Class ResultPage

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class ResultPage extends Result
Class for storing the results returned by a paging service call. The results returned by the call can be accessed using the Result.getResults() method of the Result base class. Since paging methods may return only a subset of all the results getAvailableItems() can be used to get the total number of results available on the server.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ResultPage

      public ResultPage()
  • Method Details

    • toString

      public String toString()
      Returns the ResultPage and its array of results as a string.
      toString in class Result
    • getAvailableItems

      public long getAvailableItems()
      Returns the total number of items available on the server (as opposed to the number of items actually returned by the service call and stored in the result page, which may be different when using a paging method and specifying a batch size that is less than the total number of results on the server).
      The total number of items available on the server.
      See Also:
    • setAvailableItems

      public void setAvailableItems(long availableItems_)
      availableItems_ - The number of available items.
      See Also:
    • addResults

      public void addResults(Object[] results_)
      Add results to the result page.
      results_ - The objects to add to the result page.
    • getFailedIds

      public Long[] getFailedIds()
      Returns the ids of any objects requested but not returned from the server. The corresponding array of error codes for why the objects couldn't be returned is accessible through getCodesForFailedIds().
      The ids of any objects requested but not returned from the server.
      See Also:
    • setFailedIds

      public void setFailedIds(Long[] failedIds_)
      failedIds_ - An array of failed ids.
      See Also:
    • getCodesForFailedIds

      public Integer[] getCodesForFailedIds()
      Returns the codes for why the requested objects that were not returned from the server couldn't be returned. The corresponding array of ids of the requested objects that weren't returned is accessible through getFailedIds().
      The codes for why the requested objects that were not returned from the server couldn't be returned.
      See Also:
    • setCodesForFailedIds

      public void setCodesForFailedIds(Integer[] codesForFailedIds_)
      codesForFailedIds_ - The codes for why the requested objects that were not returned from the server couldn't be returned.
      See Also:
    • getParent

      public Object getParent()
      Returns the parent object of the results (for instance, if getting a page of members of a group, this field might be populated with the group ID). This field never populated by the backend, and is only populated in select instances by Java.
      The parent object of the results.
      See Also:
    • setParent

      public void setParent(Object object_)
      object_ - The parent object of the results
      See Also: