Interface KnowledgeCenterService

All Superinterfaces:, Service

@Deprecated public interface KnowledgeCenterService extends
Use the class ContentService instead.
This interface provides services for other applications using methods related to collaboration knowledge centers

Knowledge centers may be private or public (see KnowledgeCenter.getType()). Public knowledge centers are those that are housed within collaboration Communitys; unless they are not searchable, they will be visible to any user who views their parent community. Private knowledge centers are not housed within communities, and so are not generally available to anyone who access the collaboration application.

Knowledge centers also have security settings attached to them. A knowledge center's searchability (see KnowledgeCenter.isIsSearchable()) determines whether the knowledge center will show up in user searches, and, similarly, whether a user who does not have access to the knowledge center will be able to see the knowledge center if he views the contents of the community that contains the knowledge center. Another knowledge center security setting determines whether changes to the knowledge center (creation or deletion of folders, documents and document versions) require the approval of one of the knowledge center administrators, or whether these changes can be posted without approval (see KnowledgeCenter.isChangesRequireApproval()). The final security setting determines whether users who apply for access to a knowledge center are automatically approved for read-only access, or whether their access request must be viewed and approved by one of the knowledge center administrators (see KnowledgeCenter.isAutoApproveForReadOnlyAccess()).

The role map of a knowledge center determines which users and groups have access to the knowledge center, and the level of access (permissions) that these users and groups possess. The access levels are administrator, editor and read-only. Readers may only view material but may not add new content; editors may view material and also add content; administrators have full control over the knowledge center, which enables them to, among other things, delete the knowledge center, change security settings and approve access requests (see KnowledgeCenter.getAccessLevel()).

Users may choose to "subscribe" to a knowledge center. In so doing, documents added to folders within the knowledge center will appear in the user's "New In Subscriptions" list. Note that a user may have access to a knowledge center without being subscribed to the knowledge center.

Knowledge centers house collaboration Folders. Folders may inherit permissions from their parent knowledge center, or may define permissions of their own.

Methods of service classes can all throw the unchecked exception ServiceException if any system-level error (for example, server failure) occurs, and will in general throw a checked exception (InvalidXXXException) when an entity to be retrieved is inaccessible, instead of returning null. Exceptions to this paradigm (including the use of ResultList as described below) are noted. All checked exceptions extend AppianException.

It may be necessary to retrieve a subset of results as opposed to an entire collection, and also to sort the subset by some property of the returned object. "Paging" methods which return a ResultPage are provided in certain instances for this purpose. The ResultPage will contain the sorted subset of results (via Result.getResults()), and the total number of items in the available result set (via ResultPage.getAvailableItems()).

It may also be necessary to retrieve some results, even if all results cannot be retrieved (for instance, some of the entities corresponding to a list of entity IDs may no longer exist). Methods which return a ResultList are provided for this purpose. The Result.getResults() method in this case will return all results which can be retrieved. In addition, there will be a list of result codes (ResultList.getResultCodes()) that represent the successful retrieval of an entity, or, if the entity could not be retrieved, the reason for the failure. See the CODE_XXX constants in ResultList for details. The result code array is a parallel array of the passed in argument array.

See Also:
  • Field Details

    • createKnowledgeCenter$UPDATES

      static final boolean createKnowledgeCenter$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • createKnowledgeCenters$UPDATES

      static final boolean createKnowledgeCenters$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • updateKnowledgeCenter$UPDATES

      static final boolean updateKnowledgeCenter$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • updateKnowledgeCenters$UPDATES

      static final boolean updateKnowledgeCenters$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • updateExpirationDaysForKnowledgeCenter$UPDATES

      static final boolean updateExpirationDaysForKnowledgeCenter$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • updateExpirationDaysForKnowledgeCenters$UPDATES

      static final boolean updateExpirationDaysForKnowledgeCenters$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • updateForumForKnowledgeCenter$UPDATES

      static final boolean updateForumForKnowledgeCenter$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • updateForumForKnowledgeCenters$UPDATES

      static final boolean updateForumForKnowledgeCenters$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • deleteKnowledgeCenter$UPDATES

      static final boolean deleteKnowledgeCenter$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • deleteKnowledgeCenters$UPDATES

      static final boolean deleteKnowledgeCenters$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • moveKnowledgeCenter$UPDATES

      static final boolean moveKnowledgeCenter$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • moveKnowledgeCenters$UPDATES

      static final boolean moveKnowledgeCenters$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getKnowledgeCenter$UPDATES

      static final boolean getKnowledgeCenter$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getKnowledgeCenters$UPDATES

      static final boolean getKnowledgeCenters$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getKnowledgeCentersPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getKnowledgeCentersPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getWritableKnowledgeCenters$UPDATES

      static final boolean getWritableKnowledgeCenters$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getWritableKnowledgeCentersPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getWritableKnowledgeCentersPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getWritableFoldersForKnowledgeCenterPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getWritableFoldersForKnowledgeCenterPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getAdministratableKnowledgeCentersPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getAdministratableKnowledgeCentersPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getKnowledgeCentersForGroup$UPDATES

      static final boolean getKnowledgeCentersForGroup$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getKnowledgeCentersForGroupPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getKnowledgeCentersForGroupPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getKnowledgeCentersForGroups$UPDATES

      static final boolean getKnowledgeCentersForGroups$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getKnowledgeCentersForGroupsPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getKnowledgeCentersForGroupsPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getKnowledgeCentersForCommunity$UPDATES

      static final boolean getKnowledgeCentersForCommunity$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getKnowledgeCentersForCommunityPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getKnowledgeCentersForCommunityPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getKnowledgeCentersForCommunities$UPDATES

      static final boolean getKnowledgeCentersForCommunities$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getKnowledgeCentersForCommunitiesPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getKnowledgeCentersForCommunitiesPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getPersonalKnowledgeCenters$UPDATES

      static final boolean getPersonalKnowledgeCenters$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getPersonalKnowledgeCentersPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getPersonalKnowledgeCentersPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getSubscribedKnowledgeCenters$UPDATES

      static final boolean getSubscribedKnowledgeCenters$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getSubscribedKnowledgeCentersPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getSubscribedKnowledgeCentersPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • subscribeKnowledgeCenter$UPDATES

      static final boolean subscribeKnowledgeCenter$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • subscribeKnowledgeCenterWithNote$UPDATES

      static final boolean subscribeKnowledgeCenterWithNote$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • subscribeKnowledgeCentersWithNote$UPDATES

      static final boolean subscribeKnowledgeCentersWithNote$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • subscribeKnowledgeCenters$UPDATES

      static final boolean subscribeKnowledgeCenters$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • unsubscribeKnowledgeCenter$UPDATES

      static final boolean unsubscribeKnowledgeCenter$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • unsubscribeKnowledgeCenters$UPDATES

      static final boolean unsubscribeKnowledgeCenters$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getSubscriptionRequests$UPDATES

      static final boolean getSubscriptionRequests$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • rejectSubscriptions$UPDATES

      static final boolean rejectSubscriptions$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getAllFoldersPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getAllFoldersPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getAllFolders$UPDATES

      static final boolean getAllFolders$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getRootFolders$UPDATES

      static final boolean getRootFolders$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getRootFoldersPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getRootFoldersPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getFoldersRequiringApproval$UPDATES

      static final boolean getFoldersRequiringApproval$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getFoldersRequiringApprovalPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getFoldersRequiringApprovalPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getDocumentsRequiringApproval$UPDATES

      static final boolean getDocumentsRequiringApproval$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getDocumentsRequiringApprovalPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getDocumentsRequiringApprovalPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getVersionsRequiringApproval$UPDATES

      static final boolean getVersionsRequiringApproval$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getVersionsRequiringApprovalPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getVersionsRequiringApprovalPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getExpiredDocuments$UPDATES

      static final boolean getExpiredDocuments$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getExpiredDocumentsPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getExpiredDocumentsPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • notifyExpiredDocuments$UPDATES

      static final boolean notifyExpiredDocuments$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • notifyExpiredDocumentsForKnowledgeCenter$UPDATES

      static final boolean notifyExpiredDocumentsForKnowledgeCenter$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • isKnowledgeCenterEmpty$UPDATES

      static final boolean isKnowledgeCenterEmpty$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getParentCommunities$UPDATES

      static final boolean getParentCommunities$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getParentCommunitiesPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getParentCommunitiesPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getFavoriteKnowledgeCenters$UPDATES

      static final boolean getFavoriteKnowledgeCenters$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getFavoriteKnowledgeCentersPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getFavoriteKnowledgeCentersPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • addKnowledgeCenterToFavorites$UPDATES

      static final boolean addKnowledgeCenterToFavorites$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • addKnowledgeCentersToFavorites$UPDATES

      static final boolean addKnowledgeCentersToFavorites$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • removeKnowledgeCenterFromFavorites$UPDATES

      static final boolean removeKnowledgeCenterFromFavorites$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • removeKnowledgeCentersFromFavorites$UPDATES

      static final boolean removeKnowledgeCentersFromFavorites$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getUserStatusForKnowledgeCenter$UPDATES

      static final boolean getUserStatusForKnowledgeCenter$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getUserStatusForKnowledgeCenters$UPDATES

      static final boolean getUserStatusForKnowledgeCenters$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getAccessLevelForKnowledgeCenter$UPDATES

      static final boolean getAccessLevelForKnowledgeCenter$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getAccessLevelForKnowledgeCenters$UPDATES

      static final boolean getAccessLevelForKnowledgeCenters$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • updateRolesForKnowledgeCenter$UPDATES

      static final boolean updateRolesForKnowledgeCenter$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • setRoleMapForKnowledgeCenter$UPDATES

      static final boolean setRoleMapForKnowledgeCenter$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getRoleMapForKnowledgeCenter$UPDATES

      static final boolean getRoleMapForKnowledgeCenter$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • browseKnowledgeCenters$UPDATES

      static final boolean browseKnowledgeCenters$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • browseKnowledgeCentersPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean browseKnowledgeCentersPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • addAdminToKnowledgeCenter$UPDATES

      static final boolean addAdminToKnowledgeCenter$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • updateKnowledgeCenterCreator$UPDATES

      static final boolean updateKnowledgeCenterCreator$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • searchKnowledgeCenters$UPDATES

      static final boolean searchKnowledgeCenters$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • searchKnowledgeCentersPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean searchKnowledgeCentersPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getDescendantDocumentsOfKnowledgeCenterPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getDescendantDocumentsOfKnowledgeCenterPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getDescendantDocumentsOfKnowledgeCentersPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getDescendantDocumentsOfKnowledgeCentersPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getFolderTreeViewForKnowledgeCenter$UPDATES

      static final boolean getFolderTreeViewForKnowledgeCenter$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getFolderTreeViewForKnowledgeCenters$UPDATES

      static final boolean getFolderTreeViewForKnowledgeCenters$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getKnowledgeCentersList$UPDATES

      static final boolean getKnowledgeCentersList$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • doesPrivateKnowledgeCenterExist$UPDATES

      static final boolean doesPrivateKnowledgeCenterExist$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • createPrivateKnowledgeCenter$UPDATES

      static final boolean createPrivateKnowledgeCenter$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getSystemKnowledgeCenterId$UPDATES

      static final boolean getSystemKnowledgeCenterId$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • setSystemKnowledgeCenterId$UPDATES

      static final boolean setSystemKnowledgeCenterId$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • suggest$UPDATES

      static final boolean suggest$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • deleteStatisticsKnowledgeCenter$UPDATES

      static final boolean deleteStatisticsKnowledgeCenter$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getContentIdForKnowledgeCenterId$UPDATES

      static final boolean getContentIdForKnowledgeCenterId$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getContentIdsForKnowledgeCenterIds$UPDATES

      static final boolean getContentIdsForKnowledgeCenterIds$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getKnowledgeCenterIdForContentId$UPDATES

      static final boolean getKnowledgeCenterIdForContentId$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getKnowledgeCenterIdsForContentIds$UPDATES

      static final boolean getKnowledgeCenterIdsForContentIds$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • updateIsSearchableForKnowledgeCenter$UPDATES

      static final boolean updateIsSearchableForKnowledgeCenter$UPDATES
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • createKnowledgeCenter

      Long createKnowledgeCenter(KnowledgeCenter knowledgeCenter_) throws InvalidUserException, PrivilegeException, InvalidCommunityException
      Creates a new knowledge center
      knowledgeCenter_ - a KnowledgeCenter object which should contain all of the information required to create a valid KnowledgeCenter. Minimum required fields: name, description, changesRequireApproval, searchable, autoApproveForReadOnlyAccess,type
      the unique ID of the newly created KnowledgeCenter
      InvalidUserException - if the user making this call is an invalid user.
      PrivilegeException - If the user does not have enough privileges to create a knowledge center under the specified CommunityId field.
      InvalidCommunityException - if this knowledge center is public, but the parent community ID specified does not correspond to a valid community
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • createKnowledgeCenters

      Long[] createKnowledgeCenters(KnowledgeCenter[] knowledgeCenters_) throws InvalidUserException, PrivilegeException, InvalidCommunityException
      Creates multiple knowledge centers
      knowledgeCenters_ - an array of KnowledgeCenter objects which should contain minimum information required to create a valid KnowledgeCenter. Minimum required fields: name, description, changesRequireApproval, searchable, autoApproveForReadOnlyAccess,type
      the unique IDs of the created knowledge centers
      InvalidUserException - if the user making this call is an invalid user.
      PrivilegeException - If the user does not have enough privileges to create any knowledge center under the specified CommunityId field.
      InvalidCommunityException - if any of the knowledge centers is public, but the parent community ID of the knowledge center does not correspond to a valid community
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • updateKnowledgeCenter

      void updateKnowledgeCenter(KnowledgeCenter knowledgeCenter_) throws InvalidUserException, PrivilegeException, InvalidKnowledgeCenterException
      Updates a knowledge center
      knowledgeCenter_ - a KnowledgeCenter object which contains information to be updated. Minimum required fields: name, description, changesRequireApproval, isSearchable, autoApproveForReadOnlyAccess, id,creator.
      InvalidUserException - if the user making this call is an invalid user.
      PrivilegeException - if the User does not have rights to update the specified knowledge center
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the ID the knowledge center does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • updateKnowledgeCenters

      void updateKnowledgeCenters(KnowledgeCenter[] knowledgeCenters_) throws InvalidUserException, PrivilegeException, InvalidKnowledgeCenterException
      Updates multiple knowledge centers
      knowledgeCenters_ - a list of KnowledgeCenter objects which should contain minimum information required to update a KnowledgeCenter. Minimum required fields: name, description,changesRequireApproval, isSearchable, autoApproveForReadOnlyAccess, id, creator.
      InvalidUserException - if the user making this call is an invalid user.
      PrivilegeException - if the User does not have rights to update the specified knowledge centers
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the ID any of the knowledge centers does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • updateExpirationDaysForKnowledgeCenter

      void updateExpirationDaysForKnowledgeCenter(Long kcid_, Long days_) throws InvalidUserException, PrivilegeException, InvalidKnowledgeCenterException
      Updates the information about the number of days after which documents in the given knowledge center will expire
      kcid_ - the unique ID of the knowledge center
      days_ - the number of days after which documents in the knowledge center will expire
      InvalidUserException - if the user making this call is an invalid user.
      PrivilegeException - if the User does not have rights to update the specified knowledge center
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the ID does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
      See Also:
    • updateExpirationDaysForKnowledgeCenters

      void updateExpirationDaysForKnowledgeCenters(Long[] kcids_, Long days_) throws InvalidUserException, PrivilegeException, InvalidKnowledgeCenterException
      Updates the information about the number of days after which documents in the given knowledge centers will expire
      kcids_ - the uniques IDs of the knowledge centers
      days_ - the number of days after which documents in the knowledge centers will expire
      InvalidUserException - if the user making this call is an invalid user
      PrivilegeException - if the User does not have rights to update the specified knowledge centers
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if any of the IDs does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
      See Also:
    • updateForumForKnowledgeCenter

      void updateForumForKnowledgeCenter(KnowledgeCenter knowledgeCenter_) throws InvalidKnowledgeCenterException
      Updates the forum associated with a knowledge center
      knowledgeCenter_ - a KnowledgeCenter object which should contain all of the information required to update the Forum associated with KnowledeCenter. Minimum required fields: name, description,changesRequireApproval, isSearchable, autoApproveForReadOnlyAccess, id, forum. If Forum is set to null, this removes any forum associations.
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the ID of the knowledge center does not correspond a valid knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • updateForumForKnowledgeCenters

      void updateForumForKnowledgeCenters(KnowledgeCenter[] knowledgeCenters_) throws InvalidKnowledgeCenterException
      Updates the forums associated with knowledge centers
      knowledgeCenters_ - a list of KnowledgeCenter objects containing all of the information required to update the Forums associated with the KnowledgeCenters. Minimum required fields: name, description, changesRequireApproval, isSearchable, autoApproveForReadOnlyAccess, id, forum. If Forum is set to null, this removes any forum associations.
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if any of the IDs of the knowledge centers does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • deleteKnowledgeCenter

      Deletes a given knowledge center. A knowledge center can only be deleted if it is empty (contains no folders).
      kcid_ - the unique ID of the knowledge center to be deleted
      InvalidUserException - if the user making this call is an invalid user
      PrivilegeException - if the User does not have rights to delete the specified knowledge center
      NotEmptyException - if the knowledge center contains folders
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the ID does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • deleteKnowledgeCenters

      Deletes knowledge centers. A knowledge center can only be deleted if it is empty (contains no folders).
      kcids_ - an array of the unique IDs of the knowledge centers to be deleted.
      InvalidUserException - if the user making this call is an invalid user
      PrivilegeException - if the User does not have rights to delete any of the specified knowledge centers
      NotEmptyException - if any of the the knowledge centers contains folders
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if any of the IDs does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • moveKnowledgeCenter

      void moveKnowledgeCenter(Long kcid_, Long coid_) throws InvalidCommunityException, InvalidKnowledgeCenterException
      Moves the given knowledge center to the given community. This method will also update the Content Object to reflect the changes of Type and Quota. If the move succeeds, the KC will be updated to a Community KC.
      kcid_ - the unique ID of the knowledge center to be moved
      coid_ - the unique ID of the community to which to move the knowledge center
      InvalidCommunityException - if the community ID does not correspond to a valid community
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the knowledge center ID does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • moveKnowledgeCenters

      void moveKnowledgeCenters(Long[] kcids_, Long coid_) throws InvalidCommunityException, InvalidKnowledgeCenterException
      Moves multiple knowledge centers to the given community. This method will also update the Content Object to reflect the changes of Type and Quota. If the move succeeds, the KCs will be updated to Community KCs.
      kcids_ - an array containing the unique IDs of the knowledge centers to be moved
      coid_ - the unique ID of the community to which to move the knowledge center
      InvalidCommunityException - if the community ID does not correspond to a valid community
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if any of the knowledge center IDs does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getKnowledgeCenter

      Retrieves the knowledge center with the given ID
      kcid_ - the unique ID of the knowledge center
      the retrieved knowledge center
      InvalidUserException - if the user making this call is an invalid user
      PrivilegeException - if the User does not have view privileges for this knowledge center
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the ID does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getKnowledgeCenters

      Retrieves the knowledge centers with the given IDs
      kcids_ - an array containing the unique IDs of the knowledge centers to be retrieved
      the retrieved knowledge centers
      InvalidUserException - if the user making this call is an invalid user
      PrivilegeException - if the User does not have view privileges for any of the specified knowledge centers
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if any of the IDs does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getKnowledgeCentersPaging

      ResultPage getKnowledgeCentersPaging(Long[] kcids_, int startPosition_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_) throws InvalidUserException, PrivilegeException, InvalidKnowledgeCenterException
      Retrieves a ResultPage contaning a list of the knowledge centers with the unique IDs specified
      kcids_ - an array containing the unique IDs of the knowledge centers to be retrieved
      startPosition_ - the index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - the number of results to return. Use Constants.COUNT_ALL to return the entire collection, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - the property by which the results will be sorted. This is one of the SORT_BY_XXX constants in KnowledgeCenter.
      sortOrder_ - the order in which to sort the returned KnowledgeCenter objects This is either Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING
      a ResultPage containing a list of KnowledgeCenter objects for the specified IDs.
      InvalidUserException - if the user making this call is an invalid user
      PrivilegeException - if the User does not have view privileges for any of knowledge center's returned
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if any of the IDs does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getWritableKnowledgeCenters

      @Deprecated KnowledgeCenter[] getWritableKnowledgeCenters() throws InvalidUserException
      Retrieves the knowledge centers to which the current user has editor privileges or greater.
      an array of knowledge centers
      InvalidUserException - if the user making this call is an invalid user
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getWritableKnowledgeCentersPaging

      ResultPage getWritableKnowledgeCentersPaging(int startPosition_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_) throws InvalidUserException
      Retrieves a ResultPage containing a list of the knowledge centers to which the current user has editor privileges or greater.
      startPosition_ - the index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - the number of results to return. Use Constants.COUNT_ALL to return the entire collection, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - the property by which the results will be sorted. This is one of the SORT_BY_XXX constants in KnowledgeCenter.
      sortOrder_ - the order in which to sort the returned Folder objects. This is either Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING
      a ResultPage containing a list of KnowledgeCenter Objects.
      InvalidUserException - if the user making this call is an invalid user
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getWritableFoldersForKnowledgeCenterPaging

      ResultPage getWritableFoldersForKnowledgeCenterPaging(Long kcId_, int startPosition_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_) throws InvalidUserException, InvalidKnowledgeCenterException, PrivilegeException
      Retrieves a ResultPage containing a list of the Folder objects in the knowledge center with the given ID to which the current user has editor privileges or greater
      kcId_ - the ID of the knowledge center
      startPosition_ - the index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - the number of results to return. Use Constants.COUNT_ALL to return the entire collection, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - the property by which the results will be sorted. This is one of the SORT_BY_XXX constants in Folder.
      sortOrder_ - the order in which to sort the returned Folder objects. This is either Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING
      a ResultPage containing a list of Folder objects.
      InvalidUserException - if the user making this call is an invalid user
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the ID does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      PrivilegeException - if the User does not have view privileges to the specified knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getAdministratableKnowledgeCentersPaging

      ResultPage getAdministratableKnowledgeCentersPaging(int startPosition_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_)
      Retrieves a ResultPage containing a list of the knowledge centers to which the current user has administrator privileges, and to which the current user is subscribed
      startPosition_ - the index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - the number of results to return. Use Constants.COUNT_ALL to return the entire collection, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - the property by which the results will be sorted. This is one of the SORT_BY_XXX constants in KnowledgeCenter.
      sortOrder_ - the order in which to sort the returned KnowledgeCenter objects. This is either Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING
      a ResultPage containing a list of KnowledgeCenter objects.
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getKnowledgeCentersForGroup

      @Deprecated KnowledgeCenter[] getKnowledgeCentersForGroup(Long gid_)
      Retrieves the knowledge centers to which a given group has access
      gid_ - the unique ID of the group
      a list of knowledge centers
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getKnowledgeCentersForGroupPaging

      ResultPage getKnowledgeCentersForGroupPaging(Long gid_, int startPosition_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_)
      Retrieves a ResultPage containing a list of knowledge centers to which a given group has access
      gid_ - the unique ID of the group
      startPosition_ - the index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - the number of results to return. Use Constants.COUNT_ALL to return the entire collection, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - the property by which the results will be sorted. This is one of the SORT_BY_XXX constants in KnowledgeCenter.
      sortOrder_ - the order in which to sort the returned KnowledgeCenter objects. This is either Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING
      a ResultPage containing a list of KnowledgeCenter objects.
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getKnowledgeCentersForGroups

      KnowledgeCenter[] getKnowledgeCentersForGroups(Long[] gids_)
      Retrieves the knowledge centers to which the specified groups have acccess NOTE: This method is expensive, and so its use should be limited; getKnowledgeCentersForGroupsPaging should be used instead.
      gids_ - a list containing the unique IDs of the groups
      a list of knowledge centers to which the specified groups have access
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs deprecated use getKnowledgeCentersForGroupsPaging(Long[], int, int, Integer, Integer) instead
    • getKnowledgeCentersForGroupsPaging

