Class MessageEventTrigger

All Implemented Interfaces:
JSONable, JSONCacheable, Serializable

public class MessageEventTrigger extends EventTrigger
Represents a receive message event. This type of event waits for a message to come in directed to the process model, the process, or the event, and then evaluates the rules in the context of the message (i.e., you can use message properties in the rules with the syntax "msg!properties.XXX"; see InternalMessage).
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getActiveForLifeOfProcess

      public boolean getActiveForLifeOfProcess()
      Gets whether the trigger, once activated, should remain active for the life of the process, even if it is fired.
      whether it should remain active for the life of the process
      See Also:
    • setActiveForLifeOfProcess

      public void setActiveForLifeOfProcess(boolean activeForLifeOfProcess_)
      Sets whether the trigger, once activated, should remain active for the life of the process, even if it is fired.
      activeForLifeOfProcess_ - whether it should remain active for the life of the process
      See Also:
    • getMessageType

      public String getMessageType()
      Gets the message type (this corresponds with the JMSType message property for incoming messages; see InternalMessage#getMessageType()). Message types are registered in /process/conf/message-types.xml.
      the message type
      See Also:
    • setMessageType

      public void setMessageType(String messageType_)
      Sets the message type (this corresponds with the JMSType message property for incoming messages; see InternalMessage#getMessageType()).
      messageType_ - the message type
      See Also: