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Manage Robots in the Operations Console
The capabilities described on this page are included in Appian's standard capability tier. Usage limits may apply.

Note:  If RPA isn't enabled for your Appian environment, you won't be able to use the Operations Console.


This page discusses the Operations Console, where you can manage robots.


Introduction to robots

A robot is a digital worker that's made up of two parts: a host machine and an agent. A robot needs a workspace, just like a human worker does. The host machine is the environment in which the digital worker completes robotic tasks. The host machine can be a physical machine, such as a separate computer, or a virtual machine on a cloud server. Multiple robots can map to the same host machine.

Create a robot for each physical or virtual machine (VM) to run robotic tasks. Every robot has a corresponding agent, which can only be used on one host machine.

Note:  Avoid trying to run multiple robotic tasks on the same machine at the same time because they will likely conflict with each other.

When running your robotic tasks in a production environment, we recommend using a dedicated machine, whether it is a provisioned virtual machine (VM) or physical machine.

Where to find the Operations Console

Open the Operations Console through the Appian navigation menu.


Manage who sees the Operations Console

Required role: Administrator

The Operations Console is designed to allow Operations Managers to set up and maintain a fleet of robots to support robotic task executions. Any user who is added to the Designer role, System Administrator role, or a member of the RPA Operations Managers system group has access to the Operations Console.

Administrators can control who has access to the Operations Console by updating a user's group membership in Appian.

What you can do in the Operations Console

By default, Operations Managers can perform the following actions:

  • Access the Operations Console
  • Execute robotic tasks on a robot

Additionally, Operations Managers can perform the following actions when they share permissions with the robot they're interacting with:

Tip:  Only administrators can create and delete robots in the Operations Console.

Create a robot

Required role: Administrator

  1. In the Operations Console, click CREATE.
    Result: The Create Robot wizard displays.
    create robot
  2. On the Robot Details step, enter values in the following fields:
    • Name: Editable name for the robot that is shown throughout Appian.
    • Operating system: Choose the host machine's operating system: Windows, Linux, or Mac.
    • JRE path (./%JAVA_HOME%): Optional field to specify where Java is installed on the host machine.
  3. (Windows host machines only) Optionally, choose to Allow Appian to Sign In by checking the Enable automatic sign in box.
  4. Click Continue.
    Result: The Robot Security page for the new robot displays.
    robot security
  5. Assign user or group security role maps to the robot.
  6. Click CREATE.
    Result: The Manage Connection page for the new robot displays.
  7. Connect the robot to a host machine.
    • If your organization uses robot keys, copy the robot key now. You will not have another chance to view it.
    • Verify your host machine is ready for robot installation and download the robot installer. If you're using a physical host machine, you'll download the robot and launch it now. If you're using a virtual host machine, you can complete this step later.

Note:  Next steps

To enable a new robot to execute robotic tasks, ensure you install the agent on the host machine. The agent facilitates communication between Appian and the host machine, including relaying the robot's status. Before installation, make certain the host machine is properly configured.

Using a virtual machine

You can use a VM to run robotic tasks. By default, VMs may timeout and become unavailable after a period of inactivity.

To ensure the VM remains available, you can allow Appian to sign in to the host machine to start an execution. You can also complete additional configurations on the VM. Microsoft Remote Desktop users can configure the following to prevent VM host machines from timing out:

  • Configure Set time limit for disconnected sessions to Never. See Microsoft Help for instructions.
  • Keep Microsoft Remote Desktop running. If you need to end the session:
    1. Open the Start menu in the Remote Desktop Connection window.
    2. Select Disconnect.

Additionally, ensure that the agent you have downloaded on the host machine has administrator privileges to allow them to unblock sessions as needed.

Allow Appian to sign in

Before a robotic task starts, it may need to access your host machine and start a user session if one isn't already active. On top of that, your business may restrict the privileges available to this user session.

You can configure your robot to allow Appian to automatically sign into a virtual machine as any designated user (basic or administrator) in order to start a robotic task. This means that you won't need to keep user sessions active on virtual machines in case a robotic task needs to start. Instead of keeping user sessions active, Appian can start a session as needed for robots with Standby status.

Appian can also automatically sign out of the host machine if there are no more robotic tasks to run after the last execution. Configure this option to build more flexibility into your unattended automations.

Note:  Appian only supports Enable automatic sign in on Windows host machines.