      ResultPage getKnowledgeCentersForGroupsPaging(Long[] gids_, int startPosition_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_)
      Retrieves a ResultPage contaning a list of knowledge centers to which the specified groups have access
      gids_ - an array containing the unique IDs of groups
      startPosition_ - the index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - the number of results to return. Use Constants.COUNT_ALL to return the entire collection, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - the property by which the results will be sorted. This is one of the SORT_BY_XXX constants in KnowledgeCenter.
      sortOrder_ - the order in which to sort the returned KnowledgeCenter objects. This is either Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING
      a ResultPage containing a list of KnowledgeCenter objects, representing the knowledge centers to which the specified groups have access
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getKnowledgeCentersForCommunity

      @Deprecated KnowledgeCenter[] getKnowledgeCentersForCommunity(Long coid_) throws InvalidCommunityException
      Retrieves the knowledge centers contained in the specified community
      coid_ - the unique ID of the Community
      a list of knowledge centers contained within the community
      InvalidCommunityException - if the ID does not correspond to a valid community
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getKnowledgeCentersForCommunityPaging

      ResultPage getKnowledgeCentersForCommunityPaging(Long coid_, int startPosition_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_) throws InvalidCommunityException
      Retrieves a ResultPage containing the list of knowledge centers contained within a given community
      coid_ - the unique ID of the community
      startPosition_ - the index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - the number of results to return. Use Constants.COUNT_ALL to return the entire collection, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - the property by which the results will be sorted. This is one of the SORT_BY_XXX constants in KnowledgeCenter.
      sortOrder_ - the order in which to sort the returned KnowledgeCenter objects. This is either Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING
      a ResultPage containing a list of KnowledgeCenter objects, representing the knowledge centers within a particular community
      InvalidCommunityException - if the ID does not correspond to a valid community
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getKnowledgeCentersForCommunities

      @Deprecated KnowledgeCenter[] getKnowledgeCentersForCommunities(Long[] coids_) throws InvalidCommunityException
      Retrieves the knowledge centers contained within the given communities
      coids_ - an array of unique community IDs
      a list of knowledge centers within the given communities
      InvalidComunityException - if any of the IDs does not correspond to a valid community
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getKnowledgeCentersForCommunitiesPaging

      ResultPage getKnowledgeCentersForCommunitiesPaging(Long[] coids_, int startPosition_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_) throws InvalidCommunityException
      Retrieves a ResultPage containing a list of KnowledgeCenter objects for given Community IDs
      coids_ - a list of unique Community IDs
      startPosition_ - the index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - the number of results to return. Use Constants.COUNT_ALL to return the entire collection, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - the property by which the results will be sorted. This is one of the SORT_BY_XXX constants in KnowledgeCenter.
      sortOrder_ - the order in which to sort the returned KnowledgeCenter objects. This is either Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING
      a ResultPage containing a list of KnowledgeCenter objects representing the knowledge centers contained within the given communities
      InvalidCommunityException - if any of the IDs does not correspond to a valid community
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getPersonalKnowledgeCenters

      @Deprecated KnowledgeCenter[] getPersonalKnowledgeCenters() throws InvalidUserException
      Retrieves the current user's private knowlege centers
      the current user's private knowledge centers
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getPersonalKnowledgeCentersPaging

      ResultPage getPersonalKnowledgeCentersPaging(int startPosition_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_) throws InvalidUserException
      Retrieves a ResultPage containing the current user's private knowledge centers
      startPosition_ - the index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - the number of results to return. Use Constants.COUNT_ALL to return the entire collection, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - the property by which the results will be sorted. This is one of the SORT_BY_XXX constants in KnowledgeCenter.
      sortOrder_ - the order in which to sort the returned KnowledgeCenter objects. This is either Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING
      a ResultPage containing a list of KnowledgeCenter objects, representing the current user's private knowledge centers.
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getSubscribedKnowledgeCenters

      @Deprecated KnowledgeCenter[] getSubscribedKnowledgeCenters() throws InvalidUserException
      Retrieves the knowledge centers to which the current user is subscribed
      the list of knowledge centers to which the current user is subscribed
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getSubscribedKnowledgeCentersPaging

      ResultPage getSubscribedKnowledgeCentersPaging(int startPosition_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_) throws InvalidUserException
      Retrieves a ResultPage containing the list of knowledge centers to which the current user is subscribed
      startPosition_ - the index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - the number of results to return. Use Constants.COUNT_ALL to return the entire collection, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - the property by which the results will be sorted. This is one of the SORT_BY_XXX constants in KnowledgeCenter.
      sortOrder_ - the order in which to sort the returned KnowledgeCenter objects. This is either Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING
      a ResultPage containing a list of KnowledgeCenter objects, representing the knowledge centers to which the current user is subscribed.
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • subscribeKnowledgeCenter

      Subscribes the current user to a specified knowledge center. Returns an array of length 2, the first index of which contains a String array of resulting pending knowledge center names and the second index of which is a String array of subscribed knowledge center names (eg if the user is automatically subscribed, the first index will be an empty String array and the second index will be a String array of length 1 containing the name of the knowledge center corresponding to kcid_)
      kcid_ - the unique ID of the knowledge center
      an array of length 2, the first index of which contains a String array of resulting pending knowledge center names and the second index of which is a String array of resulting subscribed knowledge center names
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid
      PrivilegeException - if the User does not already have access to knowledge center and the knowledge center is not set for autoApprovalForReadOnlyAccess and the owner of knowledge center cannot administer the subscription request
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the ID does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • subscribeKnowledgeCenterWithNote

      String[][] subscribeKnowledgeCenterWithNote(Long kcid_, String userNote_) throws InvalidUserException, PrivilegeException, InvalidKnowledgeCenterException
      Subscribes the current user to a specified knowledge center. If the subscription requires an approval from the administrator, he will receive a notification of the request along with the note given by the user. Returns an array of length 2, the first index of which contains a String array of resulting pending knowledge center names and the second index of which is a String array of subscribed knowledge center names (eg if the user is automatically subscribed, the first index will be an empty String array and the second index will be a String array of length 1 containing the name of the knowledge center corresponding to kcid_)
      kcid_ - the unique ID of the knowledge center
      userNote_ - a note from the user regarding why he is requesting access
      an array of length 2, the first index of which contains a String array of resulting pending knowledge center names and the second index of which is a String array of resulting subscribed knowledge center names
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid
      PrivilegeException - if the User does not already have access to knowledge center and the knowledge center is not set for autoApprovalForReadOnlyAccess and the owner of knowledge center cannot administer the subscription request
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the ID does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • subscribeKnowledgeCentersWithNote

      String[][] subscribeKnowledgeCentersWithNote(Long[] kcids_, String userNote_) throws InvalidUserException, PrivilegeException, InvalidKnowledgeCenterException
      Subscribes the current user to the specified knowledge centers. If the subscription requires an approval from the administrator, he will receive a notification of the request along with the note given by the user. Returns an array of length 2, the first index of which contains a String array of resulting pending knowledge center names and the second index of which is a String array of subscribed knowledge center names (eg if the user is automatically subscribed, the first index will be an empty String array and the second index will be a String array of length 1 containing the name of the knowledge center corresponding to kcid_)
      kcids_ - array with the unique IDs of the knowledge centers.
      userNote_ - a note from the user regarding why he is requesting access
      an array of length 2, the first index of which contains a String array of resulting pending knowledge center names and the second index of which is a String array of resulting subscribed knowledge center names
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid
      PrivilegeException - if the User does not already have access to knowledge center and the knowledge center is not set for autoApprovalForReadOnlyAccess and the owner of knowledge center cannot administer the subscription request
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if an ID does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • subscribeKnowledgeCenters

      String[][] subscribeKnowledgeCenters(Long[] kcids_) throws InvalidUserException, PrivilegeException, InvalidKnowledgeCenterException
      Subscribes the current user to multiple knowledge centers. Returns an array of length 2, the 1st index of which contains a String array of resulting pending knowledge center names and the second index of which is a String array of subscribed knowledge center names
      kcids_ - an array containing the unique knowledge center IDs
      an array of length 2, the first index of which contains a String array of resulting pending knowledge center names and the 2nd index of which is a String array of subscribed knowledge center names
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid
      PrivilegeException - if the User does not already have access to knowledge center and the knowledge center is not set for autoApprovalForReadOnlyAccess and the owner of knowledge center cannot administer the subscription request
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if any of the IDs does not correspond to a valid knowledge
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • unsubscribeKnowledgeCenter

      void unsubscribeKnowledgeCenter(Long kcid_) throws InvalidUserException, InvalidKnowledgeCenterException
      Unsubscribes the current user from the specified knowledge center
      kcid_ - the unique ID of the knowledge center
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the ID does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • unsubscribeKnowledgeCenters

      void unsubscribeKnowledgeCenters(Long[] kcids_) throws InvalidUserException, InvalidKnowledgeCenterException
      Unsubscribes the current user from multiple knowledge centers
      kcids_ - an array of unique knowledge center IDs
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if any of the IDs does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getSubscriptionRequests

