Interface AdministrationService

All Superinterfaces:, Service

@Deprecated public interface AdministrationService extends
Use the class ContentService instead.

This interface provides services for other applications using methods related to collaboration administration.

Methods of service classes can all throw the unchecked exception ServiceException if any system-level error (for example, server failure) occurs, and will in general throw a checked exception (InvalidXXXException) when an entity to be retrieved is inaccessible, instead of returning null. Exceptions to this paradigm (including the use of ResultList as described below) are noted. All checked exceptions extend AppianException.

It may be necessary to retrieve a subset of results as opposed to an entire collection, and also to sort the subset by some property of the returned object. "Paging" methods which return a ResultPage are provided in certain instances for this purpose. The ResultPage will contain the sorted subset of results (via Result.getResults()), and the total number of items in the available result set (via ResultPage.getAvailableItems()).

It may also be necessary to retrieve some results, even if all results cannot be retrieved (for instance, some of the entities corresponding to a list of entity IDs may no longer exist). Methods which return a ResultList are provided for this purpose. The Result.getResults() method in this case will return all results which can be retrieved. In addition, there will be a list of result codes (ResultList.getResultCodes()) that represent the successful retrieval of an entity, or, if the entity could not be retrieved, the reason for the failure. See the CODE_XXX constants in ResultList for details.

See Also:
  • Field Details

    • getUserSpaceUsage$UPDATES

      static final boolean getUserSpaceUsage$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getUserSpace$UPDATES

      static final boolean getUserSpace$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • setUserSpaceUsage$UPDATES

      static final boolean setUserSpaceUsage$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • notifyGroupDeletion$UPDATES

      static final boolean notifyGroupDeletion$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • notifyGroupsDeletion$UPDATES

      static final boolean notifyGroupsDeletion$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • activateUserSession$UPDATES

      static final boolean activateUserSession$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • insertUser$UPDATES

      static final boolean insertUser$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • insertUsersBulk$UPDATES

      static final boolean insertUsersBulk$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • setAdministratorGroup$UPDATES

      static final boolean setAdministratorGroup$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getApplicationName$UPDATES

      static final boolean getApplicationName$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getWorkspace$UPDATES

      static final boolean getWorkspace$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • validateGroupMembership$UPDATES

      static final boolean validateGroupMembership$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • updateUsernames$UPDATES

      static final boolean updateUsernames$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • commitUpdateUsernames$UPDATES

      static final boolean commitUpdateUsernames$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • rollbackUpdateUsernames$UPDATES

      static final boolean rollbackUpdateUsernames$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • changePartitionPaths$UPDATES

      static final boolean changePartitionPaths$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • reloadProperties$UPDATES

      static final boolean reloadProperties$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • validate$UPDATES

      static final boolean validate$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getSystemFolderId$UPDATES

      static final boolean getSystemFolderId$UPDATES
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getUserSpaceUsage

      @Deprecated UserSpace getUserSpaceUsage() throws InvalidUserException
      User quotas have been removed. This method will always show that the user has unlimited space.
      Retrieves the total amount of space occupied by files stored in the the current user's private knowledge centers.
      a UserSpace object representing the physical disk space usage of the current user.
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method does not exist
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getUserSpace

      User quotas have been removed. This method will always show that the user has unlimited space.
      Retrieves the total amount of space occupied by files stored in the the current user's private knowledge centers.
      a UserSpace object representing the physical disk space usage of the current user.
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method does not exist
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • setUserSpaceUsage

      @Deprecated void setUserSpaceUsage(String username_, Long mbytes_) throws InvalidUserException
      User quotas have been removed. Calls to this method will be ignored.
      Sets the total amount of space to be allocated for file storage in the collaboration application for the user. This is the amount of space within the user's private knowledge centers.
      username_ - the username of the user for which to set disk space
      mbytes_ - the amount of space in Mbytes
      InvalidUserException - if the user specified by the given username does not exist
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • notifyGroupDeletion

      void notifyGroupDeletion(Long groupId_)
      Notifies the collaboration application that the specified group has been deletedand no references to it should therefore exist in collaboration. This method should be called after GroupService.deleteGroup(java.lang.Long) has been called.
      groupId_ - the ID of the group that has been deleted
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • notifyGroupsDeletion

      void notifyGroupsDeletion(Long[] groupIds_)
      Notifies the collaboration application that the specified groups have been deleted and no references to them should therefore exist in collaboration. This method should be called after GroupService.deleteGroup(java.lang.Long) has been called.
      groupIds_ - the IDs of the groups that have been deleted
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • activateUserSession