You can find these configuration options when you create a robot or edit a robot's details.

To allow Appian to sign in:

  1. Start in one of the following ways:
    • Creating a new robot?:
      Select the Enable automatic sign in checkbox on the Host Machine Details step in the Create Robot wizard.
    • Editing an existing robot?:
      Select the Enable automatic sign in checkbox in the Robot Details.
  2. Fill in the following fields:
    • Domain: The computer network where the user account is registered. If no domain or an invalid domain is provided, the windows service treats the credentials as a local account.
    • Username: The username of the account that you want Appian to use to sign in to the host machine.
    • Password: The password of the account that you want Appian to use to sign in to the host machine.
    • Screen resolution: The screen resolution of the new user session. Select a resolution that matches the one used to develop the robotic task. The resolution determines where elements appear on the screen. The robotic task may be programmed to navigate to specific places on the screen to interact with those elements, so it's important to choose a resolution that matches the one used during development to ensure that actions are executed exactly the same. Select Default to use the host machine's default resolution.
    • Skip interactive logon message: Windows machines can be configured with different security settings, including an interactive logon message. When Appian attempts to sign in to a host machine with an interactive logon message, it must acknowledge the message before it can continue. Enable this option to allow Appian to acknowledge the message and pass the interactive logon message.
  3. Click SAVE.


Existing robots only: If you're allowing Appian to sign in for a robot you already set up, you need to replace the agent on the host machine by downloading the installer again:


Automatic sign in and images

To improve image recognition for automatic sign in, try disabling font smoothing before taking screenshots. If you're having trouble with the image recognition, this could help.


View the list of robots

Required role: Any

The Operations Console contains all robots available to you. Click a robot to view its details.

The robots are listed in alphanumerical order in a grid with the following information:

  • Name: The name of the robot.
  • Status: What the robot is currently doing.
  • Robotic tasks: Shows any robotic tasks actively running on that robot. If no tasks are actively running, then this column is blank.
  • Started On: When the actively running robotic task started. If no tasks are actively running, then this column is blank.


For each robot in the list, you'll see a status to indicate what the robot is currently doing.

Status Description
Online Robot is online and ready to run a robotic task.
Outdated The agent is updating or failed to update. Check back soon. If still outdated, manually reinstall and launch the agent.
Offline Robot is offline and can't run a robotic task. Run the robotic task on your local host machine or allow Appian to sign in to the robot automatically.
Disabled This robot is disabled, so it can't run robotic tasks. Enable the robot to run a robotic task.
Blocked Keys There is an issue with the keys on the robot. A robotic task can run, but may produce unexpected results. To fix the issue, run a robotic task to release the keys, or restart the user session.
Running Robot is online and busy running a robotic task.
Concurrence The robot is using an agent that's installed and launched in more than one place. Disconnect one agent and allow Appian to sign in to the robot automatically.
Standby Robot is ready to run a robotic task.
Recording Robot is online and busy recording interactions.

What you can do on the list of robots

You can perform several actions from the list of robots. Available actions depend on the robot's connectivity and status.

Additional actions are available from the Robot detail page.

Action Description
CREATE See above
SECURITY See below
RESTART See below
DISABLE Changes the robot status to Disabled and prevents that robot from executing robotic tasks. Only available for robots that are Online.
ENABLE Changes the robot status to Online and makes that robot available to execute robotic tasks. Only available for robots that are Disabled.
DELETE Permanently delete the robot.


View robot details

Required role: Any

In the Operations Console, click any robot to view its details and perform certain actions.

On the Robot Detail page, you can find information related to the robotic tasks the robot performed, including:

  • the robotic task name.
  • the robotic task execution ID.
  • the robotic task execution status.
  • when the robotic task started.
  • when the robotic task completed.

Tip:  You can only view robotic tasks if you have the necessary permissions, either through permission tags or the security role map.

Use the search bar and filters to refine the list of executions. Click RESET to clear the filters and see all available information.

What you can do from the robot detail page

Different actions are available from the Robot Detail page, depending on the robot's status.

Action Description
Robot properties Edit and review key details about the robot. Here, you can edit the robot's name and permissions, as well as allow Appian to sign in.
MANAGE CONNECTION Download the installer associated with this robot.
VIEW LIVE ROBOT Available only for Online robots. View the desktop where the robotic task is running.
Manage Security Assign or swap out user or group role maps.
Lock keyboard input Available only for Online robots. The agent must be installed on the host machine using an administrator profile.
Unlock keyboard input Available only for Online robots. The agent must be installed on the host machine using an administrator profile.
Restart Restarting the robot agent can prevent, among other things, low memory problems on the host machine where it is running.
Enable Make a robot available to execute robotic tasks.
Disable Prevent a robot from executing robotic tasks.

Robot properties

When you click Properties from the action menu, you can see the following information about the robot:

action menu

Field Description Editable?
Name Name of the robot that is shown throughout Appian instead of the identifier. Yes
Permissions Permission tags assigned to the robot. Yes
Agent version Version of the agent on the robot and the internal build number. No
Robot last connected Last time the agent connected with Appian. No
Java version Java version used by the agent. No
Operating System Name and version of the operating system on the host machine. No
Current folder Current folder where the agent is located. No
Temporary folder Temporary folder for the user who launched the agent. No
Architecture Processor architecture for the host machine. No
# User session Session identifier used by a robot with elevated privileges to unlock the session. No
Processors Number of available processors on the host machine. No
IP addresses IP addresses assigned to the host machine (can be several due to the existence of different network interfaces). No
Resolution Screen dimensions on the image representing your monitor. No
Host machine reserved memory Reserved memory status of the JVM for the agent. No
Host machine disk space Available disk space status on the computer. No
Reserved memory threshold (percent) When the memory percentage is over the maximum specified, an event "robot_LIMIT_MEMORY" is generated. Yes
Available disk space threshold (percent) When the free disk space percentage is under the minimum specified, an event "robot_LOW_FREE_HARD_DISK_SPACE" is generated. Yes


Configure the host machine

For the automatic sign-in service to work as expected, you must first complete several prerequisite steps. These steps and installation require administrator privileges. Once the service is installed, you can execute a robotic task using a standard user account.

Additionally, the host machine must use a Windows 64-bit OS (x64-based) and the user account Appian uses to sign in should be configured in the following ways:

  • The user account must belong to the Remote Desktop Users local group.
    • To add the user account, go to Computer Management > Local Users and Groups > Groups > Remote Desktop Users.


  • The user account should have the following rights in the Local Security Policy, which you can find in Local Security Policy > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment:
    • Access this computer from the network
    • Allow log on locally
    • Allow log on through Remote Desktop Services


  • The robot must allow Remote Desktop Connections. To configure this:
    1. Open the Start menu.
    2. Search for Remote Desktop Settings.
    3. Verify Enable Remote Desktop is On.
  • The robot must have the following packages installed:

Launch the installer on the host machine

Tip:  You need administrator privileges on the host machine to install the sign-in service using the instructions below.

After you configure the host machine, install the sign-in files using the installation wizard:

  1. Launch the installer you downloaded previously.
  2. After reading the License Agreement, click Next.
  3. Choose a Destination Folder located in the user folder of the user account that you'll use to sign in. For example, C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local. The installer will create a folder titled Appian RPA in this location with all the necessary files.
  4. Click Install to complete installation.
  5. On the final step of the installation wizard, click Show details to see an installation summary or click Close to finish.
  6. Exit the installation wizard.
  7. To check the installation was successful, go to Services. You should see the new service in the list: Appian RPA AutologinService [Host Machine Name].
  8. Before testing automatic sign-in, ensure that you properly sign out of your user session. Click on your user account icon and select Sign out.

You are now ready to use automatic sign-in.

Note:  If your Windows OS uses a proxy for internet access, configure the auto-login service to use this proxy too. See the Configure the proxy for the auto-login service information on this page.

Change the default user starting the sign-in service

When installing the automatic sign-in service, the service is automatically started by the Local System account, which is the predefined local account used by the service control manager. You can change it to be another user if you'd like to use a separate account. This user account does not need administrator privileges.

To modify which account starts the service:

  1. Right-click on the service and select Properties.
  2. Go to the Log On tab.
  3. Configure the login parameters. The user you choose must have permissions on the installation directory to be able to execute the service and write log files.
  4. Restart the service.

Configure a proxy for the auto-login service

If your Windows OS uses a proxy for internet access, you need to configure the auto-login service to use this proxy too.

Before you begin, make sure you've set up a local account on the Windows Virtual Machine specifically for the auto-login service. You can choose any name for this account.

  1. Open the Start menu and search using the term Environment.

  2. Complete one of the following options to navigate to the Environment Variables screen:
    If you are logged in with... Then...
    an admin account select Edit the system environment variables from the search results. The System Properties window displays. Next, click the Environment Variables button.
    a service account that does not have admin privileges select Edit environment variables for your account from the search results.
  3. Complete the following steps two times to add both of these environment variables: HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY.
    a. Click the New button to display the New User Variable window.

    b. Configure the following fields:

    • Variable Name: Enter HTTP_PROXY or HTTPS_PROXY.
    • Variable Value: Enter the corresponding proxy URL you want to use. Ensure you use the right protocol for each URL, such as http or https.
      If your proxy... Then...
      does not require authentication enter each address as a regular URL. For example: http://proxyaddress:port
      requires authentication embed the username and password in the URL like this: http://username:password@proxyaddress:port.

      Note: If your password includes the @ symbol, replace the symbol with %40. Otherwise, this variable will not work.


    c. Click OK on each open window to close them and return to the desktop.

  4. Open the Start menu again and search for services.
  5. Open the Services application (this application may require administrator rights) and locate the service related to the auto-login. The service name should be Appian RPA AutologinService (robot name).

  6. Double-click the Appian RPA AutologinService to open the properties window.
  7. Select the Log On tab.
  8. Complete one of the following configuration options:
    Configuration Option Description
    User-scoped environment variables (Recommended)

    We recommend using this user-scoped environment variables approach, because it is more secure and less likely to interfere with other programs that may be running on the same machine.

    1. Select the This account radio button then click Browse....
      Result: The Select User window displays.
    2. In the Enter object name to select field, enter the name of the user account you want the service to use.
    3. Click the Check Names button to locate and properly select the user account.
    4. Click OK to return to the Log On tab.
    5. Enter the password for the account under which the Service will run.
      Note: This set of credentials is distinct from your proxy credentials. Be sure to run the service under the account for which you set environment variables.

    Machine-scoped environment variables

    Select the Local System account radio button.

  9. Click OK to close the Services window.
  10. Restart Windows to apply all changes.

Test signing in to the host machine

Back in the Operations Console, you can test the connection to the host machine remotely. Appian does this through Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).

  • If creating a new robot, go to the Manage Connection step in the Create Robot wizard.
  • If editing an existing robot, go to MANAGE CONNECTION.
  1. Go to the Test connection section.
  2. Click SIGN IN. You'll see a success message if Appian signed in successfully. If Appian wasn't able to sign in, you'll see an error message describing the problem. See Troubleshooting below to learn how to fix the issue.
  3. Click SIGN OUT to end the user session Appian launched during sign in. This step ensures the host machine is ready for Appian to sign in automatically in the future.

Tip:  If there is an active user session on the robot, Appian may not be able to sign in successfully. For the best results, ensure there is no active user session for the user account Appian uses to sign in to the robot.

RDP signs in successfully

If your test was successful, then you're all set! Appian will automatically sign in to this host machine using the provided credentials whenever the robot is called upon to execute a robotic task.


To help keep you on track, Appian may display messages to show you when it's unable to sign in. Use the following table to understand the error and learn how to fix the issue.

Error message Reason Guidance
Invalid sign-in credentials. Unable to sign in because the credentials are invalid. Check the username and password are correct and try again. Appian tried to sign into the user sessions using the credentials you provided, but it didn't work. The credentials may be inaccurate, or they don't match an account found on the domain. Check the domain, username, and password fields to make sure they're correct.
Robot not found. Unable to sign in because RDP couldn't locate the agent on the host machine. Check that the agent is installed on the host machine and try again. Appian was unable to locate the agent file on the host machine. The agent is required to allow the host machine to communicate with Appian RPA. Check that the agent is installed and that the user account configured to sign in to the host machine has permissions to run the agent.
RDP is not enabled. Unable to sign in because Remote Desktop is disabled on the host machine. Enable Remote Desktop and try again. Appian tried to sign in to a user session on the virtual machine, but RDP isn't enabled. Enable RDP on the host machine.
Error: Active user session. Unable to sign in because the host machine has an active session. Sign out from the active session and try again. Appian tried to sign in to the virtual machine, but there is already an active user session.

Note that this message appears for standard Windows operating systems.
Sign out of the active user session on the host machine.
Error: Active user session. Unable to sign in because the host machine has an active session for the OS user account you're using to sign in. Sign out from the user's active session and try again. Appian tried to sign in to the virtual machine, but there is already an active user session for the user account you're using to sign in.

