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Editable Grid Component
SAIL Design System guidance available for Grids

Grids should help your users take action and make decisions. Check out the grids design guidance page to learn how to display your data in a structured, easy-to-scan layout to help your users find what they need.


a!gridLayout( label, instructions, headerCells, columnConfigs, rows, validations, validationGroup, selectable, selectionDisabled, selectionRequired, selectionValue, selectionSaveInto, addRowLink, totalCount, emptyGridMessage, helpTooltip, labelPosition, showWhen, shadeAlternateRows, spacing, height, borderStyle, selectionStyle, rowHeader, accessibilityText )

Displays a tabular layout of SAIL components to provide quick inline editing of fields. For an example of how to configure an editable grid, see the Add, Edit, and Remove Data in an Inline Editable Grid SAIL Recipe.


Name Keyword Types Description




Text to display as the grid label.




Supplemental text about this grid.

Header Cells


List of Variant

Array of column headers created with a!gridLayoutHeaderCell().

Column Configurations


List of GridColumnConfiguration

Array of column configurations created with a!gridLayoutColumnConfig().



List of Variant

Array of grid rows created with a!gridRowLayout().



List of Variant

Validation errors to display below the grid.

Validation Group



When present, the requiredness of the field is only evaluated when a button in the same validation group is pressed. The value for this parameter cannot contain spaces. For example, “validation group” is not a valid value. You need to add an underscore between words: “validation_group”. See the following recipes for more information:




Determines if the selection column is displayed. Default: false.

Selection disabled



Determines if selection is disabled on all rows. Default: false.

Selection required



Determines if a selection is required to submit the form. Default: false.

Selection Value


List of Variant

Identifiers of selected rows.

Save Selection To


List of Save

One or more variables that are updated with the selected identifiers when the user changes selections. Use a!save() to save a modified or alternative value to a variable.

Add Row Link


Any Type

Link for adding a row to the grid. Create link using a!dynamicLink().

Total Count


Number (Integer)

Number of rows of data displayed in the grid.

Empty Grid Message



Text to display in the grid when no data is available. Default is "No items available".

Help Tooltip



Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The tooltip displays a maximum of 500 characters. The help icon does not show when the label position is "COLLAPSED".

Label Position



Determines where the label appears. Valid values:

  • "ABOVE" (default) Displays the label above the component.
  • "ADJACENT" Displays the label to the left of the component.
  • "COLLAPSED" Hides the label. The label will still be read by screen readers; see accessibility considerations for more information.
  • "JUSTIFIED" Aligns the label alongside the component starting at the edge of the page.




Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default: true.

Shade alternate rows



Determines whether alternate rows are shaded. Default: true.




Determines the spacing within grid cells. Valid values: "STANDARD" (web default), "DENSE" (mobile default).




Determines the height of the grid. Valid values: "SHORT", "MEDIUM", "TALL", "AUTO" (default). When set to SHORT, MEDIUM, or TALL, the header is frozen.

Border Style



Determines the style of the grid border. Valid values: "STANDARD" (default), "LIGHT".

Selection Style



Determines the style when a row is selected. Valid values: "CHECKBOX" (default), "ROW_HIGHLIGHT".

Row Header


Number (Integer)

Index of the column to be used as the row header. Screen readers will announce the value in each row header when navigating to other cells within that row. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change.

Accessibility Text



Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change.

Usage considerations

Performance and data

  • Performance is affected by the number of components in an interface. If your interface contains an editable grid with many cells, the interface may feel slow. See also: Interface Evaluation Lifecycle
  • When using a datasubset obtained using a!queryEntity() as the source of data for the editable grid, make sure to set its fetchTotalCount parameter to true. Otherwise, the totalCount field on the resulting datasubset may be invalid (i.e. set to -1). This is relevant for the totalCount parameter on the editable grid. See also: a!queryEntity() Function.

Component behavior in grid cells

  • When an interface component is placed into a grid cell, the following component configurations are ignored:
    • label
    • instructions
    • label position
  • Validation messages on the component within the grid cell are displayed when the component's value is not null.
  • The components placed within a grid cell can be different across the rows in one column.

Using images in editable grids

  • When placing an Image Field component inside an editable grid, there are some additional restrictions that do not apply when an image component is outside of a grid.
  • The image component behaves slightly differently when it is placed inside of a Grid Layout component than when it is outside of a Grid Layout.
    • Inside an editable grid, the image size FIT is not allowed.
    • Inside an editable grid, the default size for an image component is ICON. Other valid image sizes include SMALL, MEDIUM, and LARGE.
    • Inside an editable grid, you can only have 0 or 1 images in an image component. Multiple images in the same grid cell are not supported.
    • All image components in the same column must have the same size.
  • The Grid Text Column and Grid Image Column components cannot be used in an editable grid.

Grid height and headers

  • Grid heights behave as a fixed height on web but a maximum height on mobile.
  • Setting the height of the grid to SHORT, MEDIUM, or TALL will freeze the grid's header and footer. See the Short Editable Grid with Weighted Columns example below.
  • For accessibility purposes, every grid should have a row header configured. The first column containing text is usually the correct choice for row header. See the SAIL Design System for more information.


Copy and paste an example into the INTERFACE DEFINITION in EXPRESSION MODE to see it displayed.

Editable grid with two rows

Use the interactive editor below to test out your code:

Editable grid with two rows using looping

See Add, Edit, and Remove Data in an Inline Editable Grid recipe for more help using a!forEach with the editable grid.

Use the interactive editor below to test out your code:

Editable grid with validations

Use the interactive editor below to test out your code:

Editable grid with selection

Use the interactive editor below to test out your code:

Editable grid with weighted columns

Use the interactive editor below to test out your code:

Short editable grid with weighted columns

Use the interactive editor below to test out your code:

Feature compatibility

The table below lists this SAIL component's compatibility with various features in Appian.
Feature Compatibility Note
Portals Compatible
Offline Mobile Compatible
Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible
Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible
Process Reports Incompatible

You cannot use this function to configure a process report.

Process Events Incompatible

You cannot use this function to configure a process event node, such as a start event or timer event.

The following patterns include usage of the Editable Grid Component.

Editable Grid Component