This page contains information related to an old version of the a!recordFilterDateRange() Function.
To take advantage of the latest features and improvements, we always recommend you use the latest version whenever possible. See the latest version's page for information about what's been changed.
This function creates a Facet type object, and is used within a Record Type Object for creating and configuring date range user filters. See Expression-Based User Filters for common uses.
a!recordFilterDateRange_20r2( name, field, defaultFrom, defaultTo, isVisible )
Creates a user filter for a record list. This is an older version of the a!recordFilterDateRange()
function, which supports record type field references.
Keyword | Type | Description |
Text |
The name of the user filter that displays to end users. |
Text |
The name of the field the filter will apply to. |
Text |
Determines which, if any, starting date is applied when a record list first loads. |
Text |
Determines which, if any, ending date is applied when a record list first loads. |
Boolean |
Determines whether the filter is visible to the user at runtime. Default is true. |
name: "Hire Date",
field: "hireDate",
defaultFrom: "today()",
defaultTo: "today() + 365",
isVisible: true
a!recordFilterDateRange_20r2 Function