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Configure Campuses
This version of CampusPass is not supported and this content is no longer being maintained. See What's New with CampusPass? for information on the latest release.
This content applies solely to CampusPass, which must be purchased separately from the Appian base platform. This content was written for Appian 21.4 and may not reflect the interfaces or functionality of other Appian versions.

Configure campuses

From the Campuses tab, response managers, campus managers, and configuration managers can add, edit, open and close campuses, and inactivate and reactivate campuses.

Add a new campus

You can quickly add one or more campuses by specifying the following information for each location:

  • Campus name
  • Description
  • Country (the state or province field only displays for Canada and the United States)
  • Street address, city, and zip code
  • Open or closed status
  • Arrival instructions
  • Additional information

When you add a new campus, by default, it's set to active. If you need to add a number of campuses at one time, you can import multiple campuses using an Excel spreadsheet.

To add a campus:

  1. From the CONFIGURE page, click CAMPUSES.
  2. Click ADD CAMPUS.


  3. In Name, add a unique campus name.
    • CampusPass displays a validation error, if you attempt to add a campus name that already exists.
  4. (Optional) In Description, enter a campus description.
  5. Enter the Country for your campus, and the State/Province only if applicable for your region.
  6. Enter the Street Address, City, and Zip for your campus in the corresponding fields.
    • Note: The street address you enter for the campus is included in visitor notifications so they know exactly where to report for an on-site visit.
  7. Set the campus status to Open or Closed.
    • Users and visitors can request a pass for an open campus.
    • Users cannot request a pass for a closed campus but visitors can.
  8. (Optional) In Info, enter any additional information you want to communicate to users and visitors about the status of the campus, like operational hours.
  9. (Optional) In Arrival Instructions for Visitors, enter any instructions or additional guidance that you want to communicate to visitors that are visiting the campus.
  10. Click SAVE to add the single campus. Alternatively, you can click SAVE AND ADD ANOTHER to save the campus and add another campus.

Import campuses

From the CAMPUS page, you can also perform a bulk import when you want to add multiple campuses at one time. CampusPass allows you to import an Excel spreadsheet or CSV file that contains all of your campuses to the solution so that you can easily upload them all at one time.


To import your campuses, you can download and use the Campus_Import Excel template that Appian provides. Use this template to copy your campuses and create your own CSV file. If you already have your own CSV file or spreadsheet of your campuses, be sure to use the same column headers and format provided in the sample template file before performing a bulk upload.

To import your campuses:

  1. From the CONFIGURE page, click CAMPUSES.
  3. Click UPLOAD.
  4. Locate and select the campuses spreadsheet you want to upload.
  5. Click NEXT to preview a list of your campuses before importing.
    • In this preview, CampusPass allows you to perform inline editing to correct any errors in your campuses information.
  6. Click IMPORT.

Edit an existing campus

Operational adjustments may require you to quickly make site changes, including changing a campus's status to indicate whether it is open or closed. You can easily edit an existing campus from the Campuses list.

Designating a campus as open or closed determines whether users and visitors have access to request a pass for the campus. When a campus is closed visitors can still receive passes but internal users cannot.

To edit a campus:

  1. From the Campuses list, locate the campus you want to update.
  2. Click the ellipsis icon at the end of the row and select Edit.
  3. In the Edit Campus dialog, modify the information you want to change.
  4. Click SAVE.

Deactivating and reactivating campuses

If you would like to completely remove a campus from the campuses list because it is a duplicate, you made an error when entering the campus, or the campus is permanently closed, you can inactivate the campus.

Inactivating a campus is different than updating the site status to closed, which indicates that the campus is temporarily unavailable to users and visitors. Inactivating a campus causes the following actions to occur:

  • Triggers a campus closure and deactivates all associated areas.
  • Prevents all users, including response managers, from submitting a pass request for the campus.
  • Revokes all active user passes to the campus. Visitor passes are not revoked.
  • Sends a campus closure notification to all affected users.
  • Removes the inactive campus from the campuses list that users have access to view. Note: Inactive campuses still show up in the Pass Request report.

If you no longer want to use a campus, inactive it. If you still plan to use the campus in the future but want to prevent users from requesting a pass for the campus, close it instead.

Note:  Response managers can still view inactive campuses from the campuses list.

To inactivate an active campus:

  1. From the Campuses list, locate the campus you want to update.
  2. Click the ellipsis icon for the campus you want to deactivate and select Set to Inactive.


  3. From the Make Inactive dialog, click MAKE INACTIVE.


To reactivate an inactive campus:

  1. From the Campuses list, locate the campus you want to activate.
  2. Click the ellipsis icon for the campus you want to reactivate and select Set to Active.
  3. To allow users to request a pass to the campus, edit the campus to update the status to Open.

Configure Campuses