Class ProcessModelNotificationSettings

All Implemented Interfaces:
AppianTypeHolder, Serializable

public class ProcessModelNotificationSettings extends Object implements AppianTypeHolder
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ProcessModelNotificationSettings

      public ProcessModelNotificationSettings()
  • Method Details

    • isCustomSettings

      public boolean isCustomSettings()
    • setCustomSettings

      public void setCustomSettings(boolean customSettings_)
    • isNotifyInitiator

      public boolean isNotifyInitiator()
    • setNotifyInitiator

      public void setNotifyInitiator(boolean notifyInitiator_)
    • isNotifyOwner

      public boolean isNotifyOwner()
    • setNotifyOwner

      public void setNotifyOwner(boolean notifyOwner_)
    • isNotifyRecipientsInExpression

      public boolean isNotifyRecipientsInExpression()
    • setNotifyRecipientsInExpression

      public void setNotifyRecipientsInExpression(boolean notifyRecipientsInExpression_)
    • isNotifyUsersAndGroups

      public boolean isNotifyUsersAndGroups()
    • setNotifyUsersAndGroups

      public void setNotifyUsersAndGroups(boolean notifyUsersAndGroups_)
    • getUsersAndGroups

      public LocalObject[] getUsersAndGroups()
    • setUsersAndGroups

      public void setUsersAndGroups(LocalObject[] people_)
    • getRecipientsExpression

      public String getRecipientsExpression()
    • setRecipientsExpression

      public void setRecipientsExpression(String recipientsExpression_)
    • fillInAppianTypes

      public void fillInAppianTypes(AppianTypeCache cache_)
      Description copied from interface: AppianTypeHolder
      If the implementing class references any Appian-typed objects (such as User, Group, Folder), this method should be implemented to put the primary keys of these objects in the given cache. Later, the cache will populate itself with the display strings that correspond to all of its ids, such as "Human Resources" for group 9.
      Specified by:
      fillInAppianTypes in interface AppianTypeHolder
      cache_ - cache of Appian-typed objects.