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Appian Case Management Studio Support Policy


Appian Case Management Studio (CMS) is built with a modular architecture where new functionality is introduced through modules rather than major version releases. To add new functionality to their CMS, customers need to “incorporate” modules with the CMS base application, also known as Foundation. We also expect and encourage customers to customize and extend their Appian CMS using the power of the Appian platform.

Support Policy

We have adapted our existing support policy for Appian Solutions to fit the needs of Appian CMS, including:

Note:  Appian Case Management Studio is included in Appian's advanced and premium capability tiers. Note that usage limits may apply.

For more information about Appian's platform support policy, see the Appian Release Support Policy.

This section defines the areas of support Appian provides when working with you to resolve any issues with your Appian CMS.

Continuous Support

  • Support coverage based on the platform support plan the customer purchases.
  • Support for CMS for the duration of the license subscription. See What’s Covered.
  • Support for the platform for the duration of the platform license subscription.
  • Customer documentation that provides a high-level overview of the Appian Case Management Studio's core features, functionalities, and value proposition. Installation and incorporation documentation for the CMS base application and each module for Customer Success and partners provided through our internal channels.
  • We are committed to maintaining the stability and performance of Appian Case Management Studio and all modules. We will resolve bugs and security issues in the as-shipped base application and modules based on priority scheduling. Depending on the issue and severity, we may provide these fixes as a patch, resolution steps, or both.
  • Our commitment to ensuring backward compatibility of all modules with all Appian CMS versions.

Continuous Value

  • Case Management Studio: We will provide new functionality through modules, allowing subscribed customers to add functionality to their out-of-the-box or customized CMS with new modules.
  • Platform: quarterly platform releases with improvements.

Continuous Feedback

  • Customers are encouraged to provide their use cases directly to engineering, their account executives, their customer success manager, or Appian support channels.

What’s Covered

The table below lists the applications and services covered by the Appian Case Management Studio support policy.

Appian Case Management Studio Duration of CMS license
Modules Duration of CMS license
Required plugins Duration of CMS license
Community recommended utilities Duration of CMS license
Platform support Duration of platform license

What’s not covered*

The Appian Case Management Studio support policy does not cover the following types of extensions and customizations to the Appian CMS:

  • Extensions and customizations beyond the as-shipped application code.
  • Misincorporation of add-on modules.
  • Custom applications beyond the use case for which they purchased CMS.

*Refers to what isn’t covered under the CMS support model. Depending on the customer’s platform support plan or whether they have a current engagement with Appian Customer Success or partners, there may be other support channels they can leverage.
