Interface QueryBuilder.Paging<T>

Type Parameters:
T - Type of value
All Superinterfaces:
QueryBuilder<T>, QueryBuilder.Sorting<T>
All Known Subinterfaces:
QueryBuilder.Aggregating<T>, QueryBuilder.Filtering<T>, QueryBuilder.FilteringCriteria<T>, QueryBuilder.Grouping<T>, QueryBuilder.Selecting<T>
All Known Implementing Classes:
GenericQuery.GenericBuilder, Query.Builder, TypedValueQuery.TypedValueBuilder
Enclosing interface:

public static interface QueryBuilder.Paging<T> extends QueryBuilder.Sorting<T>

This interface is available as a preview of functionality that will be added to the supported public API in a future release. While it is in the preview phase, it is subject to change or removal without deprecation or notice. Although notice of change is not guaranteed, we will try to let developers know of major changes through announcements in release notes.

Restricts path after Paging.

  • Method Details

    • page

      QueryBuilder.Sorting<T> page(int startIndex, int batchSize)
      Obtains the set of operations allowed after QueryBuilder.Paging<T>
      pagingInfo - the index from which to start paging. This may be 0-based or 1-based depending on where this PagingInfo object will be used.
      batchSize - the number of results to return in one page. If negative, the full result set should be returned.
      the QueryBuilder.Sorting<T> interface with the set of operations allowed after QueryBuilder.Paging<T>
    • page

      QueryBuilder<T> page(PagingInfo pagingInfo)
      Defines query's PagingInfo
      pagingInfo - the PagingInfo describing how to page the results
      the QueryBuilder<T> which can produce a Query<T> instance.