Class ProcessDiagram

All Implemented Interfaces:
JSONable, JSONCacheable, AppianTypeHolder, Serializable

public class ProcessDiagram extends AbstractProcessModel
A runtime representation of a ProcessModel. The nodes in the diagram represent the tasks in the process. The diagram can be used to make in-flight modifications.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ProcessDiagram

      public ProcessDiagram()
  • Method Details

    • getChildProcesses

      public ProcessSummary[] getChildProcesses()
      Gets the child processes of this process, if this process contains sub or linked processes; null otherwise. Used for breadcrumbs for child processes in the interface; Only contains processes that the user can see.
      summaries of the child processes.
    • setChildProcesses

      public void setChildProcesses(ProcessSummary[] childProcesses_)
      Sets the child processes of this process, if this process contains sub or linked processes; null otherwise. Used for breadcrumbs for child processes in the interface; Only contains processes that the user can see.
      childProcesses_ - summaries of the child processes.
    • getParentProcesses

      public ProcessSummary[] getParentProcesses()
      Gets the parent processes of this process, if this process is a sub or linked process; null otherwise. Used for breadcrumbs to parent processes in the interface. Only contains processes that the user can see.
      summaries of the parent processes.
    • setParentProcesses

      public void setParentProcesses(ProcessSummary[] parentProcesses_)
      Sets the parent processes of this process, if this process is a sub or linked process; null otherwise. Used for breadcrumbs to parent processes in the interface. Only contains processes that the user can see.
      parentProcesses_ - summaries of the parent processes.
    • getProcessId

      public Long getProcessId()
      Gets the id of the process whose diagram is represented.
      the id of the process whose diagram is represented.
    • setProcessId

      public void setProcessId(Long id_)
      Sets the id of the process whose diagram is represented.
      id_ - the id of the process whose diagram is represented.
    • getRuntimeProcessNodes

      public RuntimeProcessNode[] getRuntimeProcessNodes()
      use getProcessNodes
      Gets the nodes of the process whose diagram is featured here.
      the nodes of the process whose diagram is featured here.
    • getProcessNodes

      public RuntimeProcessNode[] getProcessNodes()
      Gets the nodes of the process whose diagram is featured here.
      the nodes of the process whose diagram is featured here.
    • setProcessNodes

      public void setProcessNodes(RuntimeProcessNode[] processNodes_)
      Sets the nodes of the process whose diagram is featured here.
      processNodes_ - the nodes of the process whose diagram is featured here.
    • setRuntimeProcessNodes

      public void setRuntimeProcessNodes(RuntimeProcessNode[] processNodes_)
    • getVariableInstances

      public ProcessVariableInstance[] getVariableInstances()
      use getVariables
      Gets the process variables of the process whose diagram is featured here.
      the process variables of the process whose diagram is featured here.
    • setVariableInstances

      public void setVariableInstances(ProcessVariableInstance[] variables_)
      use setVariables
      Sets the process variables of the process whose diagram is featured here.
      variables_ - the process variables of the process whose diagram is featured here.
    • getVariables

      public ProcessVariableInstance[] getVariables()
      Gets the process variables of the process whose diagram is featured here.
      the process variables of the process whose diagram is featured here.
    • setVariables

      public void setVariables(ProcessVariableInstance[] variables_)
      Sets the process variables of the process whose diagram is featured here.
      variables_ - the process variables of the process whose diagram is featured here.
    • getLockedBy

      public String getLockedBy()
      Gets the user who has this process locked.
      getLockedBy in class AbstractProcessModel
      the username of the user who has this process locked, or null if the process is not locked.
    • setLockedBy

      public void setLockedBy(String processLockedBy_)
      Sets the user who has this process locked.
      setLockedBy in class AbstractProcessModel
      processLockedBy_ - the username of the user who has this process locked, or null if the process is not locked.
    • getLockedTime

      public Timestamp getLockedTime()
      Gets the time at which the process was most recently locked.
      the time at which the process was most recently locked, or null if the process is not currently locked.
    • setLockedTime

      public void setLockedTime(Timestamp processLockedTime_)
      Sets the time at which the process was most recently locked.
      processLockedTime_ - the time at which the process was most recently locked, or null if the process is not currently locked.
    • getStatus

      public Integer getStatus()
      Gets the status of the process whose diagram is featured here.
      one of the STATUS_XXX constants from ProcessModel.
    • setStatus

      public void setStatus(Integer status_)
      Sets the status of the process whose diagram is featured here.
      status_ - one of the STATUS_XXX constants from ProcessModel.
    • getProcessPermissions

      public ProcessPermissions getProcessPermissions()
      Gets the permissions associated to the process instance represented by this process diagram
      Returns the processPermissions.
    • setProcessPermissions

      public void setProcessPermissions(ProcessPermissions processPermissions_)
      Sets the permissions associated to the process instance represented by this process diagram
      processPermissions_ - The processPermissions to set.
    • fillInAppianTypes

      public void fillInAppianTypes(AppianTypeCache appianCache_)
      Description copied from class: AbstractProcessModel
      Adds the primary keys of the Appian-typed objects maintained by the elements in the given array to the cache. This method is cheap.
      Specified by:
      fillInAppianTypes in interface AppianTypeHolder
      fillInAppianTypes in class AbstractProcessModel
      appianCache_ - cache of Appian-typed objects.
    • getRuntimeProcessName

      public String getRuntimeProcessName()
      Gets the runtime name of this process, as generated by the process execution engine.
      The runtime name of this process.
    • setRuntimeProcessName

      public void setRuntimeProcessName(String runtimeProcessName_)
      Sets the runtime name of this process.
      runtimeProcessName_ - The runtime name of this process to set.
    • setProcessUuid

      public void setProcessUuid(String processUuid)
      Sets the UUID in the Elastic Engine for this process.
      processUuid - the uuid to set
    • getProcessUuid

      public String getProcessUuid()
      Gets the UUID in the Elastic Engine for this process.
      this process' UUID