SAIL Design System Overview
IntroductionCopy link to clipboard
With the SAIL Design System you can create beautiful, functional interfaces quickly and easily.
The SAIL Design System consists of:
- Appian's UI framework, called SAIL.
- The design guidance and patterns provided on this site.
SAIL UI frameworkCopy link to clipboard
The SAIL UI framework consists of two major building blocks:
- Reusable components and layouts - These can be assembled to build dynamic interfaces for your applications.
- Expression language - Expressions stitch together the UI components with data and logic to create powerful applications.
Components make the interface, and expressions make the interface work.
SAIL Design System siteCopy link to clipboard
This SAIL Design System site guides you through how to design elegant, easy-to-use interfaces that your users will love.
- Get started with Inspiration to give you a taste of what the possibilities of SAIL are.
- Check out Patterns for in-depth guidance and lots of examples to get you started building professional-grade interfaces.
- Review component-specific guidance, as well as our general design guidance to understand the design best practices for SAIL.