Note that this message appears for Windows Server operating systems.
Sign out of your active user session on the host machine.
Error with automatic sign-in. Unable to sign in because of an issue with Remote Desktop. Review the Remote Desktop settings and try again. Appian tried to sign in to the virtual machine, but was unable for an unknown reason. Verify that the RDP settings on the host machine match the configurations listed above.
Error with automatic sign-in. Unable to sign in because Remote Desktop didn't respond. Verify that the sign-in service is running on the host machine and try again. Appian tried to sign in, but the sign-in service didn't respond in time. It might be that the sign-in service isn't running on the host machine. Confirm that the sign-in service is running on the host machine.
Error: Interactive logon message. Unable to sign in because the host machine has an interactive logon screen. Enable the Skip interactive logon message option on the Robot Details page and try again. Appian tried to sign in, but the host machine has an interactive logon message. The robot wasn't configured to allow Appian to skip the interactive logon message. Edit the robot details to allow Appian to skip the interactive logon message.

View a live robot

Required role: Developer or Administrator

You can remotely view the desktop where the robotic task is running.

To start monitoring, click VIEW LIVE ROBOT.


Manage connection

Download the installer

For a robot to test, record, or execute robotic tasks, you need to install and launch the agent on the host machine. The agent enables the robot to communicate with Appian, so it's an essential part of the setup process.

You can download the installer when you create the robot. Or, you can download the installer at a later time through the MANAGE CONNECTION menu. Launch the guided installer to complete robot setup.

Use robot keys for authentication

Required role: Administrator

Automating the installation of agents and the auto-login service on your Windows host machines, especially on virtual machines that frequently terminate, can be a tedious process. To streamline this process, consider using robot keys. Robot keys encapsulate a robot's unique identity in a single credential that can be incorporated into your custom scripts. This not only facilitates the seamless automation of agent installations but also enables auto-login services on Windows OS.

You can store robot keys in your own secure credentials manager and you have the convenience of rotating these keys on demand, ensuring that your systems are always operating with updated and secure credentials. Robot keys are optional, allowing you the flexibility to choose between using robot keys or continuing to use the standard authentication and installation process.

Tip:  Robot keys are not for robots running on non-Windows operating systems, such as Linux or macOS.

Important notes

When you enable robot keys, it's your job to place a .bat script, named getRobotKey.bat, in the same directory where your configuration file is located. During the installation process, the software is automatically installed in a folder named "Appian RPA," located in the user's Local App Data folder. If you need to locate this folder, you can open a command prompt window in the user's session and enter the command echo %LOCALAPPDATA%. When needed, the RPA agent or the auto-login service executes your getRobotKey.bat script. The robot key should be the last line in the output of the script. An agent or auto-login service can then use this key to authenticate itself with Appian RPA.



Here are some considerations you should keep in mind when refreshing robot keys:

  • Decide how frequently you want to refresh robot keys and create a schedule based on your security needs and compliance requirements.
  • Notify stakeholders (developers, operations, etc.) well in advance before rotating keys, especially if services could potentially be disrupted.
  • Ensure that your systems and robotic tasks are capable of handling robot key changes without downtime or service disruption.
  • Conduct thorough testing to ensure that the new robot keys work as expected in your environment.
  • Closely monitor system logs and alerts during and after the key rotation process to identify any system errors.
  • Keep detailed records of the key rotation process, including what was done, when, and by whom, for compliance and auditing purposes.
  • Before you begin, disable the robot in the Operations console, then re-enable the robot for testing.

Enable robot keys

To allow the use of robot keys:

  1. In the Appian RPA console, go to the Settings tab.
  2. In the Configuration tab, go to Security policies.
  3. Mark the Authenticate Windows OS robots with robot keys checkbox.
    robot keys
  4. Click Save security policies.
  5. Redownload your robots to apply the change.

Refresh a robot key

Periodically, you may need to refresh a robot key to you ensure that the security and integrity of your robots and systems are maintained.

Tip:  Be sure to review the important notes for some considerations you should keep in mind before you refresh your robot keys.

To refresh a robot key:

  1. Disable any active robots that rely on the old robot key.

    Caution:  This step is essential. The old key is immediately deactivated once a new key is generated. Any robots using the old key will fail to connect as intended.

