GCA Features
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This content applies solely to Government Clause Automation, which must be purchased separately from the Appian base platform. |
The Government Clause Automation Solution contains a wide range of features that allow our contracting professionals can easily create and update clauses for their solicitations and awards. The tables below provides a quick reference of the solution's available features by functional area.
Note: Only business users with the appropriate group membership can access and modify certain solution settings. This ensures that only a select few have access to sensitive processes and information.
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Area | Feature | Description | User/Group Access | GCA Version | Appian Platform* |
Clause Automation Site | Clause Set Summary Landing Page | A view of clause sets highlighting My Clause Sets and All. | CO, CS, CM, Privileged User | 1.0+ | 21.2+ |
Clause Automation Site | Create Clause Set Wizard | A guided process to get required, applicable, and optional clauses needed based on contract details, templates, and a questionnaire. | CO, CS, CM, Privileged User | 1.0+ | 21.2+ |
Clause Automation Site | Copy Clause Set Clauses | Ability to copy an existing clause set as the starting point for creating a new one. Select whether to maintain edits in the original clause set or complete all new fill-ins. | CO, CS, CM, Privileged User | 2.2+ | 23.4+ |
Clause Automation Site | Fill-in Wizard | A guided process to complete fill-ins in clauses. | CO, CS, CM, Privileged User | 1.4+ | 21.4+ |
Clause Automation Site | Add Fill-Ins | Ability to add fill-ins to individual clauses. | Privileged User | 1.4+ | 21.4+ |
Clause Automation Site | Auto-populate Fill-ins | Ability to define values to automatically populate specific fill-ins without any interaction from the user. | Privileged User | 2.6+ | 24.2+ |
Clause Automation Site | Finalize Clause Set | Ability to validate and finalize the clause set to create the supplement clause document. | CO, CS, CM, Privileged User | 1.0+ | 21.2+ |
Clause Automation Site | Validate Clause Set | Ability to validate the clauses have the fill-in data, have been edited, and are the most recent version. | CO, CS, CM, Privileged User | 1.0+ | 21.2+ |
Clause Automation Site | View Document | Ability to view draft or finalized document. | CO, CS, CM, Privileged User | 1.0+ | 21.2+ |
Clause Automation Site | View Clause | Ability to view the clause and prescription text for a clause in the clause set. | CO, CS, CM, Privileged User | 1.0+ | 21.2+ |
Clause Automation Site | Add Clause | Ability to create new clauses to be used in clause sets. | Privileged User | 1.0+ | 21.2+ |
Clause Automation Site | Import Clauses | Ability to import clause data using either a structured spreadsheet or a zip file. | Privileged User | 1.6+ | 22.2+ |
Clause Automation Site | Edit Clauses (from clause set) | Ability to edit clauses in a clause set and provide fill-ins. | CO, CS, CM, Privileged User | 1.0+ | 21.2+ |
Clause Automation Site | Remove Clauses | Ability to remove a clause from the clause set and provide a reason for required clauses. | CO, CS, CM, Privileged User | 1.0+ | 21.2+ |
Clause Automation Site | Exclude Clauses | Ability to exclude a clause from the clause set using a questionnaire rule or template. | CO, CS, CM, Privileged User | 1.0+ | 21.2+ |
Clause Automation Site | Create Award from Solicitation | Ability to create an award clause from from a finalized solicitation clause set. | CO, CS, CM | 1.9+ | 23.1+ |
Clause Automation Site | Sync with Acquisition.gov | Initiate sync with Acquisition.gov to get the latest FAR clauses. Can be run on an individual clause or all clauses. | Privileged User | 1.0+ | 21.2+ |
Clause Automation Site | Sync with DFARS Acquisition.gov | Initiate a sync with Acquisition.gov to get the latest DFARS clauses. Can be run on an individual clause or all clauses. | Privileged User | 2.4+ | 24.1+ |
Clause Automation Site | Edit Clause (from Clauses page) | Ability to update clauses, clause text, and provide an alternate clause value and base clause title to be used in clause sets going forward. | Privileged User | 1.0+ | 21.2+ |
Clause Automation Site | Create Template | Ability to create reusable templates for the clause set wizard. | Privileged User | 1.0+ | 21.2+ |
Clause Automation Site | Create Question | Ability to create questions that can be included in questionnaires, with resulting answers used as conditions in rules. | Privileged User | 1.0+ | 21.2+ |
Clause Automation Site | Create Questionnaire | Ability to create questionnaires that organize and manage a series of questions presented to users as part of the clause set wizard. | Privileged User | 1.0+ | 21.2+ |
Clause Automation Site | Create Rule | Ability to create rules that define clauses to be included or excluded in the clause set wizard based on clause set details or answers to questions. | Privileged User | 1.0+ | 21.2+ |
Clause Automation Site | View detailed clause inclusion reason | Ability to view a detailed reason why a clause was included in a clause set. | CO, CS, CM, Privileged User | 2.4+ | 24.1+ |
Clause Automation Site | Custom Clause Fill-ins | Ability to add custom fill-ins to any clause reference data. | Privileged User | 1.8+ | 22.4+ |
Clause Automation Site | Custom Fill-in Recommendations | Ability to add custom recommendations for a fill-in. | Privileged User | 1.8+ | 22.4+ |
Clause Automation Site | Create Award Clause Set from Solicitation | Create an award clause set from an existing solicitation clause set. | CO, CS, CM | 1.9+ | 23.1+ |
Clause Automation Site | Change Clause from IBR to Full Text in Clause Set | Ability to change a clause from IBR to full text within a clause set. | CO, CS, CM | 2.1+ | 23.4+ |
Integrations | Acquisition.gov | Ability to retrieve updated FAR clause data from the Acquisition.gov Github repository. | Privileged User | 1.0+ | 21.2+ |
Integrations | Acquisition.gov | Ability to retrieve updated DFARS clause data from the Acquisition.gov Github repository. | Privileged User | 2.4+ | 24.1+ |
Records | Clause | Defines important clause information as well as clause text. | CO, CS, CM, Privileged User | 1.0+ | 21.2+ |
Records | Clause Set | Defines clause set information, clauses included in the clause set, and clause text specific to the clause set (including fill-ins). | CO, CS, CM, Privileged User | 1.0+ | 21.2+ |
Records | Rules | Defines rules applied when creating clause set to determine clauses to include or exclude. Rules are based on clause set details or answers to questions. | Privileged User | 1.0+ | 21.2+ |
Records | Questions | Defines questions to be used in questionnaires. | Privileged User | 1.0+ | 21.2+ |
Records | Questionnaires | Defines a collection of questions and how they are presented to users in the clause set wizard in terms of categorization, order, etc. | Privileged User | 1.0+ | 21.2+ |
Records | Templates | Defines static templates to include or exclude specific clauses in a clause set. | Privileged User | 1.0+ | 21.2+ |
Solutions Hub | Acquisition Weekly Sync Schedule | Ability to define the schedule for the automated Acquisition.gov sync. | Privileged User | 1.2+ | 21.3+ |
Solutions Hub | Enable/Disable Acquisition Github Sync | Ability to enable or disable the Acqusition.gov Github integration. Disabling the integration will remove all front-end references to Acquisition.gov. | Privileged User | 1.6+ | 22.2+ |
*Denotes the supported Appian platform version for the corresponding solution feature.
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