Class ProcessModel

All Implemented Interfaces:
JSONable, JSONCacheable, AppianTypeHolder, Serializable

public class ProcessModel extends AbstractProcessModel
The template from which processes are created. A process model contains nodes that are connected to each other through flows (aka connections). Each node represents an activity to be performed by either the system or a user. Nodes have one primary activity, but can have an arbitrary number of pre- and post-activities, as long as such activities are unattended (i.e. do not require user interaction). The process model also holds such meta data as who created it, when, and what group the model is associated with. Process models are generally created through the UI designer.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ProcessModel

      public ProcessModel()
  • Method Details

    • getProcessNodes

      public ProcessNode[] getProcessNodes()
      Gets the nodes that this model comprises.
      the process nodes contained in the process model
    • setProcessNodes

      public void setProcessNodes(ProcessNode[] processNodes_)
      Sets the nodes that this model comprises.
      processNodes_ - an array of the nodes in this model.
    • getVariables

      public ProcessVariable[] getVariables()
      Gets the list of process variables used by this model.
      the process variables of this model.
    • sortVariables

      public void sortVariables()
    • setVariables

      public void setVariables(ProcessVariable[] variables_)
      Sets the process variables for this model.
      variables_ - the process variables used by this model.
    • setDatatypeReferences

      public void setDatatypeReferences(Long[] datatypeReferences_)
      Sets the data types referenced by this model. The data types are set by the system when this bean is returned. Calling this method has no effect.
      datatypeReferences_ - the data types referenced by this model.
    • getDatatypeReferences

      public Long[] getDatatypeReferences()
      Gets the list of data types referenced by this model.
      the data types referenced by this model.
    • getLogging

      public ProcessModelLogging getLogging()
      ProcessModelLogging of this model.
    • setLogging

      public void setLogging(ProcessModelLogging _logging)
      _logging - the ProcessModelLogging used by this model.
    • fillInAppianTypes

      public void fillInAppianTypes(AppianTypeCache appianCache_)
      Description copied from class: AbstractProcessModel
      Adds the primary keys of the Appian-typed objects maintained by the elements in the given array to the cache. This method is cheap.
      Specified by:
      fillInAppianTypes in interface AppianTypeHolder
      fillInAppianTypes in class AbstractProcessModel
      appianCache_ - cache of Appian-typed objects.
    • updateFromDescriptor

      public void updateFromDescriptor(ProcessModel.Descriptor src_)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Generates a string representation of this model for debugging.
      toString in class LocalizedIdentity
      String representation of the object
    • resetNodesUUIDsAndEventPersistentIds

      public void resetNodesUUIDsAndEventPersistentIds()
      Resets the UUID of each node and the persistentId of each event in this process model to null, so that the database will generate new UUIDs/ids the next time the process model is saved.