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Home Page User Guide
This version of CampusPass is not supported and this content is no longer being maintained. See What's New with CampusPass? for information on the latest release.
This content applies solely to CampusPass, which must be purchased separately from the Appian base platform. This content was written for Appian 21.4 and may not reflect the interfaces or functionality of other Appian versions.


In order to keep students, faculty, and staff safe and healthy, you need to collect information from them, like:

  • Are they at increased risk if they come back to campus?
  • Are they experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or do they have a higher risk of becoming infected?
  • Have they noticed any unsafe conditions?
  • How are they feeling and do they need any assistance?
  • Are they fully vaccinated and do they have related documentation?

But there's a problem—communicating with a large number of people is incredibly difficult. CampusPass makes it easier for individuals to communicate with their academic institution.

This guide instructs users on how to use the CampusPass HOME page to stay informed and communicate with their academic institution.

See also

CampusPass home page

CampusPass contains a Home page where users can:

Only the information that a user can act on will display on their Home page. For example, if a response manager has not requested test results from a user, the Please take a COVID-19 test section will not display.

home page

Updating user profile

The first time users log in to the CampusPass solution, they see a Welcome screen. Clicking the GET STARTED button will allow users to provide their profile information.

get started

Users can click DO LATER to skip this step and go straight to the CampusPass Home page.

If they skip this step, they can still:

  • Report incidents (if enabled)
  • View resources
  • View announcements

Until they provide their profile information, they cannot:

  • Complete a survey
  • Request a pass
  • Log contacts
  • Provide COVID-19 test results
  • Provide proof of vaccination

do later

Users can update their profile information at any time by clicking the Profile icon at the bottom of the home page.

Viewing target announcements

Users can also view target announcements from the Home page. For example, a response manager can send an announcement to let users know when a campus is closed or reopened.

/announcement home page

CampusPass allows response managers to create a new announcement to send to all users or users on a specific campus. Users in the selected groups are the only ones who will receive an email and push notification on their mobile device when the announcement is sent. They are also the only ones who can view the announcement on their landing page.

Acknowledging and submitting test results

If a response manager has requested a test from a user, the user will not be able to request a pass or update the survey until they have acknowledged the test request.

To acknowledge the test request:

  1. On the home page, click VIEW TEST OPTIONS.
  2. Click I need to take a test.
  3. Select I have read and understand the guidance to get a test and click ACKNOWLEDGE.

acknowledge test request

To submit test results:

  1. On the home page, click VIEW TEST OPTIONS or SUBMIT TEST RESULTS.
  2. If you didn't already acknowledge your test request, click I have test results available.
  3. Enter the information for your test and click SUBMIT.


Updating health information and vaccination history

If CampusPass is configured to collect Vaccination Insights, users can update their profile with COVID-19 health information via their Profile form. You can configure this setting to include questions about a user's vaccination status, booster doses, and COVID-19 positivity history. From their Profile form, users can update their:

  • COVID-19 vaccination status
  • Vaccine manufacturer and number (if partially or fully vaccinated)
  • Date of the first and second vaccination dose (if partially or fully vaccinated)
  • Proof of vaccination
  • Booster dose information and documentation
  • COVID-19 test history

    /covid19 health information

Note the if the Ask for user consent setting in the Vaccination Insights the configuration section is toggled on, users are required to provide consent before they submit any vaccination information, including photos or files showing proof of vaccination.

Updating COVID-19 health data

When completing or updating this section, if a user indicates that they are waiting to receive the COVID-19 vaccine or that they are partially vaccinated, CampusPass reminds them to update their vaccination status after 28 days. If the vaccination status question is configured to require further explanation when a user indicates they do not intend to be vaccinated, they will need to provide a reason why.

If a user indicates that they are partially or fully vaccinated, they can enter information about any 1 or 2-dose series they received.

If the Booster Doses setting is enabled, your Partially Vaccinated and Fully Vaccinated students, faculty, and staff can report when they have received additional doses, beyond the 1 or 2-dose series, of the COVID-19 vaccination by updating their user profile. CampusPass makes reporting additional booster doses fast and easy from the user's mobile device.

In the Booster Doses section, users can simply click ADD BOOSTER DOSE to enter information about any booster shots they received, including the vaccine name and manufacturer, dose date, and proof of vaccination.


After adding all of the required information, your users can see the vaccination history in their user profile. The booster dose history grid displays information for each booster dose a user entered. From the history grid, users can also download any vaccination documentation they uploaded as proof of a booster dose, edit an existing booster dose, and delete a booster dose record.


