Class ProcessVariableInstance

All Implemented Interfaces:
com.appiancorp.core.expr.portable.PortableNamedTypedValue, com.appiancorp.core.expr.portable.PortableNamedTypedValueWithChildren, com.appiancorp.core.expr.portable.PortableTypedValue, com.appiancorp.process.runtime.forms.FormParameter, DeepCloneable, JSONable, JSONCacheable, XMLable, AppianTypeHolder, TypedVariableTypes, Validatable, AppianType, com.appiancorp.type.ExpressionableNamedTypedValue, com.appiancorp.type.HasTypeRef, com.appiancorp.type.NamedType, Serializable, Cloneable, Comparable

public class ProcessVariableInstance extends ProcessVariable implements AppianTypeHolder, DeepCloneable
Represents the runtime instance of process variable for a process. This object is used in the inflight modification of the process, which can view/change the value of the process variable.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ProcessVariableInstance

      public ProcessVariableInstance()
    • ProcessVariableInstance

      public ProcessVariableInstance(NamedTypedValue ntv_)
  • Method Details

    • clone

      public Object clone()
      Clone this object. Note that this will produce a deep copy of value and runningValue.
      Specified by:
      clone in interface DeepCloneable
      clone in class ProcessVariable
    • getRunningType

      @Deprecated public Long getRunningType()
      Retrieves the current type value of the process variable.
      the current type value of the process variable
      See Also:
    • setRunningType

      @Deprecated public void setRunningType(Long runningType)
      Sets the current type value of the process variable.
      runningValue_ - the new type value of the process variable.
      See Also:
    • getRunningValue

      public Object getRunningValue()
      Retrieves the current value of the process variable. The 'value' of the process variable can change during the life time of the process. This property holds the most current value of the process variable.
      the current value of the process variable
      See Also:
    • setRunningValue

      public void setRunningValue(Object runningValue_)
      Sets the value of the process variable.
      runningValue_ - new value of the process variable.
      See Also:
    • fillInAppianTypes

      public void fillInAppianTypes(AppianTypeCache cache_)
      Description copied from class: TypedVariable
      If this typed variable is an Appian Type, adds its primary key to the cache.
      Specified by:
      fillInAppianTypes in interface AppianTypeHolder
      fillInAppianTypes in class TypedVariable
      cache_ - The cache to add to.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class NamedTypedValue