      String[] getSubscriptionRequests(Long kcid_)
      Retrieves all the requests for subscription to a specified knowledge center
      kcid_ - the unique ID of the knowledge center
      a list containing the usernames of the users who has requested subscription to the given knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • rejectSubscriptions

      void rejectSubscriptions(Long kcid_, String[] users_) throws InvalidUserException, PrivilegeException, InvalidKnowledgeCenterException
      Rejects subscriptions to a knowledge center
      kcid_ - the unique ID of the knowledge center
      users_ - a list containing the usernames of the users whose subscriptions (or subscription requests) to the given knowledge center are to be rejected
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid
      PrivilegeException - if the User does not have rights to administer the specified knowledge center
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the ID does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getAllFoldersPaging

      ResultPage getAllFoldersPaging(Long kcid_, int startPosition_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_) throws InvalidUserException, InvalidKnowledgeCenterException
      Retrieves a ResultPage containing all of the folders in a knowledge center (including the sub-folders of the direct child folders of the knowledge center)
      kcid_ - the unique ID of the KnowledgeCenter
      startPosition_ - the index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - the number of results to return. Use Constants.COUNT_ALL to return the entire collection, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - the property by which the results will be sorted. This is one of the SORT_BY_XXX constants in Folder.
      sortOrder_ - the order in which to sort the returned Folder objects. This is either Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING
      a ResultPage containing Folder objects, representing all of the folders in the knowledge center
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the ID does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getAllFolders

      Retrieves all of the folders in a knowledge center (including the sub-folders of the direct child folders of the knowledge center)
      kcid_ - the unique ID of the knowledge center
      a list of all folders within the knowledge center
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the ID does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getRootFolders

      @Deprecated Folder[] getRootFolders(Long kcid_, Integer sortOrder_, String sortColumn_, int startIndex_, int scrollLength_) throws InvalidUserException, PrivilegeException, InvalidKnowledgeCenterException, InvalidDocumentException, InvalidFolderException
      Retrieves all of the folders that are the direct children of a given knowledge center
      kcid_ - the unique ID of the knowledge center
      sortOrder_ - the order in which to sort the returned Folder objects. This is either Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING
      sortColumn_ - the property by which the results will be sorted. This is one of the SORT_COLUMN_XXX constants in Folder.
      startIndex_ - the starting index of the first Folder to return
      scrollLength_ - the number of consecutive Folder objects to return after the first
      the list of root folders for the knowledge center
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid
      PrivilegeException - if the User does not have view privileges for any of the folder's returned
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the ID does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      InvalidDocumentException - if any of the child documents for root folders points to an invalid document
      InvalidFolderException - if any of the root folders or child folder of root folders points to an invalid folder
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getRootFoldersPaging

      ResultPage getRootFoldersPaging(Long kcid_, int startPosition_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_) throws InvalidUserException, PrivilegeException, InvalidKnowledgeCenterException
      Retrieves a ResultPage containing all of the folders that are the direct children of the given knowledge center
      kcid_ - the unique ID of the KnowledgeCenter
      startPosition_ - the the index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - the number of results to return. Use Constants.COUNT_ALL to return the entire collection, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - the property by which the results will be sorted. This is one of the SORT_BY_XXX constants in Folder.
      sortOrder_ - the order in which to sort the returned Folder objects. This is either Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING
      a ResultPage containing a list of Folder objects, representing the root folders.
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid
      PrivilegeException - if the User does not have rights to perform this operation.
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the ID does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getFoldersRequiringApproval

      @Deprecated Folder[] getFoldersRequiringApproval(Long kcid_) throws InvalidUserException, InvalidKnowledgeCenterException
      Retrieves the folders requiring approval (for creation or deletion) for the given knowledge center
      kcid_ - the unique ID of the knowledge center
      the list of folders requiring approval for the knowledge center
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the ID does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getFoldersRequiringApprovalPaging

      ResultPage getFoldersRequiringApprovalPaging(Long kcid_, int startPosition_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_) throws InvalidUserException, InvalidKnowledgeCenterException
      Retrieves a ResultPage containing a list of requiring approval (for creation or deletion) for the given knowledge center
      kcid_ - the unique ID of the knowledge center
      startPosition_ - the index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - the number of results to return. Use Constants.COUNT_ALL to return the entire collection, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - the property by which the results will be sorted. This is one of the SORT_BY_XXX constants in Folder.
      sortOrder_ - the order in which to sort the returned Folder objects. This is either Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING
      a ResultPage containing a list of Folder objects, representing the folders tha require approval for the given knowledge center.
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the ID does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getDocumentsRequiringApproval

      @Deprecated Document[] getDocumentsRequiringApproval(Long kcid_) throws InvalidKnowledgeCenterException
      Retrieves the documents requiring approval (both for creation and deletion) for a given knowledge center
      kcid_ - the unique ID of the KnowledgeCenter
      a list of documents requring approval for the knowledge center
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the ID does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getDocumentsRequiringApprovalPaging

      ResultPage getDocumentsRequiringApprovalPaging(Long kcid_, int startPosition_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_) throws InvalidKnowledgeCenterException
      Get a ResultPage containing the list of documents requiring approval (both for creation and deletion) for a knowledge center
      kcid_ - the unique ID of the knowledge center
      startPosition_ - the index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - the number of results to return. Use Constants.COUNT_ALL to return the entire collection, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - the property by which the results will be sorted. This is one of the SORT_BY_XXX constants in Document.
      sortOrder_ - the order in which to sort the returned Document objects. This is either Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING
      a ResultPage containing a list of documents requiring approval for the knowledge center
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the ID does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getVersionsRequiringApproval

      @Deprecated Document[] getVersionsRequiringApproval(Long kcid_) throws InvalidKnowledgeCenterException
      Get versions of documents requiring approval (both for creation and deletion) for a specified knowledge center
      kcid_ - the unique ID of the KnowledgeCenter
      a list of documents representing versions that require approval for a knowledge center
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the ID does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getVersionsRequiringApprovalPaging

      ResultPage getVersionsRequiringApprovalPaging(Long kcid_, int startPosition_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_) throws InvalidKnowledgeCenterException
      Get a ResultPage contaning a list of document versions requiring approval (both for creation and deletion) for a specified knowledge center
      kcid_ - the unique ID of the knowledge center
      startPosition_ - the index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - the number of results to return. Use Constants.COUNT_ALL to return the entire collection, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - the property by which the results will be sorted. This is one of the SORT_BY_XXX constants in Document.
      sortOrder_ - the order in which to sort the returned Document objects. This is either Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING
      a ResultPage containing a list of Document objects, representing the versions requiring approval for a knowledge center
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the ID does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getExpiredDocuments

      Retrieves all expired documents for a knowledge center
      kcid_ - the unique ID of the knowledge center
      a list of expired documents for the knowledge center
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the ID does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getExpiredDocumentsPaging