For each booster dose the user enters, CampusPass collects the required information, including:

  • Dose Date: Date the user received the booster dose.
    • This date is required regardless of Dose Date setting configured for the initial 1 or 2-dose vaccination information collection workflow.
  • Vaccine Name/Manufacturer: The name and manufacturer for the booster vaccine the user received.
    • These settings will be the same as the Vaccine Name settings for the initial 1 or 2-dose vaccination information collection workflow.
  • Booster Vaccine Documentation: Proof of vaccination for each vaccine booster the user received. Note that the user is required to upload individual documentation for each vaccine booster entered. If the user's vaccine card lists all vaccinations received, they can upload the same card for each 1 or 2-dose vaccination or booster dose entered.
    • These settings will be the same as the Vaccine Name settings for the initial 1 or 2-dose vaccination information collection workflow.

In addition, CampusPass makes it easy for users that have a positive COVID-19 test result already saved in the system. The solution auto-populates the user's previously recorded information in the COVID-19 Health Information section of their profile form.

When completing or updating their COVID-19 health data, any user that reports a COVID-19 positive test result is also required to provide the date of their last positive test.

Providing proof of vaccination

When the Require Proof of Vaccination Verification setting is toggled on, users who report they are partially or fully vaccinated must provide proof of vaccination by uploading related documentation to their Profile form. . Note that if the Booster Doses setting is also enabled, users must provide proof of vaccination when updating their profile with any booster doses they received.

If the Require Proof of Vaccination Verification setting is toggled off, fully and partially vaccinated users are not required to submit their vaccination documentation. Note that no action is required by the user until they indicate they're fully or partially vaccinated.

When a user is ready to provide their proof of vaccination, they can navigate to the the Proof of Vaccination field in their Profile form and simply tap Upload.

/proof vacc field

This allows them to use their mobile device to capture one or more photos or videos of their vaccination proof, upload one or more files confirming vaccination, or upload a combination of visual media and files.

/proof vacc photo

To upload proof of vaccination:

  1. From the CampusPass Home page, click UPDATE PROFILE in the Update your vaccination status section.
  2. Go to the Proof of Vaccination field and click UPLOAD.
  3. Select a document upload option to attach your visual media or file.
    • Options include:
      • Take a photo
      • Take a video
      • Choose from library
      • Choose file
  4. Click NEXT.

Before they are verified, these users are classified as Fully Vaccinated (Unverified). Users who report being fully vaccinated before this setting is toggled on are also classified as Fully Vaccinated (Unverified). After a response manager verifies a user’s vaccination documentation, the user's vaccination status will change to Fully Vaccinated (Verified).

For all users that are designated as fully or partially vaccinated prior to upgrading to the latest version of CampusPass and have uploaded documents to the Related documentation field, nothing is required. The solution will automatically migrate their files to the Proof of Vaccination field.

Reporting an incident

If the User Incident Creation feature toggle is active, users can report an incident to response managers. Incidents can be used to report things such as unsafe conditions, COVID-19 positive diagnoses, or exposure to or symptoms of COVID-19.

To report an incident:

  1. From the CampusPass home page, click REPORT AN INCIDENT.

  2. Answer the questions and click NEXT.
    • Note: If Yes is selected for both questions, this will create a COVID-19 isolation incident and the user will be asked to report any close contacts that they have had on campus in the last 14 days. When they submit the incident, the contact tracing data will be displayed to response managers in the COVID-19 isolation incident.
  3. Fill out the incident details and click REPORT INCIDENT.

report an incident

If a COVID-19 isolation incident was created, the user will be automatically placed into isolation. Users can only have one open COVID-19 isolation incident at a time.

Viewing incidents

To view incidents, scroll to the bottom of the home page and click Incidents.

Only the following incidents display:

  • COVID-19 isolation incidents for the user.
  • Incidents created by the user.
  • Incidents created by a response manager on behalf of the user.

Non-COVID-19 isolation incidents that were automatically created based on a positive test don't typically display to end users. However, if a response manager comments on an automatically-created incident, that incident will display to the user so that they can comment back.


Being in isolation

Users can be placed into isolation manually by response managers, or automatically if they report that they have been diagnosed as COVID-19 positive, are showing symptoms, or came in contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19. While users are isolated, they cannot complete a survey or request a pass, but they can perform all other actions on the site. As soon as a user is placed into isolation any active passes they have will be revoked.

When users are in isolation, instead of a pass request section, they will see an isolation section on their home page. If Isolation Updates are active, and the visibility for at least one isolation question is applicable to a user, that user will be asked to complete an isolation update.

isolation update

Completing a survey

A survey is a set of questions that can be sent to users before they start requesting passes. You can use this to gauge interest and ability to return to campus.

When the survey is active, on the CampusPass home page users will see an option to complete the survey. If they complete the survey with no disqualifying answers, they will be able to start requesting passes to determine their ability to return to campus.

start survey

If the Pass Requests Disabled by Active Survey Incidents feature toggle is turned on and an incident is created based on a user's response to a survey question, they will not be able to request a pass until a response manager closes the incident. If they update their survey, a comment will be added to the incident, but it will not automatically allow them to request passes, even if they respond with answers that are not disqualifying.

