View this page in the latest version of Appian. keyval() Function Share Share via LinkedIn Reddit Email Copy Link Print On This Page Function keyval( text, keys, separators, delimiters ) Returns the value(s) associated with the given key(s). This function performs the reverse of insertkeyval() function. See also: insertkeyval() Parameters Keyword Type Description text Text The text to parse. keys Text Array Array of keys. separators Text Array Array of key-value separators. delimiters Text Array Array of delimiters specifying the end of a value. Returns Text Array Usage considerations Using the separators parameter If a single separator value is passed, it is used for parsing all key-value pairs; if multiple separators are specified, the number of separators must match the number of keys. Using the delimiter parameter If a single delimiter value is passed, it is used for parsing all key-value pairs; if multiple delimiters are specified, the number of delimiters must match the number of keys. Examples keyval("hello=alpha][goodbye=beta]", {"hello"}, "=", "]") returns alpha Feature compatibility The table below lists this function's compatibility with various features in Appian. Feature Compatibility Note Portals Compatible Offline Mobile Compatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Compatible Can be used to create a custom record field that only evaluates at sync time. Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Process Reports Compatible Process Events Compatible Feedback Was this page helpful? SHARE FEEDBACK Loading...