      ResultPage getExpiredDocumentsPaging(Long kcid_, int startPosition_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_) throws InvalidUserException, InvalidKnowledgeCenterException
      Retrieves a ResultPage containing a list of all expired documents in the specified knowledge center
      kcid_ - the unique ID of the knowledge center
      startPosition_ - the index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - the number of results to return. Use Constants.COUNT_ALL to return the entire collection, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - the property by which the results will be sorted. This is one of the SORT_BY_XXX constants in Document.
      sortOrder_ - the order in which to sort the returned Document objects. This is either Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING
      a ResultPage containing a list of Document objects, representing the expired documents in the knowledge center.
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the ID does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • notifyExpiredDocuments

      void notifyExpiredDocuments(Double days_, Boolean notifyCreator_, Boolean notifyUsers_, Boolean notifyGroups_) throws InvalidUserException, PrivilegeException
      Send EXPIRING_FILES notifications for documents expiring within the next given number of days. This is the same list that appears with getExpiredDocuments, but from the root.
      days - The number of days before a document expires. It is used as the criteria for selecting documents for which notifications should be sent. For example, if 14 is specified, notifications for expired documents and those expiring between now and 14 days from now will be sent. NOTE: it is not advisable to pass a value greater than the value set for the VIEW_EXPIRATION_DAYS_AHEAD property in server\_conf\ because the document reactivation user interface only shows documents that expire within the number of days specified by that property.
      notifyCreator - send notifications to creator of the kc
      notifyUsers - send notifications to users with admin rights over the kc
      notifyGroups - send notifications to groups with admin rights over the kc
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the ID does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      PrivilegeException - if the User does not have rights to administer the content root
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • notifyExpiredDocuments

      void notifyExpiredDocuments(Double[] days_, Boolean notifyCreator_, Boolean notifyUsers_, Boolean notifyGroups_) throws InvalidUserException, PrivilegeException
      Send EXPIRING_FILES notifications for documents expiring within the next given number of days. This is the same list that appears with getExpiredDocuments, but from the root.
      days - The number of days before (negative) or after (positive) now in which a document expiring will be counted for purposes of this function. Only the first two (2) elements of the array are used. The range between the days is the range used.
      notifyCreator - send notifications to creator of the kc
      notifyUsers - send notifications to users with admin rights over the kc
      notifyGroups - send notifications to groups with admin rights over the kc
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the ID does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      PrivilegeException - if the User does not have rights to administer the content root
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • notifyExpiredDocumentsForKnowledgeCenter

      void notifyExpiredDocumentsForKnowledgeCenter(Long knowledgeCenterId_, Double days_, Boolean notifyCreator_, Boolean notifyUsers_, Boolean notifyGroups_) throws InvalidUserException, InvalidKnowledgeCenterException, PrivilegeException
      Send EXPIRING_FILES notifications for documents expiring within the next given number of days. This is the same list that appears with getExpiredDocuments, from the given knowledge center's children.
      knowledgeCenterId - only send notifications for the given knowledge center id
      days - The number of days before a document expires. It is used as the criteria for selecting documents for which notifications should be sent. For example, if 14 is specified, notifications for expired documents and those expiring between now and 14 days from now will be sent. NOTE: it is not advisable to pass a value greater than the value set for the VIEW_EXPIRATION_DAYS_AHEAD property in server\_conf\ because the document reactivation user interface only shows documents that expire within the number of days specified by that property.
      notifyCreator - send notifications to creator of the kc
      notifyUsers - send notifications to users with admin rights over the kc
      notifyGroups - send notifications to groups with admin rights over the kc
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the ID does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      PrivilegeException - if the User does not have rights to administer the specified knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • notifyExpiredDocumentsForKnowledgeCenter

      void notifyExpiredDocumentsForKnowledgeCenter(Long knowledgeCenterId_, Double[] days_, Boolean notifyCreator_, Boolean notifyUsers_, Boolean notifyGroups_) throws InvalidUserException, InvalidKnowledgeCenterException, PrivilegeException
      Send EXPIRING_FILES notifications for documents expiring within the next given number of days. This is the same list that appears with getExpiredDocuments, from the given knowledge center's children.
      knowledgeCenterId - only send notifications for the given knowledge center id
      days - The number of days before (negative) or after (positive) now in which a document expiring will be counted for purposes of this function. Only the first two (2) elements of the array are used. The range between the days is the range used.
      notifyCreator - send notifications to creator of the kc
      notifyUsers - send notifications to users with admin rights over the kc
      notifyGroups - send notifications to groups with admin rights over the kc
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the ID does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      PrivilegeException - if the User does not have rights to administer the specified knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • isKnowledgeCenterEmpty

      boolean isKnowledgeCenterEmpty(Long kcid_) throws InvalidKnowledgeCenterException
      Checks whether the specified knowledge center is empty (that is, whether it contains any folders)
      kcid_ - the unique ID of the knowledge center
      true, if the knowledge center contains no folders; false otherwise.
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the ID does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getParentCommunities

      @Deprecated Community[] getParentCommunities(Long kcid_) throws InvalidKnowledgeCenterException
      Retrieves the parent communties of the specified knowledge center. If the knowledge center's direct parent community does not itself have any parents, the length of the returned array will be 1. If the knowledge center is private, the returned array will be zero-length.
      kcid_ - the unique ID of the knowledge center
      a list of communities representing the parent communities
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the ID does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getParentCommunitiesPaging

      ResultPage getParentCommunitiesPaging(Long kcid_, int startPosition_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_) throws InvalidKnowledgeCenterException
      Retrieves a ResultPage containing a list of the communities which are the parents of a specified knowledge center. If the knowledge center's direct parent community does not itself have any parents, the length of the returned array will be 1. If the knowledge center is private, the returned array will be zero-length.
      kcid_ - the unique ID of the knowledge center.
      startPosition_ - the index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - the number of results to return. Use Constants.COUNT_ALL to return the entire collection, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - the property by which the results will be sorted. This is one of the SORT_BY_XXX constants in Community.
      sortOrder_ - the order in which to sort the returned Community objects. This is either Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING
      a ResultPage containing a list of Community objects, representing the parent communities of this knowledge center.
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the ID does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getFavoriteKnowledgeCenters

      @Deprecated KnowledgeCenter[] getFavoriteKnowledgeCenters(Integer sortOrder_, String sortColumn_) throws InvalidUserException
      Retrieves knowledge centers which the current user has added to their "Favorites" list
      sortOrder_ - the order in which to sort the returned KnowledgeCenter objects. This is either Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING
      sortColumn_ - the property by which the results will be sorted. This is one of the SORT_COLUMN_XXX constants in KnowledgeCenter.
      the list of favorite knowledge centers
      InvalidUserException - if the user making this call is an invalid user.
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getFavoriteKnowledgeCentersPaging

      ResultPage getFavoriteKnowledgeCentersPaging(int startPosition_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_) throws InvalidUserException
      Retrieves a ResultPage containing the knowledge centers which the current user has added to their "Favorites" list
      startPosition_ - the index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - the number of results to return. Use Constants.COUNT_ALL to return the entire collection, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - the property by which the results will be sorted. This is one of the SORT_BY_XXX constants in KnowledgeCenter.
      sortOrder_ - the order in which to sort the returned KnowledgeCenter objects. This is either Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING
      a ResultPage containing a list of KnowledgeCenter objects, representing the current user's favorite knowledge centers
      InvalidUserException - if the user making this call is an invalid user.
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • addKnowledgeCenterToFavorites

      void addKnowledgeCenterToFavorites(Long kcid_) throws InvalidUserException, InvalidKnowledgeCenterException
      Adds a knowledge center to the current user's "Favorites" list
      kcid_ - the unique ID for the knowledge center
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the ID does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • addKnowledgeCentersToFavorites

      void addKnowledgeCentersToFavorites(Long[] kcids_) throws InvalidUserException, InvalidKnowledgeCenterException, InvalidDataFormatException
      Adds multiple knowledge centers to the current user's "Favorites" list
      kcids_ - a list containing the unique IDs of the knowledge centers
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if any of the IDs does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • removeKnowledgeCenterFromFavorites

      void removeKnowledgeCenterFromFavorites(Long kcid_) throws InvalidUserException, InvalidKnowledgeCenterException
      Removes a knowledge center from the current user's "Favorites" list
      kcid_ - the unique ID for the knowledge center
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the ID does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • removeKnowledgeCentersFromFavorites

      void removeKnowledgeCentersFromFavorites(Long[] kcids_) throws InvalidUserException, InvalidKnowledgeCenterException, InvalidDataFormatException
      Removes multiple knowledge centers from the current user's "Favorites" list
      kcids_ - a list containing the unique IDs of the knowledge centers
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if any of the IDs does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getUserStatusForKnowledgeCenter

      Long getUserStatusForKnowledgeCenter(Long kcid_) throws InvalidUserException, InvalidKnowledgeCenterException
      Retrieves the current user's subscription status (pending, subscribed or unsubscribed) for the specified knowledge center
      kcid_ - the unique ID of the knowledge center
      the status of the current user for the knowledge center. This is one of the USER_STATUS_XXX constants in KnowledgeCenter
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the ID does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getUserStatusForKnowledgeCenters

