Interface JSONable

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractProcessModel, AbstractProcessNode, ActivityClass, ActivityClassParameter, ActivityClassParameterSchema, ActivityClassSchema, ActivityReturnVariable, AnnotationArtifact, AppianTypeCache, Assignment, Assignment.Assignee, Connection, Deadline, DynamicForm, Event, EventProducer, EventTrigger, FormConfigMap, FormElement, GenericTypedVariable, Label, Mapping, MessageEventProducer, MessageEventTrigger, MultipleInstance, NamedTypedValue, NavigationButton, ProcessDiagram, ProcessModel, ProcessNode, ProcessVariable, ProcessVariableInstance, QuickFilterItem, ReportData, RuleEventTrigger, RuntimeProcessNode, TerminateEventProducer, TimerEventTrigger, TypedValue, TypedVariable, UiExpressionForm

public interface JSONable
Represents an object that can be converted to JSON format so that an equivalent JavaScript object can be created on the client machine. This type of object can be returned from a JSON-RPC-Java call, or output on a JSP using the asi:toJson tag. JSON is a text representation of a JavaScript object that can be evaluated in JavaScript using the eval function. For instance, eval({a:'abc',b:5}) will return a JavaScript object with two properties/attributes, a and b, with values of 'abc' and 5 respectively.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final boolean
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the set of attributes (properties) that should not be included in the JSON representation of the object.
  • Field Details

    • hiddenAttributes$TRANSIENT

      static final boolean hiddenAttributes$TRANSIENT
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getHiddenAttributes

      HashSet getHiddenAttributes()
      Returns the set of attributes (properties) that should not be included in the JSON representation of the object.
      the set of hidden attributes