      -: Subtraction Modification
      *: Multiplication Modification
      /: Division Modification
      ^: Exponentiation Modification
      &: Concatenation Modification
      String assignment operator
    • setAssignmentOperator

      public void setAssignmentOperator(String operator_)
      Sets the assignment operator Allowed operators are:
      : Direct Modification
      +: Addition Modification
      -: Subtraction Modification
      *: Multiplication Modification
      /: Division Modification
      ^: Exponentiation Modification
      &: Concatenation Modification
      operator_ - String assignment operator
    • getAssignmentVariable

      public String getAssignmentVariable()
      Gets the assignment variable. This is the string that appears before the assignment operator and is the variable that will be assigned the value returned by the expression. E.g. a:1+2, a is the assignment variable, : the assignment operator and a will be set to be 3.
      the assignment variable
    • setAssignmentVariable

      public void setAssignmentVariable(String variable_)
      Sets assignment variable. This is the string that appears before the assignment operator and is the variable that will be assigned the value returned by the expression. E.g. a:1+2, a is the assignment variable, : the assignment operator and a will be set to be 3.
      variable_ - String assignment variable
    • getFunction

      public String getFunction()
      Gets the name of the function
      the name of the function
    • setFunction

      public void setFunction(String function_)
      Sets the name of the function
      function_ - the name of the function
    • getFunctionParameters

      public TypedVariable[] getFunctionParameters()
      Gets the function parameters
      array of TypedVariable function parameters
      See Also:
    • setFunctionParameters

      public void setFunctionParameters(TypedVariable[] parameters_)
      Sets the function parameters
      parameters_ - array of TypedVariable function parameters
      See Also:
    • getResult

      public TypedVariable getResult()
      Gets the partial result
      the partial result as a TypedVariable
      See Also:
    • setResult

      public void setResult(TypedVariable result_)
      Sets the partial result
      result_ - the partial result as a TypedVariable
      See Also:
    • fillInAppianTypes

      public void fillInAppianTypes(AppianTypeCache cache_)
      Description copied from interface: AppianTypeHolder
      If the implementing class references any Appian-typed objects (such as User, Group, Folder), this method should be implemented to put the primary keys of these objects in the given cache. Later, the cache will populate itself with the display strings that correspond to all of its ids, such as "Human Resources" for group 9.
      Specified by:
      fillInAppianTypes in interface AppianTypeHolder
      cache_ - cache of Appian-typed objects.