      Long[] getUserStatusForKnowledgeCenters(Long[] kcids_) throws InvalidUserException, InvalidKnowledgeCenterException
      Retrieves the current user's subscription status (pending, subscribed or unsubscribed) for the specified knowledge centers
      kcids_ - a list containing the unique IDs of the knowledge centers
      the status of the current user for the knowledge centers. Each status is one of the USER_STATUS_XXX constants in KnowledgeCenter
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if any of the IDs does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getAccessLevelForKnowledgeCenter

      int getAccessLevelForKnowledgeCenter(Long kcid_) throws InvalidUserException, InvalidKnowledgeCenterException
      Retrieves the access level of the current user to the specified knowledge center
      kcid_ - the unique ID of the knowledge center
      the current user's access level to the knowledge center. This is one of the ACCESS_LEVEL_XXX constants in KnowledgeCenter
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the ID does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getAccessLevelForKnowledgeCenters

      int[] getAccessLevelForKnowledgeCenters(Long[] kcids_) throws InvalidUserException, InvalidKnowledgeCenterException
      Retrieves the access level of the current user to the specified knowledge center
      kcids_ - the unique IDs of the knowledge centers
      access levels of the current user to the knowledge centers. Each access level is one of the ACCESS_LEVEL_XXX constants in KnowledgeCenter
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if any of the IDs does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
    • updateRolesForKnowledgeCenter

      void updateRolesForKnowledgeCenter(Long kcid_, String[] users_, int[] roles_, String[] notes_, Long[] groups_, int[] groupRoles_, String[] groupNotes_) throws InvalidUserException, InvalidKnowledgeCenterException, com.appiancorp.kougar.mapper.exceptions.ParameterException, PrivilegeException
      Updates the role of the pending access users.
      kcid_ - the unique ID of the knowledge center
      users_ - the list of users to update access
      roles_ - the list of access for users KnowledgeCenter.[ACCESS_LEVEL_ONLY | ACCESS_LEVEL_WRITE | ACESS_LEVEL_ADMINISTRATIVE | ACCESS_LEVEL_NO_ACCESS]
      notes_ - the list of notes from the admin to the user regarding their new access level
      groups_ - The list of groups to update access
      groupRoles_ - the list of access for groups KnowledgeCenter.[ACCESS_LEVEL_ONLY | ACCESS_LEVEL_WRITE | ACESS_LEVEL_ADMINISTRATIVE | ACCESS_LEVEL_NO_ACCESS]
      groupNotes_ - the list of notes from the admin to the group regarding their new access level
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid
      com.appiancorp.kougar.mapper.exceptions.ParameterException - if the set of arrays (users_, roles_ and notes_ or groups_, groupRoles_ and groupNotes_) don't match in length.
      PrivilegeException - if the User does not already have access to knowledge center and the knowledge center is not set for autoApprovalForReadOnlyAccess and the owner of knowledge center cannot administer the subscription request
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the ID does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
    • setRoleMapForKnowledgeCenter

      Sets the role map for a given knowledge center. It is necessary to set the role map for a knowledge center before any methods which require certain privileges can be called (simply setting the permissions through the KnowledgeCenter is insufficient.)
      kcid_ - the unique ID of the knowledge center
      crm_ - a CollaborationRoleMap object that contains the permissions to be applied to this knowledge center
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid, or if any username that is part of the role map does not correspond to a valid user
      PrivilegeException - if the User does not have rights to administer the specified knowledge center
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the ID does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      InvalidGroupException - if any of the group IDs in the role map does not correspond to a valid group
    • getRoleMapForKnowledgeCenter

      CollaborationRoleMap getRoleMapForKnowledgeCenter(Long kcid_) throws InvalidKnowledgeCenterException, PrivilegeException
      Retrieves the role map for a given knowledge center
      kcid_ - the unique ID of the knowledge center
      a CollaborationRoleMap object that contains the permissions for this knowledge center
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the ID does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      PrivilegeException - if the user does not have enough privileges to access the KC
    • browseKnowledgeCenters

      @Deprecated KnowledgeCenter[] browseKnowledgeCenters(int startIndex_, int scrollLength_) throws InvalidUserException
      Retrieves knowledge centers, each of which meets the following criteria:
      • The knowledge center is private
      • The knowledge center name is not "My Private Knowledge Center"
      • The current user is not subscribed to the knowledge center
      • The current user has access to the knowledge center via group only (that is, the current user is a member of a group that has access to the knowledge center, but the current user does not have explicit access to the knowledge center)
      startIndex_ - the index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      scrollLength_ - the number of consecutive knowledge centers to return after the first
      the list of knowledge centers that meet the given criteria
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid
    • browseKnowledgeCentersPaging

      ResultPage browseKnowledgeCentersPaging(int startPosition_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_) throws InvalidUserException
      Retrieves a ResultPage containing knowledge centers, each of which meets the following criteria:
      • The knowledge center is private
      • The knowledge center name is not "My Private Knowledge Center"
      • The current user is not subscribed to the knowledge center
      • The current user has access to the knowledge center via group only (that is, the current user is a member of a group that has access to the knowledge center, but the current user does not have explicit access to the knowledge center)
      startPosition_ - the index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - the number of results to return. Use Constants.COUNT_ALL to return the entire collection, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - the property by which the results will be sorted. This is one of the SORT_BY_XXX constants in KnowledgeCenter.
      sortOrder_ - the order in which to sort the returned KnowledgeCenter objects. This is either Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING
      a ResultPage containing a list of KnowledgeCenter objects that meet the given criteria
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • addAdminToKnowledgeCenter

      void addAdminToKnowledgeCenter(String username_, Long kcid_) throws InvalidUserException, InvalidKnowledgeCenterException
      Make a user an administrator of a knowledge center
      username_ - - the username of the user to be added as administrator of the knowledge center
      kcid_ - - the ID of the knowledge center
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid, or if the username does not correspond to a valid user
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the ID does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • updateKnowledgeCenterCreator

      void updateKnowledgeCenterCreator(String username_, Long kcid_) throws InvalidUserException, InvalidKnowledgeCenterException
      Changes the creator of the knowledge center to be the user with the specified username
      username_ - the username of the user to designate as creator of the knowledge center
      kcid_ - the ID of the knowledge center
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the ID does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • searchKnowledgeCenters

      @Deprecated KnowledgeCenter[] searchKnowledgeCenters(String searchTerm_, int startIndex_, int scrollLength_) throws InvalidUserException
      use searchKnowledgeCentersPaging instead
      Returns knowledge centers which have names matching given search term. The search finds all knowledge centers that have the matching string anywhere in the name of knowledge center. for eg: search for om* will return all knowledge centers whose name are some, myHome, ommm etc
      searchTerm_ - the search query
      startIndex_ - the starting index of the first knowledge center to return
      scrollLength_ - the number of consecutive knowledge centers to return after the first
      an array of knowledge centers matching the search terms
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • searchKnowledgeCentersPaging

      ResultPage searchKnowledgeCentersPaging(String searchterm_, int startPosition_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_) throws InvalidUserException
      Returns a ResultPage of knowledge centers which have names matching given search term. The search finds all knowledge centers that have the matching string anywhere in the name of knowledge center. for eg: search for om* will return all knowledge centers whose names are some, myHome, ommm etc
      searchterm_ - the query string to match for knowledge center name
      startPosition_ - the index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - the number of results to return. Use Constants.COUNT_ALL to return the entire collection, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - the property by which the results will be sorted. This is one of the SORT_BY_XXX constants in KnowledgeCenter.
      sortOrder_ - the order in which to sort the returned KnowledgeCenter objects. This is either Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING
      a ResultPage containing a list of KnowledgeCenter objects, representing knowledge centers that match the search terms.
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getDescendantDocumentsOfKnowledgeCenterPaging

      ResultPage getDescendantDocumentsOfKnowledgeCenterPaging(Long knowledgeCenterId_, int startIndex_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_) throws InvalidUserException, InvalidKnowledgeCenterException
      Get a ResultPage containing a list of all documents in a given knowledge center
      knowledgeCenterId_ - the unique ID of the knowledge center
      startIndex_ - the index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - the number of results to return. Use Constants.COUNT_ALL to return the entire collection, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - the property by which the results will be sorted. This is one of the SORT_BY_XXX constants in Document.
      sortOrder_ - the order in which to sort the returned Document objects. This is either Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING results in descending order
      a ResultPage containing the list of Document objects representing the document descendants of the knowledge center
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the ID does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getDescendantDocumentsOfKnowledgeCentersPaging