      @Deprecated Void activateUserSession(Long[] membership_, Long[] administration_) throws InvalidUserException
      Notifies the collaboration application that a new session has been created for the current user, and provides information about the current user's membership and administration rights to groups. This call is necessary every time the group membership role is changed, a new group is created, or when the user is newly created
      membership_ - the list of groups of which the user is a member
      administration_ - the list of groups on which the user has administrative rights
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method does not exist
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • insertUser

      void insertUser(String username_, Timestamp whenCreated_) throws InvalidDataFormatException
      Adds user with unique identifier username into Collaboration. This method should be called after the user has previously been created in the personalization application using UserService.createUser(com.appiancorp.suiteapi.personalization.User)
      username_ - username of the user to add to collaboration
      whenCreated_ - the current system time
      InvalidDataFormatException - if the username is null or invalid.
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • insertUsersBulk

      void insertUsersBulk(String[] usernames_) throws NullPointerException
      Adds users with unique identifier usernames into Collaboration. This method should be called after the users have previously been created in the personalization application using UserService.createUsers(com.appiancorp.suiteapi.personalization.User[])
      usernames_ - usernames of the users to insert into collaboration
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • setAdministratorGroup

      void setAdministratorGroup(Long id_) throws InvalidGroupException
      Sets the specified group as the administrative group for the Collaboration application. Users in the administrative group can perform any action on every object in the application, irrespective of the security settings.
      id_ - the ID of the group to be set as admin group
      InvalidGroupException - if the ID is null
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getApplicationName

      String getApplicationName()
      Gets the name of the application on which this service is running.
      the name of the application
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getWorkspace

      String[] getWorkspace()
      Gets the current memory profile for the workspace.
      array of Strings of length 4 describing memory usage:
      • [0]Used - Memory Used by the Server so far for storage
      • [1]Allocated - Memory allocated for use. Often if a large data item was allocated by a server and subsequently freed, this value will be large compared to "Used". If nearly all memory allocated is in use, this value will be close to (but always higher than) "Used"
      • [2]Mapped - is the space used by memory-mapped files
      • [3]Available - is the total available memory for the Server process
      Note: All usage statistics are in Bytes.
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • validateGroupMembership

      @Deprecated boolean validateGroupMembership(Long[] memGroupIds_, Long[] admGroupIds_) throws InvalidUserException
      Validates if the association of a user as 'Member' and as an 'Administrator has changed or not.
      memGroupIds_ - Groups for which the User is a member
      admGroupIds_ - Groups for which the User is an administrator
      true if there is not change in the membership of the user
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method does not exist
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • updateUsernames

      @Deprecated void updateUsernames(String[] oldUsernames_, String[] newUsernames_, long maxExpirationTimeInSeconds_) throws IllegalArgumentException, PrivilegeException, DuplicateNameException
      DEPRECATED: See UserService.renameUsersByUuid(java.lang.String[], java.lang.String[]) Updates a list of old usernames to new usernames.

      If successful, this method must be followed by commitUpdateUsernames(). After commitUpdateUsernames has been called, the old usernames will still be active, but will expire after the interval specified by maxExpirationTimeInSeconds_; if updateUsernames is successful but commitUpdateUsernames is not called, the new usernames will not become active.

      If unsuccessful, this method should be followed by rollbackUpdateUsernames(). This will simply free memory dedicated to mapping old usernames to new usernames.

      oldUsernames_ - the usernames to be updated
      newUsernames_ - the usernames to which the old usernames will be updated
      maxExpirationTimeInSeconds_ - the interval, in seconds, after commitUpdateUsernames has been called, after which the old usernames will expire. If this parameter is zero or a negative value the old usernames will expire instantly. After expiration, the old usernames will no longer be valid.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the length of oldUsernames_ is not the same as the length of newUsernames_.
      PrivilegeException - if the current user is not a system administrator
      DuplicateNameException - if any oldUsernames_ or newUsernames_ contain any duplicates, or if an old username is being updated to a username that already exists
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • commitUpdateUsernames

      @Deprecated void commitUpdateUsernames()
      DEPRECATED: See UserService.renameUsersByUuid(java.lang.String[], java.lang.String[]) Commits an update of usernames.

      This method should be preceded by a call to updateUsernames(String[], String[], long). After the commit, the old usernames will be temporarily active, and will expire after the interval specified by maxExpirationTimeInSeconds_; if commitUpdateUsernames is not called, the new usernames will not become active.

      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • rollbackUpdateUsernames

      @Deprecated void rollbackUpdateUsernames()
      DEPRECATED: See UserService.renameUsersByUuid(java.lang.String[], java.lang.String[]) Rolls back an update of usernames.

      This method should be called if updateUsernames(String[], String[], long) is unsuccessful. The rollback will simply free memory dedicated to mapping old usernames to new usernames.

      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • changePartitionPaths

      void changePartitionPaths(String originalPath, String newPath)
      Changes where collaboration files are stored from one path to another. This is method is useful when switching server environments. For example, if switching from Windows to Linux this method could change the partition path from c:\collab to /home/usr/collab.
      originalPath - The path where collaboration files were previously stored.
      newPath - The path where collaboration files will now be stored.
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • reloadProperties

      @Deprecated void reloadProperties()
      reloading properties is now automatic, so this call is now unnecessary and does nothing.
      Reloads all database-level properties files (*.xml, *.properties) without interrupting API services
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • validate

      String validate()
      Runs validation tests against the database to check whether it is corrupt, and returns a line-separated list of validation results
      the validation results
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getSystemFolderId

      Long getSystemFolderId(String name) throws InvalidFolderException
      Returns the folder id for a built-in system folder from among the following: image_folder_id leader_message_channel_image_folder_id priority_image_folder_id indicator_image_folder_id This is a small wrapper on Content's getSystemId, but returns the content id as a folder id.
      name - A case-insensitive system name
      the id of the folder mapped to that name.
      InvalidFolderException - if the symbolic folder is not registered.