Interface DeepCloneable

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ActivityClassParameter, ActivityClassParameterSchema, ActivityReturnVariable, AheadOfScheduleFilter, BaseFilter, BehindScheduleFilter, Column, CompletedAheadOfScheduleFilter, CompletedBehindScheduleFilter, CompletedFilter, Contribution, DrillPath, DueTodayFilter, DynamicForm, FormElement, GenericTypedVariable, GroupMessageLink, LastNCompletedFilter, LastNDaysFilter, LeaderMessageLink, Link, LinkType, LocalObject, Mapping, NamedTypedValue, NotYetCompletedFilter, Option, OutsideNStandardDeviationsFilter, ProcessVariable, ProcessVariableInstance, QuickFilter, QuickFilterItem, RunningFilter, SimpleColumnFilter, Threshold, TypedValue, TypedVariable

public interface DeepCloneable extends Cloneable
This marker interface identifiers a class that supports the clone method with deep copy semantics, rather than shallow copy semantics. This marker indicates that the clone MUST return an instance of the same class as the object being cloned.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Clone this object using deep-copy semantics.
  • Method Details

    • clone

      Object clone()
      Clone this object using deep-copy semantics.