  2. In the Operations Manager, go to the Robot detail page.
  3. Click Manage Connection.
    Result: The Manage Connection screen displays.
    manage connection
  4. Click Refresh Robot Key.
    Result: A confirmation message displays and you can copy the refreshed key.
    refresh key
  5. Click Copy Robot Key and save it to your credentials manager.

    Tip:  Be sure to copy the robot key now. You will not have another chance to view it.

  6. Ensure your getRobotKey.bat script is dynamic enough to retrieve the updated key.
  7. Enable any robots you disabled in step 1 after you have thoroughly tested to ensure the new robot key works as expected.

Restart a robot

Robotic tasks consume memory and generate artifacts on the host machine during each execution. Over time, this data may start to degrade the host machine's performance. The host machine may benefit from restarting the robot to help free up additional memory.

When you restart a robot, Appian sends a request to the agent to try to restart its connection. You can relaunch the agent from the Operations Console or manually restart the agent by clicking Quit in the agent menu when you detect any issue with its operation.

You can also restart the robot automatically.

Automatic robot restart

To prevent having too much of your host machine's memory occupied, you can configure a robot's agent to restart automatically when a specified percentage of the host machine's total memory is exceeded.

For example, if the host machine has a 2GB memory, you can set up the agent to restart whenever 80% of the memory is used (1.6GB).

  1. Go to the Robot detail page.
  2. In the Reserved memory threshold (percent) field, enter the memory threshold in the text box. This is the percentage of host machine memory not to be exceeded.
  3. Click Save.

This configuration triggers an event to restart the agent whenever the reserved memory is exceeded. Events are explained in detail on the Monitoring page.

Disable robots on restart

Required role: Administrator

In the event the server goes down unexpectedly, administrators can configure Appian RPA to disable robots upon restart of the RPA server to ensure robotic tasks do not run until an administrator has verified the robot is in a clean state.

To allow Appian to disable unclean robots on start up:

  1. In the Appian RPA console, go to the Settings tab.
  2. In the Configuration tab, go to Security policies.
  3. Select Allow Appian to disable robots which are running robotic tasks during a console shutdown.
  4. Click Save security policies.


Security for robots consists of the following:

  • system groups that manage access to the Operations Console, the RPA console, and the ability to create robots.
  • security role maps that manage activities related to robots.

Robot security by system group

Action RPA Operations Manager Designer
Access the Operations Console and view the Robot Management page Yes Yes
Create a new robot Yes No

Robot security by role maps

Starting from the Appian 23.4 release, newly created robots can only be secured using role maps. The security role map of a robot controls whether users can view or modify it and its properties. Unlike some other objects, Robots never inherit security.

The following table outlines the actions that can be completed for each permission level in a robot's security role map:

Robot Actions Administrator Editor Viewer Deny
Monitor executions

(Also requires Viewer, Editor, or Admin permission on the robotic task)
Yes Yes Yes No
View list of robots Yes Yes Yes No
View robot dashboard (robot details) Yes Yes Yes No
Edit properties Yes Yes No No
View security Yes Yes No No
Edit/Enable/Disable auto login Yes Yes No No
Update security Yes No No No
Download and install agents Yes No No No
Download and install auto-login Yes No No No
View live robots Yes No No No
Enable / Disable robot Yes No No No
Lock / Unlock robot input Yes No No No
Restart robot Yes No No No
Delete robot Yes No No No

Change robots from permission tags to role maps

If you are using Appian 23.4 or later, you can permanently switch your robots from using permission tags to role maps. Follow these steps in the Operations Console to transition a robot to security role maps and remove permission tags.

  1. Use one of the following methods to navigate to the robot Robot Security screen from the Robot Management screen.

    Method Example
    Select the checkbox next to the robot then click SECURITY. robot security
    Select the robot you want to change. Result: The Robot Detail page displays.
    Select Security from the action menu.
    security option
  2. Click Add Users or Groups.
    Result A blank line is added.
  3. Complete one of the following options.
    • In the blank line, start entering the user or group you want to add and the system will auto-suggest a list of users and groups from which you can select.
    • Click the Create New Group create new group button. Click Create when you are done creating the group.
  4. Select the Permission Level you want the user or group to have: Administrator, Editor, Viewer, or Deny.
  5. Select Save Changes.
    Result: Appian removes the permission tags from the robot and replaces the security with the security role maps you added.

Manage Robots in the Operations Console