      ResultPage getDescendantDocumentsOfKnowledgeCentersPaging(Long[] knowledgeCenterIds_, int startIndex_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_) throws InvalidUserException, InvalidKnowledgeCenterException
      Get a ResultPage containing a list of all documents in a given list of knowledge centers
      knowledgeCenterIds_ - a list of the unique IDs of the knowledge centers
      startIndex_ - the index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - the number of results to return. Use Constants.COUNT_ALL to return the entire collection, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - the property by which the results will be sorted. This is one of the SORT_BY_XXX constants in Document.
      sortOrder_ - the order in which to sort the returned Document objects. This is either Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING
      a ResultPage containing the list of Document objects representing the document descendants of the given knowledge centers
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if any of the IDs does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getFolderTreeViewForKnowledgeCenter

      TreePivot getFolderTreeViewForKnowledgeCenter(Long knowledgeCenterId_, int accessLevel_) throws InvalidUserException, InvalidKnowledgeCenterException, IllegalArgumentException
      Get a tree pivoted at a particular knowledge center. The children of the TreePivot will all be Folder objects for which the current user has the specified accessLevel_, or a greater access level. (Eg if accessLevel_ is KnowledgeCenter.ACCESS_LEVEL_READ_WRITE, all folders for which the current user has write access and also administrative access will be returned.) No Document objects will be returned as children of the TreePivot.
      knowledgeCenterId_ - the ID of the knowledge center
      accessLevel_ - the accessLevel which the current user must have for the child folders of the knowledge center
      a TreePivot, pivoted at the specified knowledge center. The _subtree field of TreePivot points to TreeNode object which might be either KnowledgeCenter, Document, Folder or Community. * The Id field maps to the ID of objects mentioned above, name maps to object name and data maps to either of the TYPE_DOCUMENT, TYPE_FOLDER, TYPE_COMMUNITY, TYPE_KNOWLEDGE_CENTER constants in ObjectTypeMapping. The _breadcrumbs field points to the path of the object from the root.
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid
      InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the ID does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
      IllegalArgumentException - if accessLevel_ is not one of:
      • KnowledgeCenter.ACCESS_LEVEL_READ_ONLY
      • KnowledgeCenter.ACCESS_LEVEL_READ_WRITE
        ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
      • getFolderTreeViewForKnowledgeCenters

        TreePivot[] getFolderTreeViewForKnowledgeCenters(Long[] knowledgeCenterIds_, int accessLevel_) throws InvalidUserException, InvalidKnowledgeCenterException, IllegalArgumentException
        Get trees pivoted at particular knowledge centers. The children of the TreePivot objects will all be Folder objects for which the current user has the specified accessLevel_, or a greater access level. (Eg if accessLevel_ is KnowledgeCenter.ACCESS_LEVEL_READ_WRITE, all Folder objects for which the current user has write access and also administrative access will be returned.) No Document objects will be returned as children of the TreePivot objects.
        knowledgeCenterIds_ - the IDs of the knowledge centers
        accessLevel_ - the accessLevel which the current user must have for the child folders of the knowledge centers
        a list of TreePivot objects, each pivoted at one of the specified knowledge centers. The _subtree field of each TreePivot points to TreeNode object which might be either KnowledgeCenter, Document, Folder or Community. * The Id field maps to the ID of objects mentioned above, name maps to object name and data maps to either of the TYPE_DOCUMENT, TYPE_FOLDER, TYPE_COMMUNITY, TYPE_KNOWLEDGE_CENTER constants in ObjectTypeMapping. The _breadcrumbs field points to the path of the object from the root.
        InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid
        InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if any of the IDs does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
        IllegalArgumentException - if accessLevel_ is not one of:
        • KnowledgeCenter.ACCESS_LEVEL_READ_ONLY
        • KnowledgeCenter.ACCESS_LEVEL_READ_WRITE
          ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
        • getKnowledgeCentersList

          ResultList getKnowledgeCentersList(Long[] ids_) throws InvalidUserException
          Returns a ResultList containing result codes for all given IDs and KnowledgeCenter objects for valid IDs
          ids_ - the IDs of knowledge centers to retrieve
          ResultList containing KnowledgeCenter objects and result codes. Each result code will be one of the CODE_XXX or COLLAB_CODE_XXX constants in ResultList
          InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid
          ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
        • doesPrivateKnowledgeCenterExist

          boolean doesPrivateKnowledgeCenterExist()
          Determine whether the current user has an existing private knowledge center. This will be the case if a private knowledge center was never created for the user, or if it has been deleted.
          true if a private knowledge center exists for the user; false otherwise.
          ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
        • createPrivateKnowledgeCenter

          void createPrivateKnowledgeCenter()
          Create a private knowledge center for the current user. If the current user already has a private knowledge center, calling this method will do nothing.
          ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
        • getSystemKnowledgeCenterId

          @Deprecated Long getSystemKnowledgeCenterId(String name_) throws InvalidKnowledgeCenterException
          This is a small wrapper on Content's getSystemId, but returns the content id as a document id.
          name - A case-insensitive system name.
          the id of the community mapped to that name.
          InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the string is not recognized
        • setSystemKnowledgeCenterId

          @Deprecated void setSystemKnowledgeCenterId(String name_, Long id_) throws InvalidKnowledgeCenterException
          use createKnowledgeCenter(KnowledgeCenter) with a pre-populated UUID
          Stores and associates the specified id value with the specified name key.
          name - A case-insensitive system name.
          id - The knowledge center id.
          InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the string is not recognized.
        • suggest

          String suggest(String query_, int maxItems_, SuggestParam[] params_, Boolean groupResults_)
          query -
          maxItems -
          params - list of information on what is being suggested and what format the results should be in. valid types are knowledge center.
          groupResults - if specifying more than one SuggestParam, would you like to group the results by type, or mixed together and sorted. Default is true. If grouped, order of types matches the order of the suggestParams passed in.
          a JSON formatted string
        • suggest

          String suggest(String query_, int maxItems_, SuggestParam[] params_, Boolean groupResults_, Long[] allowList)
          query -
          maxItems -
          params - list of information on what is being suggested and what format the results should be in. valid types are knowledge center.
          groupResults - if specifying more than one SuggestParam, would you like to group the results by type, or mixed together and sorted. Default is true. If grouped, order of types matches the order of the suggestParams passed in.
          allowList - list of IDs that will be automatically added to returned results, filtered by query. Ignored if null or empty.
          a JSON formatted string
        • deleteStatisticsKnowledgeCenter

          void deleteStatisticsKnowledgeCenter(Long kcid_) throws InvalidKnowledgeCenterException
          Deletes the individual download statistics related to a given knowledge center.
          kcid - knowledge center whose statistics should be deleted
        • deleteStatisticsKnowledgeCenter

          void deleteStatisticsKnowledgeCenter(Long[] kcid_) throws InvalidKnowledgeCenterException
          Deletes the individual download statistics related to a given knowledge center.
          kcid - knowledge centers whose statistics should be deleted
        • getContentIdForKnowledgeCenterId

          Long getContentIdForKnowledgeCenterId(Long id_)
        • getContentIdsForKnowledgeCenterIds

          Long[] getContentIdsForKnowledgeCenterIds(Long[] id_)
        • getKnowledgeCenterIdForContentId

          Long getKnowledgeCenterIdForContentId(Long id_)
        • getKnowledgeCenterIdsForContentIds

          Long[] getKnowledgeCenterIdsForContentIds(Long[] id_)
        • updateIsSearchableForKnowledgeCenter

          void updateIsSearchableForKnowledgeCenter(Long kcid_, Boolean isHierachySearchable_) throws InvalidUserException, PrivilegeException, InvalidKnowledgeCenterException
          Updates the searchability of a KC as well as recursively updates the searchability of the KC's contents down to the document level.
          kcid_ - the unique ID of the knowledge center
          isHierachySearchable_ - specifies whether the KC as well as its contents will be searchable.
          InvalidUserException - if the user making this call is an invalid user.
          PrivilegeException - if the User does not have rights to update the specified knowledge center
          InvalidKnowledgeCenterException - if the ID does not correspond to a valid knowledge center
          ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs