Class AbstractSchedule

All Implemented Interfaces:
XMLable, Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:
Schedule, ScheduleInstance

public class AbstractSchedule extends Object implements XMLable, Serializable
A Schedule is used to define a time for an event based either on an absolute Timestamp or relative to some other event. If the delay is absolute then the timer expires at an exact time, i.e. 12:52AM on 12/18/2007. A relative delay occurs at some offset to another event, such as the activation of a node or process, such as 2 hours and 18 minutes afterwards.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractSchedule

      public AbstractSchedule(boolean absoluteDelay_)
      Creates a new instance of Schedule
      absoluteDealy_ - true if the event is not relative to other event, else false
    • AbstractSchedule

      public AbstractSchedule()
      Creates a new instance of Schedule
  • Method Details

    • getAbsoluteExpression

      public String getAbsoluteExpression()
      Returns an expression to be evaluated to the Timestamp of the scheduled event.
      a string Expression
    • setAbsoluteExpression

      public void setAbsoluteExpression(String absoluteExpression_)
      Sets an expression to be evaluated to the Timestamp of the scheduled event.
      absoluteExpression_ - a string Expression
    • isAbsoluteDelay

      public boolean isAbsoluteDelay()
      Returns true if the event is schedule for a specific time i.e. 12:52AM on 12/18/2007 else its relative to some other event like 5 mins or 2 hrs after the event.
      true if the Schedule is not relative to some other event.
    • setAbsoluteDelay

      public void setAbsoluteDelay(boolean absoluteDealy_)
      If true sets the Schedule to a specific time like 12:52AM on 12/18/2007, else to an interval of time relative to some other event.
      absoluteDealy_ - true if the event is not relative to other event, else false
    • getAbsoluteTime

      @Deprecated public Timestamp getAbsoluteTime()
      Returns null
    • setAbsoluteTime

      @Deprecated public void setAbsoluteTime(Timestamp absoluteTime_)
      use {@link #setAbsoluteExpression(String))}
      Sets the time at which the event is scheduled
      absoluteTime_ - Timestamp of the exact time of the event.
    • getRelativeInterval

      public Interval getRelativeInterval()
      Returns the Interval object representing the time delay with respect to the previous event
      Interval object specifying delay in terms of mins, hrs, days, weeks, months and/or years.
    • setRelativeInterval

      public void setRelativeInterval(Interval relativeInterval_)
      Schedules an event relative to some other event.
      relativeInterval_ - Interval object representing time delay after some other event.
    • toXML

      public String toXML()
      Description copied from interface: XMLable
      Generates an XML representation of this object (including all child objects). A typical implementation is to create a new StringBuilder and call toXML( StringBuilder ) on it.
      Specified by:
      toXML in interface XMLable
      XML representation of the Schedule object
    • toXML

      public void toXML(StringBuilder buffer_)
      Description copied from interface: XMLable
      Appends an XML representation of this object (including all child objects) to the given buffer. Override for performance.
      Specified by:
      toXML in interface XMLable
      buffer_ - Stringbuffer that's populated with the XML representation of the Schedule object
    • getAbsoluteOrRelative

      public boolean getAbsoluteOrRelative()
    • setAbsoluteOrRelative

      public void setAbsoluteOrRelative(boolean isAbsoluteOrRelative_)
    • getRecurring

      public boolean getRecurring()
    • setRecurring

      public void setRecurring(boolean isRecurring_)