Requesting a pass

If users are eligible to request a pass, they will see the request pass section on their CampusPass home page. Note that if the Block Pass Request feature is enabled, and Collect Vaccination Information feature is turned on, users may be ineligible to request a pass when they match all criteria set in the Block Pass Request feature.

Requesting a pass helps users determine their fitness to return to the campus. All questions are required and the information will go to the response managers reporting dashboard.

pass request

Users can request passes for multiple campuses. If the Next Day Pass Requests feature is toggled on, they can also plan ahead by requesting a pass for the next day.

The pass is valid for one day. After the pass expires, the user will need to request a pass again to receive another one.

Pass eligibility

After a user submits their request, the result of their request displays. The possible results are: Approved, denied, or denied for campus.

Note that a user may be blocked from requesting a pass if they match the negative test result or vaccination status filters configured in the Block Pass Request feature.

pass results

Denied for campus explanation

Some pass request questions are only for specific locations. When the questions are being configured, these questions have Only show this question to users in certain locations selected for visibility. If a user chooses a response that disqualifies them on a location-specific question, they will not be given a pass for that campus. Additionally, if they already have a valid pass for that campus, it will be revoked. They can still request a pass for other campuses.

Note that if the question is also configured to report an incident and the Pass Requests Disabled by Active Pass Request Response Incidents feature is active, they will not be able to request a pass for any campus, and their active passes will be revoked.

Pass Requests Disabled by Active Pass Request Response Incidents

For questions that aren't specific to a certain location, if a user responds with an answer that disqualifies them, any passes that they have been issued will be revoked and a message will display asking them to stay home.

Displaying passes

If a user is eligible for a pass for the day and campus that they are requesting, the pass displays on their home page.

The pass contains the following:

  • The campus that the pass is for.
  • The color-coded day of the week that the pass is for.
  • A QR code that can be scanned at the campus.

Users can display this pass in the Appian application or from an email that is automatically sent to the user.

Additionally, the active passes for each day and campus that was requested displays.


Using community help

If the Community Volunteering and Help Requests feature toggle is turned on, a Community Help icon will display on the home page. Clicking this will allow users to request help or sign up to volunteer.

Requesting help

If a user needs assistance from a member of the campus community, they can submit a help request which can be addressed by a volunteer.

request help

Signing up to volunteer

If the Community Volunteering and Help Requests feature toggle is active, for users wishing to volunteer, a simple form is provided for them to fill out. Based on their responses, they can be matched with incoming assistance requests to provide the help needed.

volunteer information

Viewing assigned requests

view assigned requests

If the Community Volunteering and Help Requests feature toggle is active and users have signed up to be a volunteer, they can click View Assigned Requests to see a grid of help requests assigned to them. When they select a request from the grid, they are taken to the summary view. This view provides information on the status and details of the request, contact information of the requester, and the request location. Requesters may close and cancel requests and assigned volunteers can close requests and decline assignments.

Viewing resources

Resources are available under the Helpful Links, Policy Documents, and Campuses links. These sections contain links to external resources, documents uploaded by your institution and information on your institution's campuses.

Hosting visitors

Users can be given access to host visitors. Hosting consists of scheduling visits for visitors and adding new visitors. Hosts can also cancel visits that they have scheduled.

Scheduling visits

Before a visitor can come on site, they must have a visit scheduled by someone who has been given access to host visitors. All hosts can access this action from the CampusPass home page, but screeners and response managers can schedule visits from the Response Hub as well.

To schedule a visit:

  1. On the bottom of the CampusPass home page, click the Visitors icon.
    • Tip: Only users who have been given access to the host will see this icon.

    scheduling a visit

  3. Select a campus and click NEXT.
    • Tip: You can select closed campuses since some visitors, such as cleaning and maintenance crews, may still need access to campuses that are closed.
  4. Select the day or day range that the visitor should be able to visit and click NEXT.
  5. Select the visitor.
    • If the visitor is already in the system, find and select them in the Select Visitor field.
      • Tip: If a message displays that says the visitor is not eligible to visit, it is likely because they are in isolation or have an open incident.
    • If the visitor is new, click + NEW VISITOR, then enter a first and last name and an email address and click ADD.
      • Note: The email address will be the visitor's username.
  6. Click Finish.

The visitor will need to complete a pass request in order to visit the campus. If they are not eligible to visit based on their responses, the host will receive an email.

Canceling visits

After you schedule a visit for a visitor, it will display when you click the Visitors icon. Here, you can see the status of the visit, such as if the visitor has received a pass to visit the campus. You can also cancel an upcoming visit, if necessary.

To cancel a visit:

  1. On the bottom of the CampusPass home page, click the Visitors icon.
    • Tip: Only users who have been given access to the host will see this icon.
  2. Identify the visit you want to cancel and click Cancel Visit.
  3. On the next page, click CANCEL VISIT.

After a visit is canceled, any active passes that the visitor had will be revoked and the visitor will be sent an email letting them know that the visit was canceled.

Home Page User Guide