Class ProcessNode

All Implemented Interfaces:
JSONable, JSONCacheable, AppianTypeHolder, Serializable

public class ProcessNode extends AbstractProcessNode
A node in a process model. A node is a conceptual representation of an activity used in a ProcessModel. The node contains the primary activity, which is its defining characteristic, as well as any pre- and post-activities that the designer has configured. Attended nodes are assigned to users, and are represented as tasks in the task list at runtime. Each node also potentially contains one or many flows (or connections), which are transitions to other nodes that can be traversed once this node is completed.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ProcessNode

      public ProcessNode()
  • Method Details

    • getEscalations

      public Escalation[] getEscalations()
      Gets the list of escalations that will occur if the primary activity of this node is attended and is not accepted quickly enough.
      the escalations of this node.
    • getSchedule

      public Schedule getSchedule()
      Gets the schedule that this node follows for activation. If no schedule is provided, the node is activated as soon as flow hits it.
      the schedule
    • setSchedule

      public void setSchedule(Schedule schedule_)
      Sets the schedule that this node follows for activation
      schedule_ - the schedule
      See Also:
    • setEscalations

      public void setEscalations(Escalation[] escalations_)
      Sets the list of escalations that will occur if the primary activity of this node is attended and is not accepted quickly enough.
      escalations_ - the escalations of this node.
    • getEscalationAbstraction

      protected AbstractEscalation[] getEscalationAbstraction()
      Specified by:
      getEscalationAbstraction in class AbstractProcessNode
    • getScheduleAbstraction

      protected AbstractSchedule getScheduleAbstraction()
      Specified by:
      getScheduleAbstraction in class AbstractProcessNode