Interface QueryBuilder.Selecting<T>

Type Parameters:
T - Type of value
All Superinterfaces:
QueryBuilder<T>, QueryBuilder.Aggregating<T>, QueryBuilder.FilteringCriteria<T>, QueryBuilder.Grouping<T>, QueryBuilder.Paging<T>, QueryBuilder.Sorting<T>
All Known Implementing Classes:
GenericQuery.GenericBuilder, Query.Builder, TypedValueQuery.TypedValueBuilder
Enclosing interface:

public static interface QueryBuilder.Selecting<T> extends QueryBuilder.FilteringCriteria<T>, QueryBuilder.Grouping<T>

This interface is available as a preview of functionality that will be added to the supported public API in a future release. While it is in the preview phase, it is subject to change or removal without deprecation or notice. Although notice of change is not guaranteed, we will try to let developers know of major changes through announcements in release notes.

This is the first basic configuration and the starting point of the flow. Column(s) Selection.

Define first sets of operations allowed for Query<T> construction.